I'll never forget the morning that Cartoon Network showed all its cartoons upside down to mess with its viewers on April Fools Day (April 1st). I was incredibly confused (and naive it would seem, as I actually sat upside down to watch them for a while). I've got some great memories of this TV channel as a kid, and Burger King have discovered a way to tap into that 90s nostalgia by giving away toys of incredible characters in their King Jr Meals. Come on, as if adults aren't going to be buying these - I want a Johny Bravo and Courage the Cowardly dog toy on my desk immediately!
There are 10 figurines in total including Dexter and Ben 10, Cow and Chicken, The Power Puff Girls, and more. It's my childhood in a little box with the added bonus of having a small burger and chips alongside it. Still, you knew there was going to be a catch when I said 'You might need to travel for one'.
Burger King are releasing these toys, but for some reason, it's just Burger King Brazil for the time being. I don't know why that is, but don't lose hope just yet. The Eduardochi Tamagotchi from KFC only came out in Spain and I have one sitting on my desk beside me as I write this article. Granted I have a friend who lives in Spain who sent me one, but the world is an incredibly small place these days thanks to the internet, and It won't be long until these little toys start appearing on second-hand sites.
We're no stranger to Burger King collectibles here at Retro Dodo - we compiled a list of the rarest toys to come out of the King's world, and I recently reported on a woman who has spent almost 3 decades completing the 1999 Pokémon collection. If she can put her mind to completing that set, then I'm sure we can all figure out how to get a tiny Cow and Chicken from Brazil. It's a tough job, but someone's gotta do it!