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SEGA Reveals New Mega Drive Mini 2 With 50 Games Included

mega drive mini 2

Out of nowhere it seems SEGA has officially revealed the brand new SEGA Mega Drive Mini 2, a remastered version of their old retro console with 50 installed games ready to be played.

This is very much like their original Mega Drive Mini which was launched in 2019 and featured just over 40 games. Our high score of 8 out of 10 in our Mega Drive Mini review goes to show how much we loved it.

It sold in large numbers and did relatively well which SEGA was happy with, so happy in fact that they’re back for round two.

The Mega Drive Mini 2 was revealed during a SEGA livestream from Japan, and it was one of the main subjects of the stream.

SEGA Mega Drive Mini 2 Games

  • Silpheed (Mega CD)
  • Shining Force CD (Mega CD)
  • Sonic CD (Mega CD)
  • Mansion of Hidden Souls (Mega CD)
  • Popful Mail (Mega CD)
  • Virtua Racing (Mega Drive)
  • Bonanza Bros (Mega Drive)
  • Shining in the Darkness (Mega Drive)
  • Thunder Force IV (Mega Drive)
  • Magical Taruruto (Mega Drive)
  • Fantasy Zone (Mega Drive port)

As you can tell from the list above some of the best SEGA Mega Drive games are being featured, even if we only have a snippet of what’s to offer so far.

In the livestream they even showed off some gameplay, changed borders and a sneak peak at some old SEGA CD games from the past which this Mega Drive Mini 2 can play.

sega cd mini

What makes this mini console even more adorable is that it comes with a SEGA CD Mini add-on and inside the disc tray is Sonic CD, one of the best SEGA CD games of all time.

SEGA Mega Drive Mini 2 Release Date


The SEGA Mega Drive Mini 2 will be released on 27th October 2022 in Japan. There is no information regarding a western release as of yet.

SEGA Mega Drive Mini 2 Pricing

The SEGA Mega Drive Mini 2 is now available to pre-order on Amazon. Find links below.

Brandon Saltalamacchia profile image Brandon Saltalamacchia
Brandon is the founder of Retro Dodo and has loved gaming ever since his mother bought him Pokemon Yellow for the Game Boy in the late 90's. Now he writes about his passions for gaming and collecting.