If you’ve already mastered how to beat Giacomo then it’s likely you’re ready to take on Mela, the Fire Crew Leader.
Although you can face the Bosses in whatever order you choose, Mela is the logical next step for completing Operation Starfall.
Favouring Fire type Pokemon, she can be easily defeated by using Rock, Ground or Water types.
However, while she can be taken down using the strategic use of type advantages, you still need to be at least Level 25+ to comfortably beat her. This is why we suggest facing Giacomo first because his Pokemon are only Level 21.
If you have all your bases covered (see what I did there?), then it’s time to pay Mela a visit and take her down a peg or two!
Table of Contents
Where To Find The Fire Crew Base

The Fire Crew Base (aka Schedar Squad) is located in East Province (Area One), just north-west of Artazon.
Use the Fire Crew flags to guide you to the front gates, which is where Clive will once again mysteriously appear. How does he do that?!
Cassiopeia will also call you and explain the setup of Mela’s Base, though it’s pretty much the same as what you’ve previously faced.
After the call ends the Academy Charcadet will appear, having followed “Clive” to the Base. However, before he can take it home it runs off to find Mela – this is your cue to start kicking butt and taking names.

Walk up to the gates and chat with the Grunt, who will turn tail and run to warn the others.
I would like to add that some guides have said you fight this Grunt, however that wasn’t the case for me. If you do have to fight them it’s said they only use a Level 25 Houndour.
Begin A Star Barrage

Enter the Base and use the R bumper to send out your first three Pokemon. You need to defeat 30 Pokemon in 10 minutes, the same as before.
Given that it’s the Fire Crew, I used Azumarill as my Lead Pokemon with Gengar and Murkrow acting as backup. I didn’t have any Rock or Ground Pokemon at the time, and (rightly) assumed Azumarill would steal the show.
If you want to bolster your team with a Rock type, use my how to get Larvitar (the easy way) article to help you out.
Use the vending machines if you need to heal, and simply power your way through until you get 30/30.
What Pokemon Does Mela Use?
- Torkoal – Level 27 (Fire)
- Schedar Starmobile – Level 26 (Fire)
How To Beat Mela In Pokemon Scarlet & Violet

The quickest way to beat Mela is to use Water, Rock or Ground types. Finizen is a great choice, located in the East Paldean Sea.
Provided you’ve headed into battle with the right types, Mela falls within minutes. Despite Giacomo being a lower level, Mela was much easier for me to take down.
However, watch out for Schedar Starmobile’s Blazing Torque because it’s pretty damn powerful! Even if you’re using Water types you could still get burnt.
Mela Fire Crew Rewards

Mela will give you TM38 Flame Charge, a Fire type move that deals a lot of damage and raises your Pokemon’s Speed.
You’ll also get a shiny new badge and another photograph for your growing collection.
When the battle is done, like clockwork Cassiopeia will call you. They’ll also send you 6,000 LP before sending Penny in with more Pokemon Materials.
During a brief chat with Penny, she’ll gives some more backstory on how Team Star was formed, explaining that it was due to bullying.
Does this mean Team Star isn’t as bad as they seem? Hm, only time will tell.

Two Bases down, just three more to go. Though I suspect that won’t be the end of Operation Starfall, just call it a hunch.
Before you head back into Paldea for some more gripping battles and delicious sandwiches, be sure to read about the mystery gift codes in Pokemon Scarlet & violet.