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17 Best PS2 Horror Games Of All Time

17 Best PS2 Horror Games Of All Time

There’s a reason I’m dressed like Dracula as I write this article; we’re about to check out the best PS2 horror games of all time!

I will say now, some of the stuff below is pretty gruesome. Reader beware (cue evil laughter).

While the PlayStation 2 is known for housing Final Fantasy, Jak and Daxter, Ratchet and Clank and other friendly faces, it also had a darker side. This console had some seriously spooky and bone-chilling horror titles in its collection, with many being banned and falling into the ‘rare collectibles’ category.

For some people, there’s nothing better than closing the curtains and sticking on a horror game to scare themselves silly.

We’ve delved into the crypt to pull out the most frightening and gory tales on the PlayStation 2 that will fright and delight in equal measure.

Check them out below!

Please Note – Some readers may find the subject matter covered below disturbing. Retro Dodo doesn’t associate itself with any of the stories or topics in the following titles.

1. Silent Hill 2 (2001)

Silent Hill 2 (2001)

Pyramid Head is one of the greatest horror creations of the past thirty years and his chilling presence still gives me the creeps, which is why Silent Hill 2 takes the top spot in this list of the best PS2 horror games of all time.

Anyone looking for a seriously mind-bending psychological horror should look no further than James Sunderland’s trip to the titular town. Silent Hill 2 is another Konami title, which makes me worry about their sanity as well as that of Mr. Sunderland.

Players take James through a whole host of weird and… I was going to say wonderful, but they’re quite frankly harrowing scenarios. After finding a letter from his dead wife, he has to try and find her while avoiding being chopped to pieces by the triangular headed menace or subdued by ghastly nurses!

Silent Hill 2 (2001)

This game may leave you wondering what’s real and what isn’t, but that’s the sign of a truly classic story. Konami certainly created a perfect concoction of taboo subjects, psychotic metaphors, and other spooky symbolism for gamers to sink their teeth into.

For example, there’s an alternate ending where the main villain is a dog. And, to add extra confusion, the letter James finds from his wife slowly disappears as though he made the whole thing up.

Wait… did he?

Fans of Hellblade or films like Donnie Darko and Memento will be all over this game like a dangerous flesh-eating rash!

2. Resident Evil 4 (2005)

Resident Evil 4 (2005)

If you’re a PS2 fan, then I can probably assume correctly that you know all about the Resident Evil series including Resident Evil 4. You might not have played them, but I bet you know what they are!

For the small minority of people who don’t know what on earth I’m talking about, a brutal virus turns all the people in Racoon City into mindless zombies. Insane flesh-eating enemies, scary levels, and a constant feeling that you’re about to die come as standard.

Resident Evil 4 (2005)

Resident Evil 4 was only ever meant to have a GameCube release. After being ported to multiple consoles, however, it went on to sell a mind-boggling 10 million copies and become one of the best PS2 games on the console!

This zombie-slaying title boasts a new over-the-shoulder gun view which makes battling enemies so much cooler, drawing you into the action and getting that heart racing. Unlike the other R.E titles, it’s less about surviving and more about pumping everything full of bullets.

While the zombies in the original games were pretty mindless, the villagers in this infested town have the brains to work together in order to take you down. They can run, throw explosives, and wield lots of blunt instruments.

They’ll do anything to eat you and your cool leather jacket, and they won’t even cook you first!

3. The Suffering (2007)

The Suffering (2007)

This survival shooter horror title is one of the weirdest things I’ve ever seen in my life. Surreal Software certainly lived up to their name with this game, and it’s one that you won’t forget in a hurry.

Players follow a death-row Prisoner called Torque. He’s been imprisoned after murdering his ex-wife and kids but can’t remember committing the crime. An earthquake reveals a supernatural enemy to defeat, and Torque must battle his own demons along the way.

The Suffering (2007)

In true Silent Hill form, there are three endings to uncover, each with a different version as to how Torque’s family were killed.

The Suffering combines survival horror elements with the kind of action you might associate with a Metal Gear Solid title. It’s different to many of the other horror games in this list which is what sets it apart in my eyes. Its still scary as hell, and it boasts a cool morality mechanic that defines how the game plays out.

With some of the creepiest characters in any game and NPCs that can turn pretty hostile towards Torque depending on your actions, The Suffering is a game that you’ll really enjoy…

… providing you like being absolutely terrified, that is.

4. Rule Of Rose (2006)

Rule Of Rose (2006)

Just check out how cool that game cover is! Rule of Rose is a psychological horror like Silent Hill and covers some pretty dark stuff that some people might find a little too intense.

Still, after all the games in this list, you should be pretty well prepared for it!

This game follows the ‘misunderstood and mysterious nature’ of young girls, which isn’t exactly a clear indication of what’s going on in this title. It covers child sexuality and cruelty, burying children underground, and all sorts of horrible things.

No wonder it was banned!

Rule Of Rose (2006)

Look, those topics are quite harrowing, no one is saying otherwise, but the game isn’t anywhere near as brutal as some of the stuff on TV today. Still, it was banned and shelved in lots of countries when it first came out, which is why it’s now another rare PlayStation 2 game that people will pay top dollar for.

Morbid curiosity makes people try this game; it’s up to you to see how bad it really is.

One things for sure, it’s certainly a horror title and has become one of the most intriguing titles in the PS2 back catalogue. Definitely not for the faint of heart.

5. Silent Hill: Origins (2007)

Silent Hill: Origins (2007)

Silent Hill: Origins is the fifth game in the series, an origins story before the first game for the original PlayStation, and one that originally released on the PSP.

Right, now you know all about the history, let’s on to the gory stuff.

Players take Travis Grady around the same  town that features in the other Silent Hill games. Seriously, I would have moved out of there by now!

Travis is trying to find a girl he rescued from a fire, but on the way, memories he tried to hide deep down as a child come to the surface. It’s as much about solving the puzzle of the mind as it as solving in-game puzzles.

Oh, and there’s lots of bashing gruesome enemies too.

Silent Hill: Origins (2007)

Wielding a knife and a flashlight, Travis must face all of his fears, whether real or imaginary. It’s one heck of a weird game, though you need to keep your wits about you at all times or face instant death.

Travis’ radio crackles when enemies are near; that noise still gives me the willies! Actions have consequences in both the real and ‘other world’ too, so make sure to remember what you’ve done and explore everywhere… if you dare.

As always, there is a good, a bad, and a joke ending to uncover. I would say there’s an ugly ending as well, but it’s all pretty nasty stuff from start to finish!

6. Cold Fear (2005)

Cold Fear (2005)

Cold Fear is up next, a game where one survivor from multiple teams that have mysteriously ended up dead must discover which monster has killed his friends and colleagues.

Cue a terrifying adventure aboard a ship in mysterious Russian waters, and a nameless feat that could well take your life at any moment.

Cold Fear (2005)

In many ways, Cold Fear plays and feels a lot like Silent Hill. There’s a lot of exploring and paying attention to the finer details, reading letters, checking for clues etc.

Following behind Tom Hanson, players can pick up enemies to attack or fire weapons, pumping scary-looking Zombies full of lead.

Graphically, the PS2 excels with Cold Fear. There’s a sense of realism on display that really captures the horror in this game.

It’s also one of the reasons I swear so much too, but luckily I check all these articles for profanities before I publish them.

7. Fatal Frame III: The Tormented (2005)

Fatal Frame III: The Tormented (2005)

Fatal Frame III: The Tormented features another brutal death, killer ghosts, and more camera action to stop them just as they’re about to eat your face off.

If you’ve ever spent any time watching Japanese horror films or played any of the previous Fatal Frame games, then you’ll already know the general theme and feel ‘The Tormented’ and how ruthless it can be.

Fatal Frame III: The Tormented (2005)

We’re talking ‘The Ring’ kind of horror, though you’re actively immersed in the game with adrenaline levels skyrocketing with every turn.

Switch between a dream world and real life as you play as one of three characters, all of whom are much, much braver than I am!

8. Fatal Frame II: Crimson Butterfly (2003)

Fatal Frame II: Crimson Butterfly (2003)

The two girls in Fatal Frame II: Crimson Butterfly seem to be completely at ease amongst spirits and otherworldly presences. I don’t think I could stand a minute in that place!

Acting as a sequel to the first Fatal Frame game, Crimson Butterfly doesn’t strictly follow on from the plot of the first instalment. It’s probably a good job, as so many people never finished the original game because it was too scary.

Fatal Frame II: Crimson Butterfly (2003)

Gamers take twins Maya and Mio Amakura through a weird and creepy, barren village. The only inhabitants are paranormal spirits, and things start to get real when they inhabit Mayu’s body and try to sacrifice the sisters.

How can two people go up against ghosts and win, I hear you ask? Well, using a cool camera that can exorcise ghosts, the sisters must stay alive while finding out everything they can about the terrifying village they’re trapped in.

Ghosts, death, horror, death, more ghosts, and creepy-ass stuff everywhere. Yep, it’s a perfect title for our list.

I’m gonna go have a lie down with a cuddly toy and rock myself to sleep before I carry on.

9. Kuon (2004)

Kuon (2004)

This is where our lists of the best PS2 horror games and rare PS2 games collide. Kuon is the second of two rare PS2 games to feature in this chilling compendium alongside Rule Of Rose.

Because of its graphic content and its short length compared to other games of the time, it faded into the background and is now a rare collectors item. Still, the story is a gruesome one, and fans of bloodthirsty horrors will be chomping at the bit for it!

Kuon comes from the same minds that concocted the Dark Souls series. Bet that grabbed your attention, didn’t it?

Kuon (2004)

This survival/horror game revolves around spooky stories that are imbedded in the foundations of Japanese culture. Gamers take two bad-ass characters through a haunted mansion, but don’t expect Luigi to rock up with a vacuum to save the day.

Each character has a role to play and a storyline to fulfil. Spoiler alert – each storyline is filled with blood and guts.

It’s sad really; if Kuon had come out today, I bet it would have been an instant hit. People seem to be more bloodthirsty when it comes to games these days; that much is clear from the finishing moves in Mortal Kombat. If you can get hold of a copy, then it’s definitely worth adding into your collection.

Just don’t blame us if you can’t sleep afterwards, alright?

10. Silent Hill 4: The Room (2004)

Silent Hill 4: The Room (2004)

Silent Hill 4: The Room has a cover that instantly makes you want to jump behind the sofa and cower in fear.

After living in a nightmare where he can’t leave his room, Henry finds a hole to another dimension nestled in his bathroom. What follows is a bunch of harrowing scenes and scary scenarios that will probably make you never want to go to sleep ever again.

Silent Hill 4: The Room (2004)

If you want a game where you’re continually on your toes, then this is it. Does Henry really leave his apartment? Is any of this real? Can he really die around that corner?

Death is a very real possibility, so don’t think twice about it!

While other games have been more about stealthily dodging monsters and trying to figure out puzzles that lead between different levels, ‘The Room’ is much more combat based.

11. Resident Evil: Outbreak (2003)

Resident Evil: Outbreak (2003)

Resident Evil: Outbreak maybe isn’t a title that we think about first when going through the R.E series, but it’s also one of the scariest and a real thrill fest.

Racoon City residents are fighting for survival against the T-Virus… before they turn into zombies.

If you get attacked by enemies, the amount of T-Virus inside you increases. Get to 100 and bang, you’re dead… or rather ‘undead’.

Resident Evil: Outbreak (2003)

Grab pieces of piping, wield massive weapons, or just run like hell in order to stay alive. Work your way through 5 scenarios, moving through different locations as you explore and survive.

As you might expect, the same kind of puzzle-solving gameplay is fused into this game. It’s an old-fashioned Resident Evil game through-and-through and was the first game in the series to boast online play too!

12. Obscure II (2007)

Obscure II (2007)
IMAGE CREDIT: MOBY GAMES/playlogic international

Looking a little like a zombified version of the Master Hand from Smash Bros, Obscure II drops in at Number 12 on our list.

PlayStation fans will no doubt know all about the first Obscure title. This sequel follows the same characters in a new adventure where university students become infected by plant spores.

It’s like M. Night Shyamalan’s ‘The Happening’ with gruesome mutated monsters that want to eat your flesh!

Obscure II (2007)
IMAGE CREDIT: MOBY GAMES/playlogic international

Sharon, Stanley, and Kenny return for more gory madness. Expect meat hooks, undead cretins being run over, and a whole lot of dank and dark corners to navigate through.

The game didn’t go down very well with critics, though it’s garnered a loyal cult following over the years who enjoy being scared shi… I mean… scared out of their wits.

13. The Thing (2002)

The Thing (2002)

Up next is on our best PS2 horror games list is The Thing, a game based on John Carpenter’s legendary horror flick of the same name.

This third-person survival-horror comes from the genius minds over at Konami. If you liked the film, then the games acts as a sequel and sees Special Forces soldier Captain Blake exploring a facility where some weird stuff is going down.

The Thing (2002)

Players control Captain Blake as he battles insanely scary demon monsters called Scuttlers and Walkers, as well as gruesome bosses at various intervals.

Wield everything from pistols to flamethrowers and pick up health and adrenaline injections.

Any adventure where people need adrenaline to enter rooms just shouldn’t exist. Thank goodness it’s only a video game, eh!

With over one-million sales under it’s belt, The Thing was an unprecedented success. If you can keep your eyes open long enough without shrieking, then its one that certainly deserves a look!

14. Echo Night: Beyond (2005)

Echo Night: Beyond (2005)

Echo Night: Beyond is up next in our gruesome scare-fest.

It follows the story of Richard Osmand (not to be confused with Richard Osman of Pointless fame). He’s off to the moon for his honeymoon, as you do, but his spaceship crash-lands before the fancy moon resort he’s supposed to be meeting his wife at.

That’s bad planning, if you ask me!

Echo Night: Beyond (2005)

Gamers control Richard through an abandoned space station. He’s wearing a spacesuit with a flashlight, but that’s the only thing that Richard can use through the journey.

And ghosts are trying to kill him at every turn… I should probably mention that bit…

Unlike Resident Evil where you can pump enemies full of lead, Richard can’t physically attack the ghosts he comes across. Cowardice is the aim to staying alive; run away before your heart hits heart attack level, or you die. Simple as that!

Find items to cleanse phantom spirits, try to stay alive, and just hope your new bride decides to go ahead with the honeymoon and doesn’t fly back to earth!

15. Fatal Frame (2001)

Fatal Frame (2001)

The very first Fatal Frame continues this list of the best PS2 horror games of all time!

Enter Miku Hinasaki, a girl who has a sixth sense who has to try and discover what happened to her lost brother.

We’re talking talking with spirits, ghost hunting, and capturing spectres on a magical camera.

This isn’t any kind of Pokémon snap title, however. It’s a massive scare fest!

Fatal Frame (2001)

There are ghosts hidden pretty much everywhere in this game, and they all want to call Miku. Snapping a ghost with your camera stops it in its tracks; I guess Luigi could do with one of those when he’s walking around his next mansion.

This is a truly scary title, even on the PS2. I think seeing ghosts popping up so close to you and trying to eat you alive is never gonna’ be a walk in the park, is it?

And to be honest, it’s not going to get any easier as we head down this list!

16. Extermination (2001)

Extermination (2001)

Extermination is a brilliant survival horror game with some of the weirdest mutant bad-guys that I’ve ever seen.

Running away from the enemies in this game is the preferred way of staying alive. So much so, in fact, that the ammo is limited and must be conserved for bigger battles.

Extermination (2001)

Add to this the fact that your character can become infected as well as losing health and, if no vaccine is applied, will turn into one of the monsters you’re trying to stop.

In homage to the days of Turok, players can fight with a knife (if they have a massive death wish). There’s also shotguns and rocket launchers on hand too.

Yeah, that’s more like it!

17. Curse: The Eye Of Isis (2003)

Curse: The Eye Of Isis (2003)

Curse: The Eye Of Isis shows that you should never steal anything from an old museum. Just leave sacred stuff behind glass where it belongs and don’t unearth any strange and mystical death-fests.

Unless the whole aim of the game is to get an artefact back into the Pyramid where it came from, then it’s all ok.

The cool thing is that this game is set in a British museum and comes with tonnes of Ancient Egyptian monsters and ghouls.

Curse: The Eye Of Isis (2003)

Set fire to mummies, fire crossbow bolts into zombies, and peek through your fingers when the scary cutscenes come up.

For horror fans, the story in this game keeps it driving along faster than a Bugatti heading down the Autobahn.

Sebastian Santabarbara profile image Sebastian Santabarbara
Sebastian is fuelled by a lifelong passion for Zelda, Banjo Kazooie, Donkey Kong, and all things retro. He uses his misspent youth with retro consoles to create content for readers around the world.