If you’re mad about Donkey Kong and want to fill your life with clothes and merch to celebrate your favorite simian superstar, then Nintendo have the answer. They’ve released new merchandise to commemorate the launch of Donkey Kong Country Returns HD on Nintendo Switch, some of which is subtle and some of which is down-right bananas… no seriously, it’s actually bananas.

Check out the Donkey Kong fleece above; it looks like it’s mega comfy, but the hairdo on the top would probably prevent me from wearing it outdoors. If you’ve got more confidence than me, then all power to you, but that looks like something I would definitely wear while gaming in winter. The Diddy Kong jacket looks like a character costume too, so would be perfect for wearing while playing Mario Party or Mario Kart!
For me, the biscuit barrel, cup, plush barrel, and keyrings look more like my kind of thing, especially that T-shirt. I could probably get away without wearing a tie to formal occasions if I wore that!
You can check out all the new Donkey Kong merch on the Japanese Nintendo Store.