Mother 3 Coming To Nintendo Switch Online In Japan

Mother 3 Japan announcement

I’m sorry to have put you through a rollercoaster ride of emotions there in the space of one sentence, but I thought it was best to get the announcement out in one go.

Mother 3 is coming to Nintendo Switch, but only in Japan for now.

I say ‘for now’ as Jet Force Gemini only dropped on Nintendo Switch Online in Japan at first and arrived for PAL gamers at a later date, so there is a hope that it might arrive later on in the year.

Still, the fact that it didn’t appear on Western Nintendo Direct Partner Showcase doesn’t bode well…

I guess it makes sense; Mother 3 was never released in Europe or the US, and it’s only die-hard Nintendoids that have made the jump to get the fan-made translation in order to experience all of the action.

You could always get a Japanese account and use Duolingo to try and learn Japanese super fast, or just hold your Google Translate app over the screen and laboriously translate everything… though we’re not sure that will be very enjoyable.

Here’s the Japanese Nintendo Direct Partner Showcase video below, with lots of other footage for you to peruse including Goeman playing baseball in a new release! That’s something I didn’t think I would see today!

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