Oh, Amazon; while we’re happy that you jump the gun and leak news to excited fans, you do seem to make some silly blunders! Still, if it wasn’t for an early listing of the Tomb Raider Collection appearing online and savvy shoppers snapping a picture, then I wouldn’t have woken up as excited as I am right now!
It’s not even 24 hours since I wrote an article about Giga Carts heading to the popular handheld. I speculated which games might arise, throwing my hat into the ring for PS1 games as the cartridges boasted larger capacities for modern retro games, most likely those made on CDs.
We recently reviewed the new Tomb Raider Remastered collection, heading back to our childhoods to play Lara’s seminal titles once more. They look fantastic now (just how we thought we remembered them), and the fact that the new games are heading to the Evercade will undoubtedly help to shift even more consoles for the company.
As I quoted yesterday, the Giga Cart is priced for pre-order (or was for a very short time anyway) at $24.99, which falls in line with the proposed pricing from Evercade. I can’t imagine that they will be too happy with the leak from Amazon, unless it was a very clever rouse to get us all excited… in which case, it worked!
64-Bit Retro Revival

This isn’t the first retro classic to hit the Evercade of late. I recently covered a new collection of retro marvels featuring the one and only Glover heading to the handheld. The Pico Interactive Collection 4 marks the company’s move into 64-bit gaming, with a remastered and updated version of the N64 classic setting fans’ hearts racing and their thumbs at the ready.
With one of the 2 Giga carts already announced and Glover shipping as part of the Pico collection this April, 2024 is already looking like the year of the Evercade! When we know more about the Tomb Raider collection on Evercade, we’ll update you here on Retro Dodo!