Best Gear In Mario Strikers Battle League

If you’re looking to get the most out of Mazza’s new footie title, then you’ll need to know how to pick the best gear in Mario Strikers Battle League!

Gear in Mario Strikers can be the difference between a terrible pummelling and ultimate glory. It’s not so essential in Normal Mode, but once you’ve discovered how to unlock galactic mode in Mario Strikers Battle League, you’ll be dead in the water without it!

If you want to make your team faster, stronger, and better at shooting, then gear is the answer.

So, let’s check out how to get the best gear for your team and who is best to wear it!

Note – Before I go any further, here’s how to buy gear in Mario Strikers Battle League.

Best Strength Gear In Mario Strikers Battle League

If you’re looking for the best strength gear in Mario Strikers Battle League, then equipping the Muscle Helmet, Muscle Gauntlets, Bushido Armour, and Muscle Boots will give you +10 strength.

As always, there’s a tradeoff when it comes to equipment.

Equipping the gear above takes player stats in speed, passing, and technique down by 3, while shooting decreases by 1.

As you might have guessed, the best players to wield this gear are the three bruisers; Wario, Donkey Kong, and Lord Koopa himself.

That last one is Bowser for any non-nerds out there.

Best Speed Gear In Mario Strikers Battle League

best gear in Mario Strikers Battle League - Waluigi turbo

The best gear in Mario Strikers Battle League for speed freaks is undoubtedly the Turbo Helmet, Turbo Gloves, Turbo Pad, and Bushido Sandals.

Yeah, those sandals really make a big difference alright!

By equipping the gear above, characters can get +10 speed. The only downside is that strength, passing, and technique go down by -3, where as shooting goes down by -1 point.

And the best players for the job – Waluigi, Toad, and Peach are the best choices as their speed stats are already higher without gear than the other characters.

If you want to reach those stray balls faster, go Turbo!

Best Shooting Gear In Mario Strikers Battle League

To get the best shooting gear in Mario Strikers Battle League, simply equip all the cannon gear. The Cannon visor, gloves, plate and boots give +8 shooting stats.

As a result, players will lose -2 points on the other four stats, but having a great shooter can be the difference between going home trophyless or being victorious!

Rosalina and Yoshi are two of the best characters to soup-up with the Cannon gear. The other character; Bowser!

Yes, Bowser has a mean right foot on him once all the Cannon is equipped. If you want someone that can tackle every character and hit the back of the net with ease, turn Lord Koopa into an absolute behemoth!

Best Passing Gear In Mario Strikers Battle League

To make a character with the best passing skills in Mario Strikers Battle League, players should equip the Bushido Helmet, Chain Gauntlets, Chain Plate, and Chain Boots. This set boosts passing stats by 10 points.

Passing is underrated in this game. The best way to open space and set up those sweet super shots is by pulling iff perfect passes, and you’ll need all the space you can get if you want to beat Galactic Mode!

Because the Bushido helmet is involved in the equation, the number of points you lose drops to 3 instead of 2. Characters will lose 3 points in strength, shooting, and technique, with only 1 point lost on the speed stat.

The best natural passers in Mario Strikers Battle League are Yoshi, Luigi, and Donkey Kong, so make sure to upgrade one of those for your team.

Best Technique Gear In Mario Strikers Battle League

best gear in Mario Strikers Battle League - Luigi trickster

The best outfit in Mario Strikers Battle League for technique upgrades consists of the Trick Helmet, Bushido Bracers, Trick Pad, and Trick Boots. This will increase the technique stat by 10 points.

If you want an easier time with that hyper strike power bar and also fancy pulling off some sweet perfect shots, then upping the technique stat is the way to go.

We’re talking mad ball handling skills, nice shots, and a better chance of getting those two-pointers when it really counts.

The natural choices for technique upgrades are Luigi, Peach, and Mario. I’ve got Luigi in my team and he never fails to bring home the bacon!

And that’s a wrap!

Thanks for checking out this article which gear to pick in the new Mario Strikers game. Now, you should have all the knowledge you need to get those goals and win those trophies.

Don’t forget to check out my articles on how to win in Mario Strikers Battle League and how to reset Mario Strikers Battle League for when things get a little stressful!

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