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Retro Handheld Simulator Is A Homebrew Game That Every Collector Can Begrudgingly Relate To

Retro Handheld Simulator gameplay
Credit: Retro Dodo

You know how if you're a bartender and you come home from work to play Coffee Talk on the Switch, or if you're a chef and end up playing Overcooked 2? Well, Retro Handheld Simulator sort of feels like an extension of my own life as a retro collector, bar the fact that I have my own house and don't live in my Mum's basement.

This fun little game by Paul M of Madsox Games takes you into the life of a handheld collector, and if it feels like it's slightly attacking you or giving you a bit of a roasting, then that's the point. It's a game that pokes fun at the habits of the handheld gaming community, Paul included, with players dusting handhelds that 'barely look neglected' and having nightmares about only needing a Steam Deck instead of every console they've painstakingly acquired over the years - I lost 1 XP point for that terrible thought!

Gameplay of Retro Handheld Simulator on Seb's analogue pocket
Credit: Retro Dodo

So far I've put a handheld on eBay that's made a loss, found out my girlfriend has left me, and dusted my handhelds more than I can count. I've got to go to the post office in a second too and see if my Mum has finished her taxes - I'm doing chores in a game when I've got a pile of washing a mile high and my own taxes in real life!

This game isn't going to knock Pokémon Red or Blue off the top spot in your collection, but it's certainly a bit of fun and really well put together. I'm looking forward to seeing the different ways I can gain XP points as I play through the game and heading off to the Post Office once I've got this handheld sorted out because as we all know, jobs in a game don't require physical effort and allow me to procrastinate for longer. Check out the game on Paul M's page to try it out for yourself!

Sebastian Santabarbara profile image Sebastian Santabarbara
Sebastian is fuelled by a lifelong passion for Zelda, Banjo Kazooie, Donkey Kong, and all things retro. He uses his misspent youth with retro consoles to create content for readers around the world.