I hope you’re ready to catch more Paradox Pokemon because I’m here to tell you how to get Flutter Mane.
Found at the end of the game, this Ghost/Fairy type bears a remarkable resemblance to Misdreavus, a Pokemon Scarlet players can’t get.
While this isn’t Misdreavus, it’s as close as we’re going to get to the Generation II Ghost, unless we trade with one of our Pokemon Violet friends.
If you fancy adding Flutter Mane to your Party, you’ll need to learn how to reach Area Zero first.
Where to Catch Flutter Mane In Pokemon Scarlet

Flutter Mane can be caught in the caves of Area Zero. You can either fast travel to the Zero Gate or access it by travelling from the Medali (East) Pokemon Center.
Flutter Mane is super easy to find once you bump into it during The Way Home storyline, similar to how to get Scream Tail.

Despite being a Paradox Pokemon, and thus rarer than normal Pokemon, Flutter Mane isn’t hard to catch. Simply weaken it like you would any other Pokemon, then throw an Ultra Ball at it. It might take a couple of attempts, but you won’t waste too many balls.
Considering Flutter Mane is genderless, it should go without saying that you can’t breed it. Furthermore, it doesn’t seem to have any evolutions.
If you were hoping to add a last minute addition to help with how to beat Professor Sada, Flutter Mane isn’t a great choice, simply because its level starts at 59 – Professor Sada’s Pokemon are Level 66 – 67.
Still, while it may not help defeat the final boss, it’s still worthy of a Pokedex entry.
Should you want to catch more Paradox Pokemon, check out how to get Koraidon in Pokemon Scarlet. I know, I know, you already have one, but you’ll find there’s benefits to catching a second…
I guess if you really don’t want another, you could find out more about the mystery gift codes in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet – there’s something for everyone!