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The Rarest Wii Games & Their Worth (Highest To Lowest)

The Rarest Wii Games & Their Worth (Highest To Lowest)

Get ready to be rich; it’s time to check out the top 10 rare Wii games on the internet!

Ok, how rich you might end up being will depend on the quality of the game and whether you decided to put it away in a drawer and never open it. It does happen, and those sealed copies can be worth an absolute fortune today.

The Wii had the most games of any of Nintendo’s home consoles, bringing 1595 titles to the table. With reprints, demo discs, and some games that just didn’t sell well, some of these adventures have transcended from simply being video games into rare collector’s items that everyone wants.

And when collectors want stuff, you know they’ll pay top dollar to get it.

So, which of those dusty discs in your attic could pay for a new Tag Heur Super Mario watch? How much could you stow away under your pillow, and what would it cost to buy a game about loads of vegetables?

Check out our top 12 rare Wii games below and find out!

1. Metroid Prime Trilogy: Collectors Edition Steelbook: $45 – $200

Rare Wii Games - Metroid Prime Trilogy: Steelbook Collector's Edition game case cover art
Credit: Nintendo

The Metroid Prime Trilogy: Collectors Edition Steelbook is currently the most expensive rare Wii game. For those of you wondering why this game is so expensive, it’s the Steelbook collector’s case that really bumps the price up.

Used copies tend to cost around $80, but if you decided to put a sealed one away back in the day, then things are about to look pretty tasty in your bank balance.

Credit: Nintendo

If you’ve never played Metroid Prime before, then this disc holds all three games from the series. It’s got Metroid Prime, Metroid Prime 2: Echoes (two of the best titles on the Nintendo GameCube), and Metroid Prime 3: Corruption.

All three are FPS titles that see Samus Aran kicking alien ass in her space suit, picking up new abilities and weapons along the way.

And yeah, if you’ve seen the news about the ‘new’ Metroid game coming out for the Switch, then these are 3D games and not dated side scrollers…

You can pick up a copy for much cheaper if you don’t want the steelbook. Still, it looks pretty cool up on a shelf and will only increase in value over the years!

2. Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn: $52 – $180

Rare Wii Games - Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn game case cover art
Credit: Nintendo

Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn is a game that is 100% a tactical RPG with zero board-game spaces in sight.

I think this game is still quite rare and expensive as the Fire Emblem series was never as popular in the West as it was in Japan. Sure, it’s got a great fanbase, but it still has a sense of mystique to it that brings a higher price tag, and it’s got lots of dragons in it, and they like gold… which makes perfect sense.

Credit: Nintendo

Radiant Dawn is the exact opposite of a walk in the park. It requires your full attention and plays similarly to games like tactics Ogre and Jeanne D’Arc.

There might not be a game board to move along, but players must contend with gridded battle areas and Risk/Strategeo-style battles. We’re talking true turn-based fights as you lead the Dawn Brigade to war!

Weirdly, some players die and just never come back to the game. It’s basically as close to Game of Thrones as you can get without putting on John Snow’s cloak and looking all moody.

Sealed copies have been known to sell for anything up to $699 in the past, with current sales patterns showing that the price has lowered to $180. Still, you can usually pick up a used game for around $52.

It’s held its value well!

3. Super Mario Galaxy 1st Print: $150

Rare Wii Games - Super Mario Galaxy game case 1st print cover art
Credit: Nintendo

Yep; I can hear you saying ‘Galaxy, seriously?’ around the world as you read this. Unfortunately, it’s not just any copy of the game.

Players with a 1st print white label copy could be in for a real treat. These copies go for anywhere up to $150, which could be a nice chunk off your rent for the month!

Credit: Nintendo

For those of you who have never played this game before, it’s a real treat. It could well be one of Mario’s greatest adventures ever (spoiler alert – it’s definitely on that list).

Galaxy had to be a stunning title after the success of Sunshine, and it did a great job of blowing us all away. It features Peach and Bowser in an intergalactic title where gravity and revolving planets play a huge role.

Ok, they’re the main premise of the game…

Galaxy was definitely the muse for Odyssey, and it’s nice to see where the original ideas developed from. The game worlds are beautifully crafted and the art of collecting stars is something that Mario certainly knows how to pull off by now.

4. Veggy World: $140

Rare Wii Games - Veggy World game case cover art
Credit: Nintendo/Virtual Play Games

We’ve already learned that vegetables and gaming make for expensive purchases back in our list of the rarest Gameboy DMG games. Veggy World continues the trend, bringing a price tag of $140 for a used copy.

Remember when your parents told you to eat all your vegetables as a kid? Well, it’s a good job you didn’t, as they’re the only ones that can stop the diabolic Plant army from taking over the world!

Turns out we should have been eating begonias and daisies instead!

Credit: Nintendo/Virtual Play Games

Instead of steaming carrots or pushing peas around a plate, players must traverse desert levels and underwater worlds as they battle plants.

Pick from epic weapons based on fruit and vegetables. We’re talking mushroom torpedos and missiles made from strawberries!

Listen; if customising plant and veggie characters and playing through 21 levels of madness isn’t worth $140, then I don’t know what is…

… that was supposed to sound convincing… did it work?

5. Ju-On: The Grudge: $65 – $114

Rare Wii Games - Ju-On: The Grudge game case cover art
Credit: Nintendo

Ok, so $65 isn’t going to let you retire early, but we have previously seen copies that have gone for $300 in the past before prices fluctuated.

I’m not a fan of scary games. The idea of a fright simulator makes me angry and yes, a little frightened.

Still, this game still brings a pretty penny for those who were wise enough to buy a copy and stow it away for a ‘rainy eBay day’.

Credit: Nintendo/Youtube

Yeah; that’s giving me nightmares…

Apparently, if you die with a grudge, then some sort of curse appears. The main character comes into contact with one of these curses while trying to find her dog, and then her whole family becomes cursed…

Any game that involves wandering around a mannequin factory or an empty hospital is never going to be high up on my list. But, this game does come from a long line of successful Japanese horror films, so if you’re into getting scared, then give it a go.

I’d definitely pay you $179 to take the copy we have in the Retro Dodo office. That thing gives me the willies!

6. The Legend Of Zelda: Skyward Sword Demo: $100

Rare Wii Games - The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword Demo Disc Game Case
Credit: Nintendo

If there’s one item in this list of rare Wii games that I wish I owned, then it’s The Legend Of Zelda: Skyward Sword Demo disc. Regular readers know how much of a Zelda nerd I am, so much so that I pre-ordered Skyward Sword HD the second it was announced.

This demo disc is rare for a very special reason; it should never have left shops. These copies are the ones that players test out in video game stores to see what all the fuss is about.

Most stores send them back, though some get accidentally ‘lost’ in transit.

Credit: Nintendo

Now, the fact that the Wii controls were trying at times and a little cumbersome doesn’t change my decision. I’d use this as a bookmark in my Hyrule History encyclopedia, the most expensive page marker of all time…

Anyone new to Skyward Sword really should check it out. Spotting the elements that went on to become firm features in BOTW such as the stamina pods, glider, and Link running for the first time is always fun.

If you’re a Zelda fan who has money to burn, then this little nugget of Hyrule history would make a fine addition to your collection. Just let me know when you’ve bought it and I’ll come around and take a look!

7. Fritz Chess: $19 – $100

Rare Wii Games - Fritz Chess game case cover art
Credit: Nintendo

Fritz Chess is not the most groundbreaking title in the world. Still, it looks the part and uses detailed pieces.

If you’ve been watching The Queen’s Gambit and fancy yourself as a Grandmaster, then it might be of interest.

Credit: Nintendo

The best bit about this game is the different modes of play available to gamers. Tackle Chess puzzles, have a go at Historical Matches, or venture into modes that invite you to increase your knowledge of the game.

This is a great title for both experts and newbies alike. It’s simple to grasp if you’re a complete beginner, and the adventure mode utilises cool characters that keep the gameplay fresh and funky.

I honestly didn’t think that Chess could be this fun until I played this game. I must admit that I didn’t spend this much money on it and bought it before the price rocketed. Still, if you’ve got $115 to spend and don’t own a chessboard, then give it a shot.

8. Dokapon Kingdom: $28 – $90

Rare Wii Games - Dokapon Kingdom game case cover art
Credit: Nintendo/Atlus

Next up in our list of rare Wii games is Dokapon Kingdom, a game that’s a little like Mario Party VS Final Fantasy.

Ok, I know that’s a massive generalisation, but hear me out.

The gameplay is set on a board, but there are certain elements to the game that one might typically find in an RPG (that’s my academic voice coming out there).

Players take part in battles from time to time, and there are missions to complete along the way. It’s nowhere near as tactics-based as the next title in our list, but it does keep you on your toes throughout.


So what’s going on in this game? Well, loads of evil creatures have ransacked the Kingdom of Dokapon. They’ve stolen all the gold too, and it’s your job to get it back.

Players move through Story Mode, finding gold and eventually taking the King’s daughter’s hand in marriage. Gamers have the choice of playing as a female character too, and there’s a different ending in store if you do.

Dokapon Kingdom allows 4 players to team up together, which is just as well… The cost price for a sealed copy needs to be split between as many people as possible!

9. The Legend Of Zelda: Twilight Princess 1st Print: $15- $81

Rare Wii Games - The Legend Of Zelda: Twilight Princess 1st Print game case cover art

This is my third favourite Zelda game of all time. In my opinion, it’s the last classic Zelda game in the series with all the thrills and challenges that we first experienced in Ocarina of Time making an entrance once more.

I know that this could be technically classed as a GameCube game too, but the 1st print Wii edition is where the money is at.


Until BOTW dropped into out lives, Twilight Princess was the best-selling Zelda game. It beat my beloved Ocarina by almost a million copies… but who’s really counting?

After the cell-shaded adventures of Link (otherwise known as the WindWaker) and before he started diving around on birds (Skyward Sword), Twilight Princess kept true to the original Hyrule.

Talking to Gorons in Hyrule Castle Town, visiting Kakariko Village and Death Mountain; it had it all, and crisp graphics too!

Honestly, I know I said I’d sell it if I had a 1st print, but I reckon it’d only make it harder to part with. I love Zelda a little too much, which means it would more than likely end up in a frame than in a second-hand store!

10. One Piece: Unlimited Adventure: $27 – $70


One Piece games never disappoint, and One Piece: Unlimited Adventure is a slick title for the Wii that you can get for relatively cheap these days.

Prices are currently pretty low, so now is the time to strike if you’re looking to add this title to your collection.

But why is a game that looks so good and is part of such a big series appearing in this list?


The One Piece series is most well-known in Japan and hasn’t seen as big of an upsurge in popularity over on Western shores. It’s a massive shame, as I’ve always enjoyed diving into these adventures, and the storyline is great.

We’re talking about taking pirates out on quests and lots of exciting problems to solve and battles to take part in. Build to reach new areas as you explore the beautifully crafted world.

Sebastian Santabarbara profile image Sebastian Santabarbara
Sebastian is fuelled by a lifelong passion for Zelda, Banjo Kazooie, Donkey Kong, and all things retro. He uses his misspent youth with retro consoles to create content for readers around the world.