6 Tips On How To Beat Klonoa Door To Phantomile

Looking for tips on how beat Klonoa Door to Phantomile? Don’t worry; you’ve come to the right place.

For a cutesy sidescrolling game, this is a tricky cookie to crack. Back in the PS1 days, Klonoa’s 2.5D adventure gripped us all, and now with a suave revamp, it looks just as good as the best Rayman games and some of the newest and best indie games on Switch.

And now, alongside epic graphics and improved gameplay, there’s also an easy mode for newbies to the series.

But we don’t need it.

From using enemies to your advantage to open and reach new areas, to armoured enemies and secret switches, I’ve listed 6 tips that will help you, Klonoa, and Huepaw go from strength to strength.

Just do your best not to die, alright?

1. Master Double Jumps And Flutters

6 Tips On How To Beat Klonoa Door To Phantomile - Double jumps and flutters

Mastering double jumps with enemies is one of the easiest ways to get ahead in Klonoa Door to Phantomile. Twin that double jump with a springboard and you’ll be up, up, and away in seconds.

Double jumping is simple; just grab hold of an emery using a wind bullet, jump, and then jump again. Klonoa will push the enemy down and get an extra boost.

Fluttering is easy too; essentially, Klonoa is borrowing Yoshi’s favourite move here and doing a little flutter over gaps to reach platforms or edge up a little higher onto new surfaces. Just hold the jump button after jumping to flap Klonoa’s ears.

Bear in mind that this flutter doesn’t last long, a couple of seconds at most. If a gap looks too big to bridge, then it probably is, so don’t risk it. The chances are there will be a switch somewhere to lower a bridge or a platform to knock down using an enemy.

2. Get Close Enough Before Firing Wind Bullets

In the normal mode, wind bullets barely push past Klonoa’s magic ring. You’ve got to get close up to enemies in order to connect with them, though it’s much trickier if they are holding shields or wearing armour.

For enemies holding shields, you’ll need to jump over them and use a wind bullet right behind them. Be warned though; an enemy with a spiky shield can turn super quickly and catch you with the pointy end, using up precious life.

Coming up against armoured enemies makes things even tougher. In order to knock off their armour, you’ve got to fire an enemy at them first. That might mean going back into a previous area and bringing an enemy through a door with you or dodging a couple of obstacles to get to the area where you need to be.\

Oh, and all the bosses require you to throw enemies at them. Four hits and they’re down, basically following the early Zelda-style of doing things.

3. Move Slowly And Watch For Shadows

In many places in Door to Phantomile, there are areas that I like to refer to as ‘points of no return’. They might be after dropping down off a big ledge or riding a waterfall that you can’t climb back up.

That means that if you’re trying to get every gem and every egg through the game, the answer isn’t to rush through like you’re playing a Sonic title.

Take things slow, look for shadows where secret eggs might be hidden, and think about your moves before you make them. The alternative is using up all your lives and repeating the vision from the very beginning, and nobody has time for that!

4. Practice Firing Enemies Off The Screen

6 Tips On How To Beat Klonoa Door To Phantomile - firing enemies off screen

Firing enemies of screen takes a little practice, especially when there you’re on a slope or need to hit a specific point. Luckily, there are often targets, some subtle and some more obvious than others, that you can aim towards.

Remember, you’ve got to be head on when firing enemies off screen, otherwise you won’t make your mark. Sometimes you need to do a single jump and wait to throw your enemy at the right time on the way down. Keep your cool, because if you’ve carried your enemy for a long way and miss your mark, you’ll have to wait for one to respawn or go back to get one.

5. Use Double Enemies To Reach Greater Heights

There are some instances where players need to get to high ledges by doing two enemy-aided double jumps.

If you do this first time, then you’re a better gamer than I. It took me a few attempts to get it right the first time I tried, essentially timing two double jumps with a flutter on the end.

Grab hold of one enemy, double jump, grab hold of the next and jump again, followed by a little ear-hover to get you to the finish line.

It might sound simple, but I guarantee that you’ll be pulling your hair out over this one… if you have any.

6. Make A Plan Before Picking Up A 2x Gem Fairy

My last tip on how to beat Klonoa Door to Phantomile is to make a plan before jumping in and nabbing those 2x gem fairies.

These little winged critters turn all the gems in an area into double their value for a very limited time. The last thing you want to do is to just grab one and then wing it, as sometimes certain gems need you do do a double-jump or defeat a certain enemy in order to reach them.

Take a look at the area before you pick up your fairy. Once it’s used, you can’t get it back, and it only lasts around 5 seconds, so you’ve got to move fast!

And that’s a wrap!

Thanks for checking out this article on how to beat Klonoa Door to Phantomile! Hopefully, you’ve got all the skills, tips, and tricks that you’ll need to thrive in with Klonoa, Huepaw, and the rest of the gang, thwarting Ghadius and Joka in the process.

If you’re struggling with bosses in the game, the check out how to beat Rongo Lango in Klonoa Phantasy Reverie Series and how to beat Evil Seadoph and Evil Pamela in Klonoa Reverie Series!

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