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Celebrate The Year Of The Dragon In Style With The Pokèmon Fendi Collaboration

Celebrate The Year Of The Dragon In Style With The Pokèmon Fendi Collaboration

The Year of the Dragon is almost upon us, running from February 10th 2024 until January 28th 2025. And what better way to bring in the new year than with the Pokèmon Fendi collaboration and a very familiar face that Pokè fans the world will know very well.

Pokèmon are what you would call a ‘hot topic’ all the time these days. Put a pocket monster on something and it will fly off the shelves no matter what age the product is aimed at.

Especially if it has wings like our scaly friend below!

We’ve seen our favourite Pokèmon appear in the Van Gogh Museum, and now Fendi have cemented one of our favourite dragon evolutions in the world of high fashion forever more.

With a range of bags, clothes, and accessories for both men and women featuring both Dragonite and Dratini, you can show off your favourite First Gen Pokemon for a very fiery price that will certainly burn a hole in your pocket!

Gotta’ Catch ‘Em All At Fendi!

pokèmon fendi collaboration - Dragonite hoody and dratini bag

For those of you wondering who Fendi are, then we need to take a short trip to my favourite country (for obvious reasons) – Italy.

This fashion house began in Rome in 1925 and still has its HQ in the Italian capital to this day. We’re not sure whether Fendi have jumped on the Pokèmon bandwagon because they know it will appeal to the masses or whether their CEO Serge Brunschwig is just a huge nerd, but we’re happy to see these First-Gen Pokemon included in Fendi’s new collection.

And to be honest, I don’t think Fendi need Pokemon to help them sell their products, even with the best Dragon Pokemon on the job. They’re a very popular brand in the world of high fashion, and they price according to that.

The two bags in the feature image at the top of this article have a combined total of $7,250, and the two below (from left to right) come in at $5,800 and $1,790.

Does that make Dragonite and Dratini two of the most expensive Pokemon of all time?

pokèmon fendi collaboration - dragonite bags for men and women
Credit: Fendi/Pokemon Company/Nintendo

The collection is available to purchase now, though many of the items are back order or bear a  ‘notify when back in stock’ message, so you’ll need to keep up to date with the latest stock levels on Fendi.

What do you think to the Pokèmon Fendi collaboration? I think we might need to remortgage Retro Dodo Towers to get some of those hoodies, but maybe one day we’ll get our hands on one!

Sebastian Santabarbara profile image Sebastian Santabarbara
Sebastian is fuelled by a lifelong passion for Zelda, Banjo Kazooie, Donkey Kong, and all things retro. He uses his misspent youth with retro consoles to create content for readers around the world.