How To Defeat Giganto In Sonic Frontiers

Oh boy, it’s time to take down a Titan! If you’ve been trying to avoid this battle, I’m afraid to say there’s no way to avoid it. You have to face down Giganto and win. It’s a tall order, quite literally, because this Titan is MASSIVE. But don’t let its size fool you into thinking […]

How To Free Amy In Sonic Frontiers

Sonic the Hedgehog gets by with a little help from his friends. Unfortunately, in Sonic Frontiers his friends are in a spot of trouble.  Trapped in Cyber Space, a limbo state between the Starfall Islands and the digital dimension, they are little more than digital copies of themselves. And unless Sonic releases them from their […]

How To Defeat Asura In Sonic Frontiers

Sonic has a whole host of enemies to defeat in Sonic Frontiers. From lowly Soldiers who group attack at random, to mighty Guardians eager for a fight, to the ​​formidable Titans of the Starfall Islands – there’s a lot of destruction awaiting you. As you’d expect, some enemies are much harder to take down than […]

How To Unlock Chaos Emerald Vaults In Sonic Frontiers

Is it really a Sonic game unless there’s chaos emeralds? We think not. But it doesn’t matter what we think, what matters is finding them!  In Sonic Frontiers, chaos emeralds are the gemstone shaped key to defeating Titans. Without the power of the chaos emeralds you’ll experience a smackdown of epic proportions – not even […]

How To Solve A Grave Mystery In Sonic Frontiers

Puzzle solving is a huge part of the Sonic Frontiers experience. While there’s no denying that Sonic is still a hedgehog born to speed, he needs more than his fancy footwork to save the day.  Not only does puzzle solving unlock the map – which our handy how to unlock the map in Sonic Frontiers […]

How To Collect And Use Seeds In Sonic Frontiers

Have you spotted red and blue items glowing in the wilderness of Sonic Frontiers? Even if you’re only just starting out, we’d be surprised if you’ve missed them. Known as Seeds of Power and Seeds of Defence, these collectibles help Sonic improve his stats – a handy aid to have when you’re a hedgehog thrown […]

How To Reach Stage 1-7 In Sonic Frontiers

If you’re already struggling with the puzzles in Sonic Frontiers you’re not alone.  The game throws you into a whole new world then leaves you to figure it out on your own – there’s ability and movement tutorials, but they’ll only get you so far. Though we can help in that department too, just go […]

How To Unlock The Map And Fast Travel In Sonic Frontiers

unlock fast travel sonic frontiers

Maps and map reading has never been a priority in Sonic games… until now.  Sonic Frontiers is changing the game by blending together old with the new, meaning there’s plenty of new features to figure out. One of which is the map.  You’ll need to refer to the map often because Sonic Frontiers introduces five […]

How To Parry In Sonic Frontiers

We all know Sonic has a need for speed – it’s part of the reason we love him so much, and why he always features in articles like the best retro games on the Nintendo Switch.  But did you know Sonic is a fan of parrying too? In fact, if you don’t parry in Sonic […]

How To Change Speed Settings In Sonic Frontiers

how to change speed settings in sonic frontiers

Everyone’s favourite blue hedgehog is back!  Sonic Frontiers has made its entrance with a bang, throwing you into the action as soon as it loads. Although it’s dividing fans, one thing’s for certain: it’s speedy.  If you want to know exactly how speedy Sonic is, you can read our how fast is Sonic the Hedgehog […]