In the world of Pokemon, water type Pokemon reign supreme. They are some of the most versatile and strongest Pokemon in existence, spanning across every single generation. In this article, we will countdown the best water type Pokemon of the year.
If you are like me then water-type Pokemon are your favourite and a mandatory choice to every game when picking your first starter Pokemon.
These are Pokemon that you should definitely add to your team if you want to win in any battle and in my personal opinion the best water type Pokemon all time.
They also have some of the best illustrations with the trading card game too!
Let’s “dive” in.
Table of Contents
1. Blastoise

The first Pokemon on our list is the fully evolved form of the starter Pokemon Squirtle, Blastoise. As one of the original 151 Pokemon, it has cemented its place in pop culture and hearts around the world. It was even featured in the first live action Pokemon movie alongside Ash Ketchum.
Blastoise is a massive tortoise Pokemon that carries two massive water cannons on its back. These cannons can shoot water with such force and accuracy that they can puncture holes through steel.
In the anime, Blastoise has been shown to be incredibly powerful, taking down some of the strongest Pokemon with ease.
Despite its overwhelming strength, Blastoise is a gentle giant and is one of the kindest Pokemon around. It has even been known to help out humans in need, using its water cannons to put out fires and save people from drowning.
Blastoise is definitely one of the best water type Pokemon around and deserves its place on this list. It is effective against fire, ground and rock type Pokemon, making it a versatile addition to any team.
2. Kyogre

Kyogre is a legendary water type Pokemon that first appeared in the third generation of Pokemon games. It is known as the “Sea Basin Pokémon” and is said to be responsible for the expansion of the oceans.
In ancient times, Kyogre was involved in a great war with another legendary Pokemon, Groudon (which is one of the best fire type Pokemon of all time). The two fought for control of the land and sea, causing massive destruction across the world. Eventually, Kyogre was sealed away by a group of ancient people known as the Guardians.
Kyogre is an incredibly powerful Pokemon, able to create massive rainstorms and tsunamis. It is said that when Kyogre is angry, the seas will rage and the skies will darken. In the anime, it has been shown to be capable of taking down whole cities with its power.
Despite its destructive power, Kyogre is a kind Pokemon that only wants to help others. It has been known to help humans and Pokemon in need, using its power to create rain and quench thirsts.
Kyogre is certainly one of the best water type Pokemon around especially if you like your legendaries and deserves its place on this list.
It is effective against fire, ground and rock type Pokemon, making it a versatile addition to any team. It’s vulnerable against electric and grass type attacks though, so be sure to keep that in mind.
3. Swampert

Swampert is the fully evolved form of Mudkip, one of the starter Pokemon from the third generation of games. It is known as the “Mud Fish Pokémon” and is said to be able to predict storms by sensing barometric pressure changes.
Swampert is a massive amphibious Pokemon that is covered in blue fur. It has four muscular arms and two large legs, each of which end in three claws. It also has a long tail that it uses to help it swim through water at high speeds.
In the anime, Swampert has been shown to be incredibly powerful, easily able to take down some of the strongest Pokemon. It is also incredibly durable, taking hits that would KO most other Pokemon and still being able to fight.
Swampert is a kind Pokemon that cares deeply for its friends and family. It has even been known to put itself in harm’s way to protect those it cares for.
It is effective against fire, ground and rock type Pokemon, making it a versatile addition to any team.
It’s vulnerable against electric and grass type attacks.
4. Vaporeon

Next on our list is Vaporeon, the water stone evolution of Eevee. Out of all of Eevee’s evolutions, Vaporeon is by far the strongest. It is incredibly large, almost as big as Blastoise, and has a sleek blue body that is perfect for swimming through water.
Vaporeon is an incredibly powerful Pokemon, able to take down some of the strongest foes with ease.
In the anime, it has been shown to be capable of taking down whole teams of Pokemon by itself. It is also one of the few Pokemon that can learn the move “Hydro Pump”, which is one of the most powerful water type moves in the game.
Despite its incredible power, Vaporeon is a smart and loving Pokemon.
Vaporeon is one of the best water type Pokemon around for those that love Eevee and deserves its place on this list.
It is effective against fire, ground and rock type Pokemon, making it a versatile addition to any team. It’s vulnerable against electric and grass.
5. Wailord

Last on our list is Wailord, the massive whale Pokemon. Wailord is absolutely giant, measuring in at over 140 feet long and weighing in at around 350 tons. It is so big that it can’t move on land and has to swim through the water to get around exclusively.
Despite its massive size, Wailord is surprisingly fast and agile in the water. In the anime, it has been shown to be able to keep up with some of the fastest Pokemon, such as Electrode and Jolteon.
Wailord is a gentle giant, preferring to live peacefully in the ocean with its school of fellow Wailords. It has been known to help humans and Pokemon in need, using its massive size to protect them from harm.
Wailord is effective against fire, ground and rock type Pokemon, though watch our for electric and grass type Pokemon, they’ll hit Wailord hard!
6. Gyarados

Gyarados is a massive sea dragon Pokemon that is based on the Chinese legend of the same name. It is incredibly powerful and feared by many, due to its destructive nature.
Gyarados is normally calm and peaceful, but if it becomes enraged with anger then it will go on a rampage, destroying everything in its path. In the anime, it has been shown to be capable of taking down whole teams of Pokemon by itself.
Gyarados is a beastly Pokemon, being effective against fire, ground and rock type Pokemon. It’s vulnerable against electric and again… grass types!
Gyarados was actually my first ever holo from the TCG, I pulled it back in 1999.
7. Kingler

Next on our list is Kingler, the giant crab Pokemon. Kingler is massive, measuring in at over six feet long and weighing in at around 400 pounds. It has two massive claws that it uses to crush its prey.
Kingler is a powerful Pokemon, able to take down some of the strongest foes with ease. In the anime, it has been shown to be capable of taking down whole teams of Pokemon by itself.
It is also one of the few Pokemon that can learn the move “Crabhammer”, which is a powerful water type move.
Despite its incredible power, Kingler is ferocious and angry Pokemon.
Kingler is effective against fire, ground and rock type Pokemon, making it a versatile addition to any team, especially if you love Crabs. It’s vulnerable against electric and ding ding Grass again!
8. Lapras

Lapras is a massive sea creature Pokemon that is based on the legend of the Loch Ness Monster. It is incredibly rare and loved by thousands within the Pokemon universe, due to its smiling face and loving personality.
Lapras is a gentle giant, preferring to live peacefully in the ocean with its school of fellow Lapras. It has been known to help humans and Pokemon in need, using its massive size to protect them from harm.
Lapras is a rare Pokemon, being effective against fire, ground and rock type Pokemon. It’s vulnerable against electric and grass, come on you should know this by now!
In the games Lapras is deemed as a “rare” Pokemon and can be hard to find, but when you do it’s undoubtedly one of the strongest Pokemon in your team. It can also be used for surf too, being the sprite in many original games.
9. Tapu Fini

Tapu Fini is the guardian deity of Poni Island in Alola, and is said to have the power to cleanse darkness. It takes the form of a massive sea serpent, with a long body and flowing mane.
Tapu Fini is a powerful water type Pokemon, with access to moves like Hydro Pump and Muddy Water. It’s also able to learn the move “Nature’s Wrath”, which is a powerful water type move that does damage equal to the amount of HP the target has lost.
Despite its incredible power, Tapu Fini is stunning yet elegant Pokemon. It’s also a fairy type which gives it an immunity to dragon type moves.
Tapu Fini is effective against fire, ground and rock type Pokemon, but it will take a beating against Electric and Grass.
It’s only a handful of Water/Fairy type Pokemon in the whole game, making it a unique addition to your team.
10. Seadra

Seadra is one of the best water type Pokemon of all time, and if you didn’t guess it resembles a seahorse! It has a long, thin body with a blue and white striped pattern. Seadra can be found in the ocean, often near coral reefs.
Many disregard Seadra because of its pre-evolution Horsea is what many would deem “nothing special”, but those who skip this Pokemon are missing out because Seadra is incredibly powerful.
Its know moves like ragon Breath and Aqua Jet that give it an edge against many foes, plus the ability Poison Point can be used to inflict poison on contact moves.
Seadra is a aquatic Pokemon, being effective against fire, ground and rock type Pokemon. It’s vulnerable against electric and grass type attacks though, so don’t go fighting Seadra with Raichu or such Pokemon.
Again, it’s another Pokemon from the original 151.
11. Greninja

Greninja is a water/dark type Pokemon that made its first appearance in Pokemon X and Y. It’s based off of the Japanese ninja, with a black and blue colour scheme and a mask over its face to pay respects to Ninjas and Samurai.
Greninja is loved by Ash Ketchum in the anime, and is seen as one of his strongest Pokemon. This is for good reason too, as Greninja is incredibly powerful and felxible.
Greninja knows move such as Aerial Ace, Shadow Sneak and Substitute, which give it an edge against many foes. It also has the ability Protean
12. Inteleon

Inteleon is a water type Pokemon that was introduced in Generation VIII. It resembles a chameleon, and has the ability to change the colour of its body to blend in with its surroundings.
Inteleon is incredibly powerful, thanks to moves like Hydro Pump and Surf. It also has the ability Sniper, which boosts the power of critical hits.
Inteleon evolves from the starter Pokemon Sobble, and is the final evolution of the line. It’s a pure water type Pokemon, meaning it’s only weak to grass and electric type moves.
It’s one of the franchises first “spy Pokemon”, this is likely because of its Sniper attacks, and the way it resembles James Bond from 007.
Inteleon is effective against fire, ground and rock type Pokemon, making it a stealthy addition to any team. It’s vulnerable against electric and grass type attacks.
13. Palkia

Palkia takes the 13th spot in our list of the best Water Pokemon, and what a beast it is. it’s like a cross between the Green Ranger’s DragonZord and the White Ranger’s TigerZord (both the same Ranger for anyone who is interested).
Palia is a Water and Dragon type Pokemon, and as you might expect from something this impressive, it’s a legendary Pokemon.
That means that it doesn’t evolve, but with stats like 150 Sp. Attack and 100 Speed, I don’t think it needs to!
Let’s add 120 Attack and Sp. Defence into the mix as well as 90 HP and 100 Defence, and you’ve got an absolute monster on your hands!
14. Samurott

Samurott is the end evolution of Oshawott, that little cute critter that first appeared in Pokemon Black & White.
Who would have thought that it would turn into such a monster!
Samurott excells in HP and Attack stats, with a neat little 95 HP stat, 100 Attack, and 108 Sp. Attack.
Aqua Tail, Retaliate, and Hydro Pump are three of its strongest moves, so make sure they’re in your arsenal and that you’ve got plenty of Ether to restore your PP if you’re in a heated battle.
15. Toxapex

Toxapex takes the 15th spot in our list of the best Water Pokemon, an unsuspecting little critter with some amazing stats marred by some slightly questionable ones.
As you might guess from a Pokemon that has a massive spiked carapace around it, Toxapex is a beast when it comes to Defence. We’re talking base stats of 152 Defence and 142 Sp. Defence, which should definitely slow down any eager attackers.
Sadly, and Sp. Attack of 53 and a Speed of 35 mean that it’s not going to hit home with and powerful Special moves and it won’t be hitting first anytime soon.
Its Attack of 65 isn’t too bad when it comes to moves like Liquidation, but don’t get expect too much from Surf!