I know we’ve only just come down from the high of learning how to get Walking Wake and how to get Iron Leaves, but Pokemon has just announced Decidueye as its next Tera Raid. And you know what that means? It’s time to learn how to get Decidueye in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet!
That’s right, we’re jumping back into the wonderful world of Paldea once more because the Decidueye Tera Raid will be available from the 17th to 19th of March, then again on the 24th to 26th of March.
Although trainers have two windows of opportunity, don’t be fooled into thinking this raid will be easy, as this event is a 7-Star Tera Raid.
Not only does this mean you need to have finished the game (including post-game stories), but it also means you need high level Pokemon.
Want to find out more? Of course you do!
So let’s stop wasting time and get to the juicy details on how to catch Decidueye.
How To Get Decidueye In Pokemon Scarlet & Violet

To catch Decidueye you need to take part in a 7-Star Tera Raid Battle from the 17th to the 19th of March. Look for a Black Tera Crystal on your Paldea Map to find the event.
Decidueye isn’t currently available in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet anywhere else, so for those of you desperate to complete that Pokedex, now’s your time to shine.
Typically a Grass/Ghost type, Decidueye will be Flying Tera Type. What is more, it’ll have the Mightiest Mark. For those not familiar with Marks, they’re a special symbol that highlights a unique characteristic about your ‘mon, e.g. it’s the biggest or strongest.
Like I said earlier, this isn’t an event you can take part in unless you’ve re-defeated all the Gym Leaders post-game, and finished the Academy Ace Tournament.
But even once you’ve done all that, you then need to win multiple 5-Star Raids and 6-Star Raids to gain access to the enigmatic 7-Star Raids. To put it simply, if you’re nowhere near the end game, you’ve got a lot of grinding to do.
Then there’s also the fact that 7-Star Tera Raids are incredibly difficult – I recommend you use a Pokemon that’s Level 100, or as close to that level as possible. Otherwise, you could end up failing a lot.
I wish you all the luck in the world in getting your very own Decidueye, and I’ll be back with more Tera Raid updates the moment I hear about them. In the meantime, why not check our full list of Pokemon Scarlet & Violet mystery gift codes to grab yourselves some extra goodies?