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10 Strongest Digimon Characters of All Time

strongest digimon of all time

Which Digital Monsters do you want behind you in a fight? Which critters pack the biggest punch, and which are the strongest of the bunch? It’s time to check out the strongest Digimon characters of all time!

Despite not being as popular as the ever present Pokemon, Digimon is still a fantastic franchise that has seen a resurgence in recent times.

Moreover, contrary to what you might think, there are in fact a whole host of Digimon throughout the different mediums that could be crowned as the most powerful.

Here, we’ll be taking a look at the strongest Digimon characters that have ever been created, taking into account their abilities, feats, and impact on the franchise.

To preface the list though, we need to talk about Gaiamon. Even though technically this Digimon could be the most powerful mon ever, it has never actually appeared, so we’ve chosen not to include it.

1. Zeedmillenniummon


Nabbing the top spot here as the strongest Digimon around is Zeedmillenniummon. And if you’re unsure as to what makes ZeedMillenniummon so powerful, well, it is actually a Wicked God Digimon capable of altering reality itself.

With the ability to manipulate time and space, ZeedMillenniummon is a formidable adversary that can pose a threat to the entire Digital World. Pretty scary stuff.

Additionally, according to some Digimon lore, the DigiCode bands that can be seen around the monster are actually hindering some of its abilities meaning that if these were somehow broken, it could wreak even more havoc.

Because of its relentless nature, always looking to consume entire worlds, coupled with the fact that we may have not even seen its ‘true’ power, there’s no question in our eyes that Zeedmillenniummon is king.

2. Omnimon X

omnimon x strongest digimon

Omegamon, known as Omnimon in the English dub, is a fusion of two iconic Digimon, WarGreymon and MetalGarurumon.

This powerful fusion Digimon possesses incredible speed and strength and is often called upon to save the Digital World from imminent threats.

Omegamon’s Transcendent Sword and Supreme Cannon attacks are legendary, making him a formidable force in any battle.

The X version of the ‘mon enhances its capabilities even further, technically making it invulnerable due to the X-Antibody.

With both the solid offensive and its theoretical invincibility against other Digimon, there’s no question that Omnimon X is a close runner up to Zeedmillenniummon.

3. Shoutmon X7 Superior Mode

shoutmon x7 superior mode strongest digimon

Shoutmon X7 Superior Mode, while being one of the coolest looking Digimon around, is also one of the strongest.

Again, like others in this list, it combines other Digimon powers to create a ‘super’ version, making for some impressive offensive and defensive capabilities.

It is a Digimon evolution that surpasses all previous forms of Shoutmon in terms of power, size, and sheer presence, making it the ultimate version.

It utilizes its need for peace and turns it into strength, enhancing its powers to overcome the evil that’s in front of it.

Additionally, its Gold Digizoid grows further in conjunction with sprouting wings of holy light, furthering its imposing nature.

4. ImperialDramon Paladin Mode

imperialdramon paladin mode

Just missing out on a top three finish is ImperialDramon Paladin Mode.

Imperialdramon Paladin Mode is the ultimate form of Imperialdramon, obtained through the power of the Holy Digivice.

This Digimon wields the Omni Sword and possesses incredible speed and agility, making it perfect in a variety of battling situations.

With the ability to manipulate time and space, Imperialdramon Paladin Mode is also nearly invincible in battle, somewhat mirroring that of Zeedmillenniummon and Omnimon X

5. Alphamon

alphamon strongest digimon

Alphamon is a member of the Royal Knights and is known for its imposing strength and speed.

It wields the Divine Sword Grade Alpha, a powerful sword capable of cutting through any adversary, just what is needed when coming up against other strong evil Digimon in this list.

It’s actually suggested that due to how fast Alphamon attacks, no one truly knows how many hits it gets off on opponents but what is for sure is that it is usually enough to end the battle as a success.

Moreover, Alphamon can also wield a magic circle of DigiCode both for offense and defense, bolstering its versatility.

6. Quartzmon


Quartzmon is probably the most mysterious Digimon to make the list due to both its type and attributes being completely unknown. However, this doesn’t take away from its sheer power.

Essentially, Quartzmon is a huge robot-like globe that absorbs both Digimon and humans to amplify its strength.

In fact, it is suggested that there is no limit to its hunger for power absorption, stopping at nothing until all the data has been collected from the entire world.

Due to this, it not only makes Quartzmon formidable but also one of the most scary since it will stop at nothing to get as much data as possible.

7. Susanoomon

susanoomon strongest digimon

Susanoomon is known as the strongest destructive god that also rules over regeneration.

With the power to control the elements and access the incredible ZERO-ARMS: Orochi, Susanoomon is a force to be reckoned with.

Its ultimate move, Celestial Blade, can obliterate enemies with ease since the ZERO-ARMS: Orochi essentially slices and stabs everything that is present in the world.

What’s most interesting about Susanoomon, and something that further cements its place as one of the most powerful Digimon, is that if the Network System begins to fail, it will destroy it and create a whole new one.

8. Ogudomon X

ogudomon x

Ogudomon X is the big, beefy version of the standard Ogudomon variant.

As you would expect, this, like others with X in their name, possesses the X Antibody enhancing its capabilities.

The arms and head have taken a new form with the X variant becoming actual blades that have the abilities of the Seven Great Demon Lords, only adding to the strength of this digital beast.

It also has no qualms as to what it wants to take down, whether it be friend or foe, so whatever falls into Ogudomon X’s path better be ready for a serious battle.

9. Lucemon ShadowLord Mode

lucemon shadowlord mode strongest digimon

Lucemon has a bunch of different forms and in our eyes, ShadowLord Mode is the strongest of the lot.

This form is a Demon God Digimon and its appearance of a dragon wielding an orb of darkness certainly fits the bill.

The held orb absorbs all attacks, completely nullifying them in the process which is an incredibly powerful attribute to have.

The only way you can damage this ‘mon is by getting to the Lucemon Larva within the orb which is no mean feat, making the main body essentially invulnerable.

In terms of attacking capabilities, its Purgatorial Flame is known to completely wipe out everything in its path with flames of destruction, even more reason why it makes the cut on this list.

10. Jesmon GX

jesmon gx

Jesmon GX is another powerful Digimon that belongs to the elite group of Digimon warriors – the Royal Knights.

This GX version of Jesmon is its final form, honing in power through the training of Gankoomon to become a master of combat.

Using its weapon – the Unlimitive Gauntlet, it is able to switch between Sword, Knuckle, and Shield Modes depending on the situation, showcasing its utilitarian capabilities.

Its impressive speed and attacks such as the Knights’ Intruder coupled with that all-important X Antibody, definitely make it one of the strongest Digital Monsters out there.

Final Word

All in all, it is safe to say that the Digimon universe is filled with a wide array of powerful and legendary characters.

The ten Digimon we’ve gone for here represent some of the strongest and most iconic beings in the franchise’s history.

Whether through their incredible strength, unique abilities, or their impact on the storylines, these Digimon have left an strong mark on the fictional world.

If you’re interested in more Digimon content, we also have guides on how many Digimon there are and the best Digimon ROM Hacks!

Jacob Woodward profile image Jacob Woodward
Jacob has been an avid handheld enthusiast ever since the original Game Boy was placed in his hand at an early age. From that point, he's become engrossed in all aspects of gaming, owning most console