Get ready for a shock as we take a look at the best Electric Pokemon of all time!
Yes, this article is going to be peppered with terrible jokes like that, so you might as well prepare yourself!
Electric Pokemon are some of the coolest characters in all the Pokemon games, and while there’s only one OG Pokemon in the list below, the sheer choice of powerful Pokemon available to put into your team is immense.
One could say that they’ll give your team the spark it needs to win…
Right, enough prime comedy. Let’s crack on and start looking at the best electric Pokemon available today!
Oh, and make sure that you check out our list of Pokemon Type Weaknesses to see what critters electric Pokemon are strong and weak against!
12. Xurkitree

Xurkitree is one of the oddest looking Pokemon on the planet, and don’t forget that I’m including Exeggutor in that list to!
It might be a bit of an odd concoction, but Xurkitree has something incredible up its sleeve: a 173 Sp. Attack stat!
How amazing is that, and that’s just its base stat! When Thunderbolt or Zap Cannon hit, they’re going to cause so much damage that any opponents should just run back into their Pokeballs and hide.
Xurkitree’s other stats are fairly middle of the road, coming in between 71 and 89 across the board. Still, if you can time it right and pull out this Pokemon out for a couple of choice moves every now and again, it’ll definitely help you out of a tight spot or three!
11. Tapu Koko

Tapu Koko is up next in this list of the best Electric Pokemon of all time!
When I first saw this Pokemon, I thought that it was the product of Crash Bandicoot’s Aku Aku mask exploding into different pieces, but it’s actually a Land Spirit Pokemon that, like Aku Aku, is a sort of mystical guardian deity.
Some of these best Pokemon lists that we do at Retro Dodo start with some pretty rubbish stats, but not this time. Tapu Koko has an incredible Speed stat of 130.
Add that to 115 Attack and 95 Sp. Attack, and you’ve got a formidable critter straight off the bat.
Sadly, it’s HP and Defence stats aren’t as good, with 70 HP, 85 Defence, and 75 Sp. Defence.
10. Iron Hands

Iron Hands is actually the same height as Tapu Koko (5′ 11″) and has the same overall stats total. The biggest factor that makes it a better Electric Pokemon than Tapu Koko is it’s ginormous HP stat at 154.
With that kind of stat, you’re definitely going to be able to take some killer hits!
Its Attack of 140 and Defence of 108 are pretty darn impressive too, but then again, look at the size of those hands!
Sp. Attack and Speed are a different story, however, bringing up 50 a piece. The same goes for a pretty abysmal Sp. Defence stat too at 68.
Still, that HP makes up for it, right?
9. Thundurus

Thundurus is up next in our best Electric Pokemon list, bringing in a stats total of 580 whether in Incarnate or Therian Forme.
Its stats don’t tend to change much between both forms, with its 115 and 125 Attack and Sp. Attack changing to 105 and 145 when in Therian Form.
Hey, if you love to attack and ask questions later, then that’s worth knowing, right?
Its speed also changes from 111 to 101 when moving from Incarnate to Therian.
In both cases, you’re looking at 79 HP, 70 Defence, and 80 Sp. Defence. It’s not incredible for a literal Genie, but it’s still enough to make it one of the best Electric Pokemon to add into your
fry-tening team.
Another terrible electric joke there… let’s move on.
8. Zapdos

The OG electric legendary bird Zapdos takes the 7th spot in today’s compendium!
Can you remember walking around the Power Plant and coming across Zapdos for the very first time? I sacked off Pikachu and Raichu and put him right to the top straight away!
We’re only at 7th place and Zapdos’ stats are amazing. Take 90 HP and Attack for starters, and add on 125 Sp. Attack for Special Moves like Thunder and Zap Cannon, and you’ve got a killing machine on your hands.
Zapdos Defence is a little poor at 85, but its 90 Sp. Defence and 100 Speed make it nimble for attacking and above average for defending against powerful blasts.
Plus, it’s ZAPDOS, so we can forgive any little forthcomings, right?
7. Mega Manectric

Mega Menectric Looks as though it should be taking part in a David Bowie album shoot. That lightening armour definitely cements its place as one of the best electric Pokemon of all time alright, as does its super-impressive SP. Attack and Speed stats of 135.
Mega Manectric’s Physical Attack is just 75, however, so you’ll be relying on Discharge and Thunder to take down your opponents.
Its 80 Sp. Defence and Defence aren’t what you would expect from a fearsome looking beast like this either. Still, it should help to keep you in battle for long enough to rid your opponents of some valuable HP!
6. Rigieleki

Rigieleki is pure energy. It’s not a Pokemon that you’d want to pick up and put on your shoulder while walking around, not unless you want to meet a terrible death very quickly.
This zappy critter is the fastest Pokemon I’ve ever come across too with a base speed of 200. That’s just base speed; its max speed is 548, for crying out loud.
Good luck getting in a move first against this guy!
Unfortunately, it’s Defence and Sp. Defence leaves little to be desired at 50 a piece. It’s Attack and Sp. Attack are both 100, so moves like Thunder Cage and Thunderbolt will help to keep its 80 HP intact for much longer.
5. Raikou

Raiku made our list of the best Dog Pokemon, but I always thought it looked more like a Sabretooth Tiger than man’s best friend!
It’s joining our list of Electric Pokemon today as the electric member of the Legendary Dog Trio, and it brings 90 HP, 115 Sp. Attack and 100 SP. Defence to the arena.
So, we know when it comes to attacking with Special Attacks like Thunder and Zap Cannon, he can cause some serious damage while defending well against similarly powerful attacks from opponents.
When it comes to attacking and defending from normal attacks, it doesn’t do very well. 85 Attack and 75 Defence aren’t incredible, but its 115 Speed does a little to make up for it.
Get in quick with Discharge and make it count!
4. Zeraora

The mighty Zeraora takes the 4th spot in our list of the best Electric Pokemon, running in with intense speed and electrifying its claws before ripping its enemies into pieces.
Not a friendly Pokemon, then…
143 Speed means that you’re pretty much guaranteed to get an attack in before most opponents, and its 112 Attack and 102 Sp. Attack are great for Wild Charge and Volt Switch.
When it comes to Defence, things look a little less exciting, with 75 Defence and 80 Sp. Defence making it hit and miss as to how long its 88 HP will last.
Still, that speed means that if you land the right hit first, you probably won’t even need to worry about defending!
3. Mega Ampharos

Let’s throw a Mega Pokemon into the list, shall we?
Mega Ampharos weighs in at a solid 600 stats across the board, and if I tell you that it has an abysmal Speed stat of 45, then you’ll already know that the rest of its stats are going to be absolutely killer!
Let’s start with its most impressive stat; Sp. Attack at 165. Thunder and Discharge are going to hit home hard!
90 HP, 95 Attack, 105 Defence – it’s all looking very impressive so far, and with 110 Sp. Defence to top it off, the Ampharos’ Mega variant is a serious force to be reckoned with!
It’s also a dual Electric and Dragon type Pokemon, meaning it can use moves like Dragon Pulse and Outrage!
2. Miraidon

The last two Electric Pokemon in our list are absolute behemoths. Miraidon is another dual Electric and Dragon Pokemon whose origins remain unknown, but one thing that we all know is that you want one on your team rather than facing off against it!
Parabolic Charge, Discharge, Electro Drift all make a big impact thanks to 135 Sp. Attack, and you’ll wipe the smile off your enemies faces with 135 Speed too.
100 HP, 100 Defence, 115 Sp. Def – you’re dealing with a proper bruiser here. The only poor stat is 85 Attack, but it’s only physical mode is Outrage which never fails to cause chaos anyway, so I wouldn’t let that bother you too much!
1. Zekrom

The results are in, and with a total stat count of 680, Zekrom is officially the strongest and best Electric Pokemon of all time!
Zekrom is yet another Electric and Dragon dual-type Pokemon and it is an absolute monster. I reckon even BlackWarGreymon would run away from this!
With a base Attack of 150, physical moves like Dragon Claw and Fusion Bolt need to be in your move list. Scrap that – with 120 Sp. Attack too, that pretty much means that any move is going to bring disastrous consequences for your enemies.
120 Defence, 100 Sp. Defence, 100 HP, 90 Speed – Zekrom brings the Thunder (and all its other incredible moves) every time it steps into the ring. It’s officially the best Electric Pokemon of all time, and we’re too scared to ever knock it off the top spot!