Get ready to check out the best Dog Pokemon of all time and find the toughest mutts for your team!
We all love dogs here at Retro Dodo, though the one’s we’re used to looking after definitely don’t look like the creatures in the list below.
Perhaps it’s affinity with a human’s best friend that makes us love catching Dog Pokemon in game. It’s all well and good walking around with Pikachu by your side, but when you can ride around on the lad at Number 7, there’s really no comparison!
Some of the Nintendo critters in this list might take you by surprise, while others might have been in your team since the early Gameboy years.
There are even a few new faces to sniff out from Pokemon Scarlet and Violet!
So, without further ado, let’s check out the best Pokemon pooches of all time and see which pup pipped all the others to the post!
N.B – The following list contains Pokemon that are classified as dogs or look like dogs. I have chosen to omit Pokemon that resemble foxes with bushy tails or are classed as ‘fox pokemon’ as… well, foxes are foxes and not dogs. When it comes to the whole, ‘what is Eevee’ debate, I have chosen the Eevee evolutions that look most dog-like and omitted the critters that look most like cats or foxes. This is based on body, face, and tail structure. And If you don’t like it, take it up with my dog Bilbo who helped me to pick them.
1. Zacian (660)

The results are in, the postman’s leg has well and truly been bitten, and Zacian is officially the best and strongest Dog Pokemon of all time.
Ok, so there isn’t actually any difference between Zacian and Zamazenta’s stats. They’re completely identical, not even a point out here or there.
The truth is, I just prefer Zacian over Zamazenta because of her massive sword.
Come on; any Pokemon that can hold a sword in her mouth deserves to be at the top of any list.
Fast, strong, and with great defence, Zacian is still top of my tea in Pokemon Sword, and I reckon she always will be!
2. Zamazenta (660)

How much stronger can you get than a dog with a literal shield on the front of its body? I mean, this thing could probably withstand a ball-cannon firing tennis balls at it for 100 days and not even feel a thing.
No, I’m not sure why I chose that analogy either.
Let’s talk stats. Zamazenta’s attack of 120 and speed of 138 are formidable. Standard moves suddenly become incredibly dangerous, and with speed like that there’s no way you’re not hitting home first.
Defence and special defence are both 115, meaning if he decides to have a battle with Zacian then he’s well protected.
It’s a shame about that special attack stat of 85, but to be honest I can’t see anyone moaning much when using Zamazenta in battle; the guy’s a tank!
3. Shaymin (600)

Shaymin has two different formes; Land and Sky, and while they both look different to each other, they both resemble different types of dog. In Land Forme, Shaymin looks like a young Corgi, and in Sky Forme a Jack Russel primed and ready to pounce.
As a Grass Type (Land Forme), Shaymin has a cool 100 base for each stat across the board, making it a reliable and incredibly sturdy choice for trainers of every level.
In Sky Forme with its dual Grass and Flying Type, Shaymin loses Def and Sp. Def points in favour of increased Speed and Attack, making it one for those that like to strike while the iron is hot!
4. Entei (580)

Entei is the final Legendary Dog Pokemon of the three and my favourite. And no, it’s not just because it’s a Fire Type Pokemon (though that is one of the main factors I guess!).
Going into battle with a massive brute boasting 115 HP and attack should make anyone feel more than comfortable, especially once you add 115 attack and 100 speed into the equation.
A special defence of 75 isn’t amazing, and neither is 85 normal defence, especially considering this guy has what looks like metal rings around its knees and has a moustache bigger than Hulk Hogan!
Still, it’s that high HP and attack power that has made me put it ahead of its legendary partners. Sorry guys, but Entei beats you all paws down!
5. Suicune (580)

I always get excited about catching a Suicune; just look how cool it is! This legendary water Pokemon is said to be accompanied by strong gusts of wind wherever it runs, though it’s speed stat of 85 doesn’t exactly match up with that.
Maybe it’s just a coincidence?
Suicune only has an attack of 75, but don’t let that worry you too much. With a defence and special defence stat of 115, this Pokemon can hold its own against more powerful creatures while picking away at their HP with well timed attacks.
Its special attack of 90 means that moves like Hydro Pump and Waterfall are going to land hard too, so don’t dismay if you’re determined to have Suicune on your team.
6. Raikou (580)

Raikou looks more like a Sabretooth Tiger than a dog, but he is part of the Legendary Dog Pokemon Trio… so who am I to judge!
This beastie is an electric Pokemon and in no way related to Raichu, no matter what it might tell you at parties. With 90 HP, 115 special attack and 100 special defence, it’s well suited to throwing out powerful attacks and defending against them.
Normal attack and defence, however, aren’t Raikou’s strong point, weighing in at 85 and 75 respectively.
And, while it and the two other legendaries both rack up 580 total stats across the board, it’s that low attack and defence that have put Raikou in 5th position.
7. Arcanine (555)

Arcanine might look a lot like a tiger, but I guess the clue is in its name! It’s actually a dog and one of the most powerful from the original generation, evolving from Growlithe with the use of a Fire Stone.
Arcanine is the first Pokemon in our list that has impressive stats all the way across the board, with 95 speed and both 80 defence and special defence.
It’s attack of 110 and special attack of 100 certainly won’t go amiss in battles though, especially with moves like Flamethrower, Close Combat, and Raging Fury.
8. Okidogi (555)

I think if I woke up to find my dog Bilbo looking like Okidogi after evolving overnight, I’d be a little bit worried.
As one of the newest canine critters to come from the Pokemon Scarlet & Violet DLC, this Poison/Fighting Pokemon champions Physical Attack and Defence over all other stats, bringing in 128 and 115 respectively.
To say it’s such a big pooch, its 88 HP is a little on the poor side (that’s poor, not paw…).
Sp. Atk and Sp. Def aren’t any better, coming in at 58 and 86, with 80 Speed, which isn’t surprising considering how big it is.
With that in mind, Poison Jab, Giga Impact, Focus Punch, and Close Combat are moves that you might want to include in your attack plan!
9. Lucario (525)

Lucario has been one of my favourite Pokemon for a long time now, and not just because of its high Atk and Sp. Atk stats of 115 and 110. It just looks super cook, like a cross between a dog and a power ranger.
And with High Jump Kick, Dragon Pulse, and Steel Beam in the roster, Lucario has a plethora of moves under its collar ready to turn the tide of any match.
In terms of HP, Def, and Sp. Def stats, they’re all 70. Lucario’s stats go up and down like this, and even with an overal total of 525, that low HP means that one strong Sp. Attack against it is really going to deplete your health bar.
Let’s hope its 90 Speed stat means you get a kick in before the opposition!
10. Jolteon (525)

Jolteon looks like a dog in my eyes, or at least that’s how I’ve always seen it. The stance, the face shape, the bowing before battle – I definitely don’t think that I’m barking up the wrong tree with this one!
When it comes to attacking, it’s all about Sp. Attack and Defence with Jolteon. 110 and 95 respectively means you’re going to want to utilise Thunderbolt, Hyperbeam, and Thunder over Wild Charge and Last Resort.
Plus, with Jolteon’s impressive 130 Speed stat, you’ve got a great chance of getting an attack in first every time… unless you’re going up against Zacian, that is!
11. Umbreon (525)

I asked my family if Umbreon was a cat, a dog or a fox, and the answer was unanimously ‘a dog’, so I’m sticking with my guns and including it on this list of Dog Pokemon.
Jolteon and Umbreon might have the same overall base stat total, but Umbreon champions HP and Defence over Attack & Speed, which if you’ve read my articles before, you’ll know I’m all about!
So, Umbreon is great at defending against Physical and Special Attacks, but not that great at attacking itself. 65 and 60 aren’t the best when it comes to attacking, are they… and neither is its 65 Speed stat.
Still, with 95 HP and moves like Psychic, Confuse Ray, and Dark Pulse, it’s definitely possible to pick away at your enemies’ health over time and hopefully come out victorious.
12. Mabosstiff (505)

Mabosstiff looks super sad, doesn’t it? I feel like I want to shout ‘good boy’ and grab a handful of gravy bones just looking at this picture.
Still, at 1.1m tall, this Boss Pokemon come gentle giant has a lot of attack power stored in its gigantic paws.
With a 120 base Physical Attack stat and 90 Physical Defence, Mabosstiff can both wield and protect well against Double Edge, Wild Charge, and Outrage. It’s said to store it’s energy in the flaps of skin around its neck, and that’s one big neck!
Sp. Atk and Def are a little poor (though I don’t want to upset Mabosstiff by saying it too loud), coming in at 60 and 70. You would think that a Pokemon this big would be able to throw out some beastly special moved, but hey, we love you just the same, Mabbo!
13. Houndoom (500)

Houndoom is a goth’s best friend. It basically looks like the devil lord of all dogs and is black and silver. Get a lead with studs and skulls on it too and the set is complete!
A Dark and Fire Pokemon that could have come from the bowels of hell itself, Houndoom is fast and boasts a special attack of 110, meaning moves like Fire Blast are going to hit home and leave more than just a mark.
It might have sold its soul to look like the devil and carry off a ‘Hound of the Baskervilles’ vibe, but it didn’t pick up a big HP level in the process. At just 75, it’s touch and go whether it would last long against the other Pokemon in this list.
Still, it’s a dog with demonic horns – it’s always gonna’ score highly!
14. Stoutland (500)

I know it’s hard to believe that this little tyke is stronger than Lycanroc and Granbull, but the stats don’t lie!
Stoutland is a small Pokemon with some serious power. At only 3’11 and weighing 61kg, it’s surprising that it has any power at all, never mind 110 base attack and 90 defence.
Impressive right?
Sadly, this regal-looking gentleman isn’t very fast, but I guess that’s not surprising seen as though it has little legs.
That probably explains why it only has 45 special attack too; it can’t get worked up enough to pull off the cataclysmic moves.
It can, however, hold off special attacks well with 90 special defence. Stout by name, stout by nature, this Pokemon is sturdy and reliable in every situation.
15. Boltund (490)

Yamper might be a happy little mutt, but Boltund has that cute and gormless look that we all love about Scooby Doo.
Cute and gormless but with a speed of 121. I reckon my dog Bilbo could probably match that when he’s out chasing his ball!
With an attack and special attack of 90, Boltund is sufficiently primed to cause damage with all of its attacks. The main problem is its 69 HP and 60 defence.
Better get levelling up!
16. Houndstone (488)

They say you can’t teach an old dog new tricks, but what about a deceased one?
Houndstone is another new Pokemon from Pokemon Scarlet and Violet and one of our favourite Ghost Type Pokemon.
This little reincarnate pooch has some incredibly impressive moves up its skeletal sleeve. Whip out Phantom Force and Night Shade in a battle and you’ll cause some serious damage.
Houndstone might be a ghost, but it certainly pack a punch with 101 attack and 100 defence. It can also double its speed from 68 to 136 by using Sand Rush whenever a a sandstorm hits the field of battle.
17. Lycanroc (487)

The recent winner of our best Rock type Pokemon takes the next spot in our list.
Hey, it’s not a fall from grace, there are just some serious hard-hitters in this list!
Lycanroc isn’t just a Rock Type Pokemon; it’s the most powerful Mono Rock Type Pokemon in the game.
That means that it’s the strongest Rock Pokemon that isn’t twinned with another type of Pokemon.
I guess you could say that it’s a thoroughbred!
Its 115 attack stat certainly isn’t to be sniffed at, even though that’s pretty much what dogs like to do the most.
Lycanroc’s main weakness is its special attack stat. At just 55, there’s no chance of pulling off any insane damage with special moves without some serious tinkering. Still, with some slick standard moves and a speed of 112, Lycanroc is more than up for any challenge you throw at it.
18. Dachsbun (477)

Yes, Dachsbun does have better base stats than Manectric. I know it’s hard to believe, but this little Princess-Leia-Eared Dachshund has 2 more points overall than it’s electrical brethren.
Who is Dachsbun, I hear you cry?
If you’re wondering who this bread-loving doggo is, then check out our how to get Fidough in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet article to meet the whole family!
Dachsbun’s defence is the best we’ve seen so far, dropping in at an impressive 115. Twinned with a speed of 95, and you’ll be able to chip away at your opponents health with 80 attack.
The bad news for this little pupster is that it has abysmal HP. You’re not going to get anywhere with 57 HP, so if you’re determined to have the new kid on the bloc in your team, then that’s the first thing you’ll need to sort out.
19. Manectric (475)

Manectric looks like a brutal opponent, but looks can be deceiving. It’s HP of 70 won’t last very long in fierce battles, especially with a defence of 60.
Luckily, this overcharged mutt has a both a speed stat and special attack stat of 105, meaning if you’re competing against a Slowpoke (metaphorically or an actual Slowpoke), then you should be able to get in first with a devastating attack.
Evolving from Electrike at Level 26, it can eventually learn epic moves like Thunder, Electric Terrain, and Wild Charge, all of which I don’t want to be on the receiving end of!
20. Furfrou (472)

In contrast to Granbull, Furfrou is a speedy pooch. It’s base speed stat is 102, and as Furfrou doesn’t evolve, that figure is only going to go up from there.
The other figures, however, go downhill. With defence of 60 and attack of 80, speed alone isn’t going to get it out of every sticky situation.
Furfrou is a Normal type Pokemon with moves like Uproar and Last Resort. It can also use powerful Psychic moves like Zen Headset and Dark Moves like Dark Pulse.
It might look like a princely poodle, but don’t write it off just yet!
21. Granbull (450)

Granbull kickstarts this list of the best Dog Pokemon, setting the bar high from hereon out. With a total base stat count of 450 across the board, it’s not exactly a low-level hitter, which shows that there are some clever canines popping up further in this list.
Granbull certainly isn’t a fast Pokemon; with a base speed stat of 45, it won’t be going first in battle or getting it’s moves in before the other Pokemon in this list.
Still, with an attack of 120, it’s bark is definitely as mean as it’s bite!
90 HP might not get you all the way through a battle single-handedly, but Granbull is definitely a hard-hitter that can certainly add some extra strength to your team.
22. Mightyena (420)

So this is what happens when a Skunk and a Dog get trapped in an evolution chamber together!
Mightyena only really has one impressive stat, and that’s its 90 Physical Attack stat. Of course, that’s just the best of all the base stats which can all be improved and it’s been a fan favourite since the days of Pokemon Ruby.
What lets it down is… well, every other stat apart from its Physical Attack. Sp Atk and Def both come in at 60, with HP, Speed, and Physical Defence at 70.
Ok, so it’s not terrible by any stretch of the imagination, but up against the likes of Zamazenta, the battle is going to feel pretty short indeed!
23. Herdier (370)

As I write this from Yorkshire, UK, I have to point out how much Herdier looks like a Yorkshire Terrier.
Herdier’s species is actually listed as ‘Loyal Dog Pokemon’, meaning be definition, it is the best boy or girl on the playing field.
Have you noticed I’m being fairly complimentary? That’s because Herdier, and indeed most of the Pokemon that follow in our list, are more cute than terrifying when it comes to battling other Pocket Monsters.
Herdier only has a base stat total of 370, with an Sp. Attack of just 35. Admittedly, you’re mainly going to upgrading to Stoutland as soon as possible, so its Attack of 80 and Speed of 60 aren’t going to be in use for long.
Still, it’s a cute little critter, there’s no denying that!
24. Growlithe (350)

My mate Danny has a Growlithe tattoo on his leg, and why shouldn’t he – this little fiery Pooch is one of the original legends from the first Generation of Pokemon back on Pokemon Red and a bona fide gaming hero!
I thought Growlithe and its eventual Evolution Arcanine were tigers when I was a kid, but then again ‘canine’ gives the game away when you read the name properly.
Its species is also ‘Puppy Pokemon’, so that’s well and truly cleared that one up for younger Seb!
With 70 Physical Attack and Special Attack and 60 Speed, Growlithe really isn’t a bad base evolution Pokemon at all! Its 45 Sp. Def means that you wouldn’t want to go up against any of the big hitters in this list (run would be your best game plan if you do).
And of course, without Growlithe, there can be no Arcanine, so we can forgive any low stat scores now for the power that will come later!
25. Maschiff (340)

Maschiff looks like how I feel most mornings. This Rascal Pokemon looks very anxious and sheepish and has a hard time getting people to take it seriously.
I guess the fact that it can supposedly bite through boulders would be enough for me to sit up and pay it attention…
Maschiff excels in Physical Attack and Defense as apposed to its Special counterparts. In fact its 78 attack should be enough to make most lower level Pokemon show it some respect!
With Sp. Atk of 40 and Sp. Def of 51, you’ll want to utilise moves such as Headbutt and Payback and keep away from any Special Fighting, Bug, or Fairy moves that could end your fight prematurely!
26. Houndour (330)

This ghoulish hound might look a little familiar, and that’s because Houndour evolves into the mighty Houndoom at Level 24.
With Dark and Fire moves at its disposal, Houndour can wield moves such as Incenerate and Bite to take down enemies stupid enough to cross its path.
You’re going to want to get your attacks in first using Houndour’s base Speed stat of 65, however, as its Defence isn’t amazing. And what’s more, Houndour has a low friendship rating, so you’re going to have to put more work in for it to fully trust you.
So long story short – Houndour needs a lot of patience and love to find its true potential, just like any real life dog! It’s more than worth the effort to turn into Houndoom, especially with the chance to fight as Mega Houndoom, the ultra gothic dog that looks like it came straight out of N64 game Shadow Man!
27. Fidough (312)

You know when people say that babies or pets are so cute that they could ‘just eat them up’? Well, Fidough definitely fits that character and looks like we could definitely take a nibble out of it!
This Fairy Puppy Pokemon is definitely ‘bready’ for action and even has yeast in its breath – I wouldn’t mind having this pup around when I was making pizza!
As Fidough is the base evolution of Dachsbun, it’s stats are a little low. Still, 70 Physical Defence and 65 Speed make up most of the 312 base stat level, giving it a chance to nip in and create some havoc quickly while protecting against most low-level physical attacks!
28. Snubbul (300)

Snubbull looks equally as cute as it does grumpy, but that’s just like most Bulldogs I suppose! You might automatically realise that Snubbull is a Fairy Pokemon from its pink & dotty exterior, though it certainly looks a lot less fairy-like when it turns into Granbull at Level 23!
And with a base friendship value of 70, you certainly won’t have as much of a hard time getting it to like you as you will with Houndour!
Bite and Headbutt are going to be two of your choice moves to use alongside Snubbull’s 80 Physical Attack stat. Let’s just not mention Sp. Attack and Def stats however…
Ok, 40 for both and 30 Speed… let’s move on, shall we!
29. Electrike (295)

Electrike looks like a snappy little puppy with a lot to say, and its 65 Speed stat means that it should say it pretty quickly!
Sp. Def and Speed are Electrike’s best stats both at 65, and while its Attack stat is a paltry 45, you should be able to get a few quick hits of Thunder Fang in before the opposition has time to figure out a game plan.
I’d love to give this little tyke a stroke, but I’m afraid I might lose a hand in the process – now that would definitely be a shock!
30. Greavard (290)

Greavard is the latest spooky addition to the Pokeverse and the base evolution of Houndstone. Like most dogs, Greavard loves attention and follows people around looking for adoration.
So it’s a little cutie, but how does it fair when it comes to the battlefield?
Not well, but who would want to attack this guy anyway?
This ghost dog has a lot of great attacks that it can use before evolving at Level 30 including Crunch, Dig, and Headbutt. They’re all physical attacks, which play nicely to Greavard’s biggest stat of 61 Attack!
With a Speed of 34, it’s not going to be heading anywhere very fast, but that’s ok – we’re happy to have Greavard hanging around for as long as possible!
31. Riolu (285)

Riolu could be one of the greatest names to give an actual dog (after Bilbo, Riku, and Pippin, the Retro Dodo dogs).
This base evolution of Lucario looks like a pint-sized warrior in training, and to be honest its 70 Physical Attack stat is mighty impressive considering it’s a base evolution with some poor Defence and Sp. stats.
One thing that isn’t poor is its 60 Speed stat, which means you can race in, use Rock Smash or Metal Claw, and get the heck out of there with ease!
32. Rockruff (280)

Is it me, or are these dogs getting cuter as we go through this list? Rockruff looks like a very princely pup, especially with that Jacobean Ruff around its neck!
Rockruff, like Riolu, has an impressive Attack and Speed stat with poor numbers across the rest of the board.
I mean, it doesn’t matter how cute it is, an Sp. Atk of 35 isn’t going to cut the mustard when it comes to going up against the likes of Boltund!
Stick to curling up by the fire and wait till you turn into Lycanroc, Rockruff!
33. Yamper (270)

Yamper just looks like it’s ready to play all the time, doesn’t it?
At least it’s cute and looks happy, that’s the main thing right? it doesn’t really matter how good its stats are, does it?
I’m going to level with you – these stats aren’t groundbreaking by any stretch of the imagination. It’s highest base stat is its 59 HP… I guess that’s why it has such a lust for life!
With 26 Speed, it’s not going to be going anywhere quickly at all… more snails pace than happy-go-lucky-puppy.
Still, it evolves into Boltund at Level 25, and that Speed rises to a whopping 121!
34. Lillipup (275)

I think we’ve hit peak cuteness level here, readers. Surely Lillipup couldn’t cause any damage in battle, right? Unless cuteness has a Power of 200.
Evolving into Herdier at Level 16 and Stoutland at Level 32, the chances of you actually using Lillipup for long are very small. Still, with Bite and Retaliate in its move roster, it can certainly make a dint in any health bar in those early stages of the game.
Lillipup is said to be brave but smart enough to not fight big targets. I like that outlook on life; it’s a cautious and smart little pup for sure!
It’s even more smart when you realise it has an Sp. Atk of just 25 too!
35. Smeargle (250)

I think Smeargle is definitely channeling it’s inner Bob Ross. This painter Pokemon is super fast; with a base Speed stat of 75 and HP of 55.
That speed stat isn’t that useful considering that you can’t actually use any physical moves of your own, however…
You see, Smeargle doesn’t evolve, and it only has one move that it can use throughout its entire life. That move is Sketch, and it copies the previous move that was used against you.
Let’s hope someone used Thunder and it happened to miss then, eh!
36. Poochyena (220)

Poochyena takes the last spot in our list, and even though it has actual moves instead of Smeargle’s copycat move (or copydog, in this case) Sketch, it still comes last down to its over base stat total of 220.
I guess it doesn’t have a lot of bite or bark, then!
Turning into Mightyena at level 18, its highest stat is Physical Attack at 55, with the others coming it at 30 and 35 across the board.
It’ll chase after a Pokemon until the Pokemon decides to attack back, and you’ll find Poochyena will become less of a tenacious fighter and more of a ‘tail-between-the-legs’ kinds of critter running back to the fire.