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10 Best Selling Nintendo 64 Games Of All Time

Best Selling N64 Games of All Time Featured Image

Get ready to blow the dust from your game port as we check out the 10 best selling Nintendo 64 games of all time!

Ah, the N64. Many of you will know by now that this remains my favourite console of all time. From the weird controller to the superb adventures that called it home, this gaming Goliath changed my life forever.

There are so many amazing titles for Nintendo’s iconic machine, but which were the best selling?

Putting aside character allegiances and how much we love Glover and Goemon, which are the games that sold the most units over their lifetime?

I have a funny feeling that you’re about to find out!

10. Banjo-Kazooie (1998)

best selling Nintendo 64 games - Banjo Kazooie Game Case Cover Art
  • Total sales – 3,650,000
  • Stand alone release

Banjo Kazooie kickstarts this list of the best selling Nintendo 64 games of all time!

How many of you have rekindled your love for the best gaming duo of all time through the recent Banjo Kazooie Switch release?

Yooka-Laylee might have tried to steal a piece of the pie, but this bird and bear combo will forever reign supreme.

It’s no surprise that almost half of the games in this list are RARE titles. Everything they touch is gold, and this Gruntilicious title was one of the games that definied my childhood.

I still can’t see a jigsaw without making a ‘Gu-Huh’ sound!

Collect Jiggys to enter different worlds in Gruntilda’s lair. Save Spiral Mountain and Banjo’s cousin Tootie by completing challenges in each world.

From Mumbo Jumbo and Bottles the Mole to colourful Jinjos and evil enemies, Banjo boasts some of the most memorable characters of any N64 game.

Just don’t get too caught up with the whole Ice-Key thing… I rang the Nintendo Cheats Hotline so many times over that thing!

9. Star Fox 64 (1997)

best selling Nintendo 64 games - Star Fox 64 game case cover art
  • Total sales – 4,000,000
  • Stand alone release

Whether you called it Star Fox 64 or LylatWars 64, this game was memorable for oh so many reasons.

And not just because it came in a massive box with a Rumble Pak bundled alongside it, though that was one of the main reasons, I’m not going to lie.

Andross’ face still haunts me when I close my eyes, and Falco Lombardi also remains one of the best names for a space pilot ever.

If I could change my name, I’d give that a shot for sure.

Join Star Fox, Peppy Hare, Slippy Toad, and Falco Lombardi as they challenge the threat to the Lylat System and avenge James McCloud.

This was one tough title, and I loved the different branching story arcs depending on which bosses you fought and the path taken on each level.

Plus, the on-screen camaraderie between the characters made you really feel like a part of the team… much better than Sewer Shark, one of the best Sega CD games, at any rate!

If you have never played this game, you owe it to yourself to take Fox and the gang for a spin. Loop the loops never looked so good.

8. Diddy Kong Racing (1997)

best selling Nintendo 64 games- Diddy Kong Racing game case cover art
  • Total sales – 4,880,000
  • Stand alone release

Diddy Kong Racing drops into the 8th spot in our list of the best selling Nintendo 64 games of all time!

So Diddy’s racing escapades might not sold as many as a certain plumbers kart-based antics, but it certainly struck a chord with gamers across the globe.

This is more of a RARE racing fest rather than just a story about Diddy. Banjo and Conker are also along for the ride too.

Plus, there’s a cheat where you can do two player story campaign too… bet you didn’t know that, eh?

I must admit, having a story mode to this game does transcend it from just being ‘yet another racing game’ and is a joy to play through.

Start off in a world hub where a mystical elephant gives you some tricks and tips. Complete stages, find collectibles, and complete challenges.

And way before Mario Kart introduced bikes into the mix, Diddy’s crew could chose either a plane, a kart, or a hovercraft!

Yes, if you want racing vibes with platform thrills (who doesn’t?), then give Diddy Kong Racing a try on for size.

7. Donkey Kong 64 (1999)

best selling Nintendo 64 games - Donkey Kong 64 Game Case Cover Art
  • Total sales – 5,270,000
  • Bundled with console

The winner of our best Donkey Kong games caught our attention and never let go. From the rap at the beginning to the trips to Funky’s Armoury to get weapons, this game had it all.

I used to watch the Donkey Kong TV show, played all the games, and was obsessed with monkeys. As you can imagine, this game blew my mind.

A yellow cart that came bundled with the Expansion Pak; it was like the Star Fox 64 box on steroids!

Play as the whole Kong gang from Donkey to Lanky, stopping by Kranky’s Lab every now and again to get new powerups.

King K.Rool is at it again, threatening Kong Island with his wicked ways. It’s another amazing RARE title with Banjo feels.

But to be honest, I love this one more.

The game mechanics are superb, as are the plotlines and the level design. Check out our Donkey Kong 64 secrets article for some insider scoops on the game!

6. Pokemon Stadium (1999)

best selling Nintendo 64 games - Pokemon Stadium Game Case Cover Art
  • Total sales – 5,460,000
  • Bundled with console

One of my defining N64 game moments is playing my mum at the party games on this title. You never forget nights spent playing Ekans Hoop Hurl!

Seeing your favourite Pocket Monsters from Pokemon Red and blue is all well and good on the Gameboy, but they look much better on the big screen.

Battle with Charizard, Squirtle, Dragonite, and more in Pokemon arenas. Plus, use the included GB cartridge holder to play the original game on your TV too!

Honestly, the first time I saw MewTwo in colour on the TV blew my mind. I felt like the greatest Poke Trainer ever.

Seeing Pinsir use Guillotine, Blastoise firing off Hydro Pump; it was like I’d stepped straight into the TV show.

And as I said earlier, this game was so much more than Pokemon battles. Playing the original game and taking part in minigames kept the fun going 24/7.

I still have no idea how my Mum always beat me on Sandshrew’s Dig Dig Dig!

5. Super Smash Bros. (1999)

best selling Nintendo 64 games - Super Smash Bros game case cover art
  • Total sales – 5,550,000
  • Stand alone release

Is there any surprise that Super Smash Bros. is one of the best selling Nintendo 64 games of all time?

The original title is still the best of the bunch, a game that spawned one of the most exiting (and in recent years chaotic) fighting series of all time.

A 3D Nintendo fighting game with all our heroes squaring off against each other. Unless you were a gamer in 1999, then you have no idea how amazing this concept was.

And that first time Captain Falcon appeared… I’m getting goosebumps just thinking about it!

I don’t think the N64 gamepad knew what hit it when this button mashing spectacle dropped. Throwing enemies, hammering the B-button, firing up special moves; this was the life.

If you have come to the series later in the day with Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, then go back and check out the game that started it all.

Ok, so unlocking Jigglypuff won’t exactly fill you with wonder, but the game itself is a timeless classic.

4. The Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (1998)

best selling Nintendo 64 games - The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time game case cover art
  • Total sales – 7,600,000
  • Stand alone release

Ocarina is undoubtedly my favourite of all the  best N64 games, but it sold short of a lad in overalls wandering around Peach’s Castle.

This game is a true work of art, a breathtaking epic that plays like a fantasy novel from start to finish.

Few games create such a strong feeling and have such a cult following. From TwinRova to Shadow Gannon, the bosses still give me chills and provided some tense moments throughout my life.

Apart from BotW, this is the quintessential version of Hyrule too. Kakariko Village, the Forest Temple… I love it all!

Reading about this game in Official Nintendo Magazine is what made me want to become a games journalist. I guess it’s safe to say it had a massive impact on my life!

Wield the Ocarina of Time to become the Hero of Time, moving through the ages to rid Hyrule of the scourge of Ganondorf.

He makes Voldemort look like a playground bully!

I think we can all remember the first time we pulled the Master Sword from its pedestal in the Temple of Time. Jeez, no wonder Ocarina is still classed as being one of the most influential titles of all time!

3. GoldenEye 007 (1997)

best selling Nintendo 64 games - GoldenEye 007 game case cover art
  • Total sales – 8,090,000
  • Bundled with console

Rocket launchers, facility, big heads. Yep, it’s time for GoldenEye 007 to enter our list of the best selling Nintendo 64 games of all time!

Forget Destiny or Fortnite, GoldenEye 007 is the best shooting multiplayer game of all time. It’s just a perfect recipe of class, firepower, and tension.

From wielding a backhand to the almighty RC-P90, James Bond’s pivotal adventure never fails to make a night in more exciting, especially with a crate of beers.

From finding the Golden Gun to that epic ‘der der, na naaaaa’ sound followed by blood dipping down the screen, GoldenEye 007 never fails to get my adrenaline pumping.

And the best bit is that it follows the events of the film too.

Ok, there’s more emphasis on finding keycards in the game, though I suppose that wouldn’t have made for a good film plot really, would it?

Use spy gadgets and open case files as save points. It’s a real blast from the past (especially if your past involves you being a British intelligence agent), and looks great with the best N64 HDMI cables added into the mix.

2. Mario Kart 64 (1996)

best selling Nintendo 64 games - Mario Kart Game Case Cover art
  • Total sales – 9,870,000
  • Stand alone release

I think we all knew which two titles would top this list of the best selling Nintendo 64 games, though the order might have been a bit of a surprise to some of you.

Yes, Mario Kart takes the silver medal in todays article. Though with just shy of 10 million sales, it’s not a bad runner up prize, is it?

I reckon pretty much every person you’ve ever come across will have had a bash at Mario Kart at some point in their lives.

Even my Grandma has a go, and she was as bad as you might have guessed.

Can you even call yourself a racer if you’ve never completed Rainbow Road in 150CC mode?

Wield red shells, throw bananas, and do whatever it takes to be the first over the line in this wild and wacky racer.

Like Super Smash Bros., this original title has a simplicity about it that I love. No flying upside down, no wheel choices to make; just good old-fashioned racing.

1. Super Mario 64 (1996)

best selling Nintendo 64 games - Super Mario 64 game case cover art
  • Total sales – 11,910,000
  • Bundled with console

With just under 12 million copies sold, Super Mario 64 is officially the best selling N64 game of all time!

The first 3D Mario adventure is still the cream of the crop, one of the mot exciting platformers to ever be put into production.

The whole cast from Bowser to King Bob-Omb is exceptional, and the gameplay could best be described as a tour-de-force.

Ok, a little simpler to grasp than a tour-de-force, but you get the idea.

Twenty-six years later at the time of writing and this game still cuts the mustard. It’s timeless, and thanks to the Nintendo Switch, it can be kept alive for many more years to come!

Sure, lots of people think that Super Mario Galaxy is the best Mario title ever made, but it’s all about the N64 entry for me.

That haunting ‘Gwa-Ha-Ha’ through the castle corridors, Big Boo’s Haunt, Lethal Lava Land… you just can’t beat it!

And according to the figures, almost 12 million people would agree with me!

Sebastian Santabarbara profile image Sebastian Santabarbara
Sebastian is fuelled by a lifelong passion for Zelda, Banjo Kazooie, Donkey Kong, and all things retro. He uses his misspent youth with retro consoles to create content for readers around the world.