Sonic the Hedgehog gets by with a little help from his friends. Unfortunately, in Sonic Frontiers his friends are in a spot of trouble.
Trapped in Cyber Space, a limbo state between the Starfall Islands and the digital dimension, they are little more than digital copies of themselves.
And unless Sonic releases them from their prison they can’t help him figure out what’s going on!
Amy is the first friend who’s in need of help. Caged in a spherical prison, Sonic’s pink companion requires more than brute strength to release her.
You need collectibles. But I’m afraid our how to collect and use seeds guide isn’t going to cut it because you need memory tokens.
My guess is you’ve already spotted them on Kronos Island – glowing pink hearts are pretty hard to miss! But do you know how to get and use them? Well, it’s time to find out.
How To Free Amy In Sonic Frontiers

To free Amy in Sonic Frontiers you need to collect “Amy’s memory tokens”. You need five memory tokens to break her prison. After that, continue collecting memory tokens to unlock additional quests from Amy across Kronos Island, depicted by an Amy icon on the map.
As you can see, freeing Amy isn’t difficult; all you need to do is collect memory tokens.
It’s something you’ve been doing since the moment you landed on Kronos Island, only back then you didn’t know what they were. Now you understand their purpose, it’s time to get collecting them because you can’t interact with Amy without them.
To find these tokens you need to grind on every rail, jump on every spring, and basically catapult Sonic across the region. More often than not, a memory token will be waiting for you.

However, there is another way to find Amy’s memory tokens: treasure caches. Indicated by a blue diamond beacon, these treasure troves can throw up dozens of hearts when Sonic uses Cyloop.
If in doubt, Cyloop it out. Seriously, it unlocks so much in Sonic Frontiers!
Where To Find Amy’s Memory Tokens

To find Amy’s memory tokens follow the black and blue heart shaped icons on the map. They can be found at various points all over Kronos Island.
If you need help with the map, might I suggest the how to unlock the map in Sonic Frontiers article I wrote? I promise it makes for quick reading, and helps you power through the Kronos Island with ease.
No, you don’t need to unlock the map to find memory tokens, but it will make Sonic’s mission much easier. Leaving you more time to explore at your leisure, perhaps by taking a moment for a spot of fishing?
And Amy is free! But is that the end of her troubles?
I wouldn’t like to spoil anything for you, but what I can say is that she’s not the only one in need of rescuing. So you’d better figure out those puzzles – yes, even how to reach Stage 1-7 – and hightail it to the next island.