How To Beat Brassius (Artazon Gym) In Pokemon Scarlet & Violet

how to beat brassius

When you rock up to Artazon Gym it’s hard to miss the gym, and your mini map kind of forces you to there to explore.

Here you will find Brassius, the gym leader who specialise in using grass type Pokemon, using three Pokemon to try and defeat you.

Like other gyms in the series this gym starts with a small grass-based puzzle.

So, heres how to beat Brassius in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet.

How To Complete Sunflora Hide-And-Seek Challenge

sunflora challenge locations

Before you even face the gym leader Brassius you are asked to complete a challenge titled “Sunflora Hide and Seek”.

You are required to find 10 Sunflora’s scattered around the city of Artazon. Leave the gym and head east, you will find someone who will ask you to find 10 Sunflora’s.

These are hidden near trees, on bridges, behind buildings and more, but the image above will show you 10 different locations.

Thank me later.

What Pokemon Does Brassius (Artazon Gym Leader) Use?

brassius smoliv
  • Petilil – Level 16 (Grass type)
  • Smoliv – Level 16 (Grass type)
  • Sudowoodo – Level 18 (Rock type with grass Tera type)

How To Beat Brassius In Pokemon Scarlet & Violet


The best way to beat Brassius in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet is by catching a Growlithe to defeat the first two grass type Pokemon, and then use a poison type to beat his Tera type Sudowoodo.

Firstly you need to have a fire type Pokemon in your group. You can find a Growlithe (which is highly recommended) north-west of Artazon, just outside of the gates inside of the cliffs area.

A freshly caught Growlithe will easily get you through the first two Pokemon, Petilil and Smoliv, however your Pokemon may be put asleep so make sure to take an Awakening potion or two.

sudowoodo tera type

Lastly is Sudowoodo, which is usually weak against fire, but this turns on its head when it Tera forms and features rock type moves. It’s likely your Growlithe will get defeated.

So to counter this we recommend using a poison type, Shroodle is a good choice. Make sure you find out how to get a Shroodle in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet, it will help you defeat Brassius.

Your water starter Pokemon will deal okay damage too, just incase you need deal some extra damage to finish him off.

Brassius Gym Leader Rewards

brassius gym defeated

After finally beating Brassius, you will be rewarded with Trailblaze (TM20), it’s a grass-type phyiscal move that boosts the user’s speed stat.

If this is your first gym Pokemon up to level 25 will obey you. If it is your second you will gain control of all Pokemon under level 30.

If you need some help throughout the game be sure to check out mystery gift codes in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet for some extra items and Pokemon!

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