You know how if you're a bartender and you come home from work to play Coffee Talk on the Switch, or if you're a chef and end up playing Overcooked 2? Well, Retro Handheld Simulator sort of feels like an extension of my own life as a retro collector, bar the fact that I have my own house and don't live in my Mum's basement.
This fun little game by Paul M of Madsox Games takes you into the life of a handheld collector, and if it feels like it's slightly attacking you or giving you a bit of a roasting, then that's the point. It's a game that pokes fun at the habits of the handheld gaming community, Paul included, with players dusting handhelds that 'barely look neglected' and having nightmares about only needing a Steam Deck instead of every console they've painstakingly acquired over the years - I lost 1 XP point for that terrible thought!

So far I've put a handheld on eBay that's made a loss, found out my girlfriend has left me, and dusted my handhelds more than I can count. I've got to go to the post office in a second too and see if my Mum has finished her taxes - I'm doing chores in a game when I've got a pile of washing a mile high and my own taxes in real life!
This game isn't going to knock Pokémon Red or Blue off the top spot in your collection, but it's certainly a bit of fun and really well put together. I'm looking forward to seeing the different ways I can gain XP points as I play through the game and heading off to the Post Office once I've got this handheld sorted out because as we all know, jobs in a game don't require physical effort and allow me to procrastinate for longer. Check out the game on Paul M's page to try it out for yourself!