Are you confused with which Pokemon is effective against another and which ones you need to avoid? Check out our all Pokemon type weaknesses article and get clued up on the facts!
Remembering who is weak against who and which types are most effective can be tough, especially when you’re in the middle of a battle and need to think who to pull out of your team next.
Don’t worry though; we’ve got you covered.
Discover every Pokemon type Weakness here and test yourself on your new knowledge!
Every Pokemon Type Weakness And Their Strengths
Normal Type Pokemon

Normal type Pokemon are weak against Fighting type Pokemon.
They sit on their own in the Pokemon Type Weaknesses chart, a bit of an enigma, some might say.
And they’re strong against… well, they aren’t strong against any Pokemon type, so you’ll have to rely on brute strength alone!
Check out our list of the best Normal type Pokemon of all time!
Fire Type Pokemon

Fire type Pokemon are weak against Water, Ground, and Rock type Pokemon.
Anyone that remembers playing Pokemon Red & Blue will know how hard those battles against Misty were when you picked Charmander!
The good news is that Fire Pokemon are effective against Ice, Steel, Grass, and Bug type Pokemon, so plan accordingly and, like Gremlins, just don’t get your Fire Pokemon wet.
Check out our list of the best Fire type Pokemon!
Water Type Pokemon

Water type Pokemon are weak against Grass and Electric type Pokemon.
I mean, water and electric don’t go well together in any kind of world, do they.
But Grass has always confused me. Plants need water; you would have thought they would be best friends!
Water Pokemon are strong against Ground, Rock, and of course, Fire type Pokemon. Starmie can jump in the sea for all that stress she caused me on the DMG!
Check out our list of the best Water type Pokemon of all time!
Electric Type Pokemon

Electric type Pokemon are weak against Ground type Pokemon.
That should make sense to all of us; we ground electrical systems in order to make them safe against electrical shocks, which is a good way of remembering this one.
Our electrifying friends are strong agains Water and Flying type Pokemon. So if you want to fry any birds in the sky, these guys are your best bet.
See where Pikachu ranked in our All Pokemon Starters Tier List!
Grass Type Pokemon

Grass type Pokemon are weak against Poison, Ice, Flying, Bug, and Fire type Pokemon.
That’s a lot of Pokemon type weaknesses to consider here. Some might say it’s easier to just keep your Grass type Pokemon in a nursery somewhere and let them gain experience in a safe environment, but all is not lost.
These leafy menaces are strong against Water, Rock, and Ground type Pokemon. So, if you’re working through Pokemon LeafGreen and want to stick it to Brock, pick Bulbasaur every time.
Check out our list of the best Grass type Pokemon!
Ice Type Pokemon

Ice type Pokemon are weak against Steel, Fighting, Rock, and Fire. Basically, if it can smash through or melt ice, stay away from it.
It would be madness, therefore, to bring out a Regice against Arcanine, for example. Regice would be about as much use as a chocolate teapot!
Ice type Pokemon are strong against Ground, Grass, Flying and Dragon type Pokemon, so if you see Dragonite walking over the hill, send Articuno to finish it off!
Check out our list of the best Ice type Pokemon of all time!
Fighting Type Pokemon

Fighting type Pokemon are weak against Flying, Psychic, and Fairy type Pokemon.
If you’re about to go up against the dual Psychic and Fairy type Pokemon Gardevoir and you only have a Fighting type Team, then I would start making an appointment at the nearest Pokemon Center.
Fighting Type Pokemon are strong against Steel, Rock, Normal, Dark, and Ice Pokemon, so as long as you’re avoiding Alakazam, Fearow, Clefairy & co, you should be fine!
Check out our list of the best Fighting type Pokemon!
Poison Type Pokemon

Poison type Pokemon are weak against Ground and Psychic type Pokemon.
Don’t let those pesky Psychic types get inside your head. If you see Alakazam stepping off the bench, then put your Poison Pokemon back into your bag as fast as possible. The same goes for Ground type Pokemon like Donphan or Sandslash
Your Poison masters are strong against Fairy and Grass type Pokemon, however, so that’s one to bear in mind when going up against Fairy and Grass type heavy Pokemon trainers.
Check out our list of the best Poison type Pokemon!
Ground Type Pokemon

Ground type Pokemon are weak against Grass, Ice, and Water type Pokemon.
I’d like to see Oddish going up against some of the guys in the still above; what a fight!
They’re strong against Steel, Rock, Fire, electric, and Poison type Pokemon.
Check out our list of the best Ground type Pokemon here!
Flying Type Pokemon

Flying type Pokemon are weak against Rock, Electric, and Ice type Pokemon.
In the case of dual types like Zapdos and Articuno, this isn’t applicable, but it’s a general rule for single types.
They’re strong against Grass, Bug, and Fighting type Pokemon.
Check out our list of the best Flying type Pokemon by strength here!
Psychic Type Pokemon

Psychic type Pokemon are weak against Dark, Bug, and Ghost type Pokemon.
Houndoom isn’t afraid of spoon bending, it would seem!
They are, however, strong against Poison and Fighting type Pokemon.
Check out our list of the best Psychic Pokemon!
Bug Type Pokemon

Bug type Pokemon are weak against Fire, Rock, and Flying type Pokemon
I guess this is another ‘no brainer’ in our Pokemon type weaknesses article. Birds eat bugs, they don’t do well with fire, and they wouldn’t fare well when struck by a rock.
Weirdly, Bug Pokemon are strong against Grass, Psychic, and Dark type Pokemon. I’ve never tried to hypnotise a bug in the dark while on a lawn, but I definitely won’t now I know this!
Check out our list of the best Bug type Pokemon of all time!
Rock Type Pokemon

Rock type Pokemon are weak against Water, Steel, Fighting, Grass, and Ground type Pokemon.
This is why having a Pokemon type weaknesses article is helpful for all of us, because you wouldn’t think that a blade of grass could beat a rock. And I’ve never had any luck squeezing water from a stone either!
Still, there you have it!
Rock Pokemon can easily crush Bug, Fire, Ice, and Flying types. I guess you really can kill two birds with one stone after all!
Check out our list of the best Rock type Pokemon!
Ghost Type Pokemon

Ghost type Pokemon are both weak and strong against other Ghost type Pokemon. They’re also weak against Dark type Pokemon.
Which is odd, because Ghosts tend to like the dark, but maybe they’re actually afraid of it!also strong against Psychic Pokemon too.
Check out our list of the best Ghost type Pokemon!
Dragon Type Pokemon

Dragon type Pokemon are weak and strong against Dragon type Pokemon. They’re also weak against Fairy and Ice type Pokemon too.
What is it about these last two Pokemon type weaknesses – what happens if they fight their own reflections?
Dragon type Pokemon are only strong against Dragon type Pokemon, so it’s another case of K.O or be K.O’d if you’ve got a Dragon facing a Dragon in battle!
Check out our list of the best Dragon type Pokemon of all time!
Dark Type Pokemon

Dark type Pokemon are weak against Fighting, Fairy, and Bug type Pokemon.
I guess they should be used to seeing punches coming in the dark by now, and you just wouldn’t expect a bug to be able to take down Houndoom!
They’re strong against Psychic and Ghost type Pokemon. Watch out Gengar; you’ll be between Umbreon’s teeth if you don’t keep your wits about you!
Check out our list of the best Dark type Pokemon!
Steel Type Pokemon

Steel type Pokemon are weak against Fire, Ground, and Fighting type Pokemon.
I guess a good way of remembering this is that if you try to punch through steel, then you’re going to get hurt. It also does pretty well against fire and if you hit it on the ground, although admittedly I’ve never done any of these in real life…
These steely-eyed critters are strong against Rock, Ice, and Fairy type Pokemon.
Check out our list of the best Steel type Pokemon!
Fairy Type Pokemon

Fairy type Pokemon are weak against Steel and Poison Pokemon.
Clefairy and co are the last batch of creatures in our Pokemon type weaknesses article, but they certainly shouldn’t be underestimated.
While they are weak against the likes of Metagross and Toxicroak, they are strong against Fighting, Dark, and Dragon type Pokemon!
Check out our list of the best Fairy type Pokemon of all time!
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