I bet when you were collecting Game Boy games as a kid you never thought there would be one selling on eBay for $1,800… and if you did, then I wish I had thought like you! Spud’s Adventure is one of the rarest titles ever released for the original DMG Game Boy and rarely appears online, never mind ‘complete in box’. Finding one that comes with a box is like finding a hen’s teeth – usually impossible.
The listing on eBay comes from a private seller named oneil who also has the rare Game Boy game Agro Soar complete in box up for sale, though it’s Spud’s Adventure that is undoubtedly the title that will bring collectors flocking to the site. The game comes complete with the original box, plastic insert, and instruction booklet, all of which look in great condition considering the age of the game.

Spud’s Adventure is second in rarity only to the incredibly hard-to-get-hold-of Amazing Tater, a game that we were lucky enough to pick up cartridge only last year. It’s funny that both of the rarest games for the DMG are potato-based; maybe there’s something about carbohydrates that scared handheld gamers back then.
In Spud’s Adventure, players take the titular root-veggie character around a series of levels so he can rescue Princess Mato. The gameplay is super addictive and probably counts towards one of your five-a-day considering all the characters you come into contact with.
If you have a spare $1,800 burning a hole in your pocket, then this is undoubtedly a great piece for your collection. It’ll definitely be the most expensive potato you ever buy… until you find a boxed copy of Amazing Tater for $4,000, that is…