It’s been three years since the Nintendo Switch Online expansion first dropped into our lives, a service I’ve definitely got my money’s worth out of over the years from all of the N64 Mario Tennis tournaments I’ve had with friends since. While my PS Plus subscription gives me 100% more new games to play than Nintendo’s offering, NSO has always been about having a place to play your favourite old-school games. With titles like Turok, Jet Force Gemini, The Minish Cap, F-Zero X, Killer Instinct, and tones of classic games from all regions including Japanese exclusives, it’s a one-stop shop for nostalgic trips down memory lane, and it looks like we might be about to get some more exciting releases very soon.
We’ve been wondering when the console list would get updated on NSO for a while now and have speculated when GameCube might come to the platform. I’ve previously said that it might be left to the Nintendo Switch 2 to bring GameCube emulation to the fold, but Nintendo’s latest tease has got us all wondering if we could be seeing Super Mario Sunshine and Wind Waker coming to the Switch over the next couple of months.

‘What excitement will the next year bring from Nintendo Switch Online + Expansion Pack members? Stay tuned to find out!‘ I mean, if that’s not GameCube, then I’ll eat all of my flat caps. It’s not just the prospect of the GameCube that has fans across the internet getting excited, however. Don’t forget that the Expansion Pack launched with N64 and the Sega Genesis/Mega Drive collection – could we be about to see the Sega Saturn’s greatest hits joining the party or, and this would be really interesting, the Dreamcast?
Nintendo Switch Online saying ‘Stay tuned to find out’ sounds to me like we won’t have to wait long to see if more GameCube classics or Sonic titles are heading to the Switch (much sooner than the new Sonic Adventure merch from LRG is set to release at any rate). As always, I’ll be keeping my finger on the pulse over the coming weeks, but in the mean time, let me know which consoles you would like to see arriving on the Nintendo Switch Platform in the comments below!