Ranking The 5 Best Shantae Games of All Time

Best Shantae Games

It’s time to rub that magical lamp and conjure up a badass half-genie hero, as we check out the best Shantae games of all time! Since Shantae first appeared in her first game – way back in 2002 on the Game Boy Color – she’s proven to be a hugely popular character. The games themselves […]

10 Best Retro Board Games of the Past

It’s time to roll the dice and check out the best retro board games of the past! Though most people seem to think that Monopoly is the be all and end all of board game design, you’ll see that there’s always been much more out there than the wheeling and dealing of that particular game. […]

Dandy & Randy DX Review – A Enjoyable 16-Bit Zelda-Like Adventure

dandy randy dx

A colourful, enjoyable throwback to 16-bit action adventure games, Dandy & Randy DX (which was announced this week – see our ‘Dandy and Randy DX release‘ news article for more details) takes players on an adventure across several distinct areas of a mysterious island. A Treasure Hunt On The Sunrise Islands The titular characters have […]