Rumoured Legend of Zelda Great Deku Tree LEGO Set Dropping This Year

Legend of Zelda Great Deku Tree LEGO Set

Recent social media discussions assert knowledge of an incoming The Legend of Zelda ‘Great Deku Tree’ LEGO set arriving in 2024.

These discussions have LEGO and The Legend of Zelda fans alike delighted and eager for official word from LEGO themselves.

But, to date, that official confirmation of a new Great Deku Tree themed set has yet to be shared by LEGO.

Legend of Zelda Great Deku Tree LEGO Set
Sources: Video Games Chronicle and 1414falconfan

The current internet buzz is based on speculation from several popular LEGO social media accounts, including 1414falconfan, who has accurately predicted releases in the past.

Their declaration specifically points to a Great Deku Tree Zelda LEGO set to release in September 2024 with 2,500 pieces.

They also credit another popular LEGO social media account, Brick Merge, as the source of that information.

Like 1414falconfan, Brick Merge has no affiliation with LEGO and cannot be considered a reliable source of information.

But longtime followers do consider both to be unofficial authorities on LEGO leaks, so their declaration has stirred much excitement.

Previous Mention of The Great Deku Tree LEGO Set

Legend of Zelda Great Deku Tree LEGO Set
source: Zelda Gif World on Twitter

According to Video Games Chronicle, LEGO issued several copyright strikes against social media accounts who “leaked” information about upcoming Zelda sets about one year ago.

So if those leaks held any truth to them, then we know that this upcoming set has been a long time coming.

That would be nearly two years from the time of those leaks to the anticipated September 2024 launch predicted by the fanbase.

Eagerly Awaiting An Official Announcement

It is important to reiterate that these are currently rumors with no evidence of an actual Zelda-themed product coming from LEGO.

And we should only take this information as exciting ‘what-if’s until undeniable evidence presents itself.

But in a perfect world, the rumors about a Great Deku Tree LEGO set would be true, making it the first Zelda themed set from your favorite building brick company.

Some of the incredible Super Mario Bros. themed sets are among our favorite in the past year, like the Piranha Plant Super Mario LEGO set or the Lego Super Mario 64 set.

With this successful relationship between Nintendo and Lego, and the confirmed live-action Legend of Zelda movie, we would not be at all surprised to see LEGO start to tap into this IP next.

We eagerly await good news from LEGO. And as massive Legend of Zelda fans – we will absolutely be covering any Zelda-themed LEGO sets in the future.

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