If you’re adventuring through Pokemon Legend: Arceus and are moving towards the end of the game it’s likely that you will stumble across a quest that asks you to solve a riddle from the Legendary Pokemon the is Uxie.
This is a part of the quest “The Trail of Lake Acuity”. Before hand you will have to make your way to Lake acuity to defeat the Alpha Pokemon that guards this holy space. This Pokemon is Zoroark, a rare, hard to beat Pokemon that requires skill to defeat.
Once defeated, or captured Uxie will appear asking you to complete a riddle about the eyes of certain Pokemon.
It can be a tricky one, because the Pokemon chosen in this riddle have a wide number of different eyes, so getting them right will be a challenge for some.
But do not fear Retro Dodo is here, we’ve played Pokemon long enough to know the exact answer.

Uxie asks the questions: “Combee. Zubat. Unown. Magneton. Dusclops. How many are their eyes?”.
So let’s quickly go over the answer.
- Combee has a total of six eyes.
- Zubat has a total of zero eyes (it’s technically blind and uses sonar to see).
- Unown has a total of one eye.
- Magneton has a total of three eyes (one for each Magnemite).
- Dusclops has a total of one eye.
Combee. Zubat. Unown. Magneton. Dusclops. How many are their eyes? answer.

The answer to this riddle asked by Uxie is 60131. Combee has six eyes, Zubat has no eyes, Unown has one eye, Magneton three eyes and finally Dusclops has one eye.
How To Get Uxie’s Claw?

Once you find Uxie while doing the “The Trail Of Lake Acuity” mission and answer 60131 to her riddle the Legendary Pokemon will reward you with Uzie’s Claw. This claw is a fundamental part for completing the game and is needed to for the Red Chain.
So there you have it, a very quick look at how to solze Uxie’s “eyes” Puzzle in Pokemon Legends: Arceus. It’s a hard one isn’t it, yet to obvious when you think about it.
We have many more Legends: Arceus guides, for example how to restart Pokemon Legends: Arceus, for those of you that want to start from scratch!