A seller on Facebook Marketplace has listed a rare PlayStation Experience truck trailer from 2006 for $70,000.
Originally spotted and shared to Reddit by user ArguingMaster, the PlayStation Experience trailer would pop up at events and in supermarket car parks in 2006, towed by a truck to deliver a taste of the, then new, PSP, along with demos for several PS2 titles.
The trailer formed one part of Sony’s marketing campaign in the United States to help drive sales of the PlayStation maker’s first foray into the handheld market (excluding the wonderful PocketStation, of course).
Upon reaching their destination, these trailers would expand sideways, creating a larger space for gamers to enter and demo games such as ATV Offroad Fury 4, SOCOM: Fireteam Bravo 2, and NBA 07.

The PlayStation Experience truck trailer listed for sale online features for all of these titles as well as 2006’s PS2 must-play, Singstar Rocks.
While the trailer has clearly seen better days, with the seller revealing the unit remained out of service for “several years”, the iconic PlayStation symbols, console artwork, and even the ‘Live in your world, play in ours’ slogans remain, even if they are a little worse for wear.
The trailer also seemingly includes the original demo stations and, while the PSP and PS2 consoles are long gone, the 2006-era plasma screens are present and correct.
Truckin’ Nostalgia

Seeing the PlayStation Experience truck trailer up for sale online has ignited many memories within the PlayStation community with several nostalgic gamers recounting their experiences of playing games inside this piece of gaming history.
Andyman602 wrote on Reddit saying “this really brings me back” before recounting their experience of the experiencing the trailer in 2006. “I can vividly remember showing up to a Target store with my dad in Arizona when I was about 10 and this was out front. Got to play the Loco Roco demo and it lit a fire in me that hasn’t gone out. I immediately wanted to get a PSP, when I finally did it was a realization of a childhood dream”.
Meanwhile, the original poster ArguingMaster weighed in on the $70,000 price tag with some historical context, stating that a trailer cost “about a quarter of a million new”.