We’re in exciting times for Donkey Kong fans, as we have four brand new Donkey Kong LEGO sets coming to the Super Mario x LEGO universe just revealed.
It was just two days ago we had four new Donkey Kong characters teased by LEGO on Twitter, and now we finally can see where those characters live. In the LEGO universe, that is.
We learned about Donkey Kong coming to LEGO back on MAR10 Day, and two days ago we got a glimpse at Diddy Kong, Dixie Kong, Cranky Kong, and Funky Kong.
So how about their full sets? Well, let’s take a closer look!
1. Donkey Kong’s Tree House Expansion Set

Starting things off right, we have Donkey Kong’s tree house. Of course, with the man of the show Donkey Kong himself.
And DK’s grandpa, Cranky Kong, is also there to keep him in line.
What tree house wouldn’t be complete without a radio and television, hammock, drums, and a bunch of trees and bananas.
The perfect gorilla hang out spot – this 555 piece set comes in at $59.99USD.
2. Diddy Kong’s Mine Cart Ride Expansion Set

This new mine cart set is my personal favorite of the four. As the largest set of the bunch, this one has everything!
We got my guys Diddy Kong and Funky Kong, and that’s already a perfect combo.
But we also get a mine cart, some mine tracks and obstacles, cool scenery pieces, an airplane balloon bar, a Mole Miner baddie and a shark?
What a crazy combination of things to appear in one set. But you know we are loving every bit of it.
1157 pieces in total coming in at $109.99USD. Not too shabby!
3. Dixie Kong’s Jungle Jam Expansion Set

Why not round out your Donkey Kong LEGO collection with a stage for all of your characters to jam out on.
Dixie Kong comes with a cool guitar and her little parrot Squawks will sing you some tunes.
Throw in a couple palm trees with some sting lights, an amplifier, and some bongos and you’ve got yourself a perfect little jungle performance stage.
This smaller set comes with 174 pieces and will run you $26.99USD.
4. Rambi the Rhino Expansion Set

This one is a very minor expansion that includes Rambi the Rhino with a few extra blocks.
This barely counts as a “set”, but hey.. we’re okay with more Donkey Kong content.
At least they threw in a spare banana to make it all worth the $10.99USD pricetag.
Purchase Information

All four of the brand new Donkey Kong LEGO sets will be available on August 1st.
These sets are not available for pre-order on the LEGO website here.
As you can probably tell, I’m gonna be picking up the Mine Cart Ride with my man Funky Kong.
How about you? Do you have a favorite or are you just gonna go for all four sets?