Duck Hunt Shoots Onto Game Boy In Homebrew Release

Nintendo’s 1984 iconic shooter, Duck Hunt, is now available on Game Boy thanks to homebrew developer, Tiger Bronnikov.

The Game Boy port of the legendary light gun shooter game is available to download for free via Tiger Bronnikov’s page.

In addition to the game files, Bronnikov has offered a download link for the source code of their latest title, granting fellow homebrew devs the opportunity to take a shot at making their own versions.

DUCK HUNT GB on Game Boy
image credit: tiger bronnikov

Known as ‘DUCK HUNT GB’, gameplay sees players tasked with shooting forty ducks in each of the three regular rounds. Tiger Bronnikov has also programmed three additional bonus rounds for their Game Boy version of Duck Hunt.

As expected for the Game Boy release, controls are simplistic, with the D-pad used to aim the targeting reticle, the A-button used for reloading the shotgun and the B-button reserved for firing.

The soundtrack for DUCK HUNT GB comes courtesy of chiptune composer Beatscribe, whose bleeps and boops lend an level of Game Boy authenticity to proceedings.

Tiger Bronnikov's Game Boy Port of Duck Hunt
image credit: tiger bronnikov

Primitive Arcade Collection

ALLEY(WOW) Game Boy screenshot
image credit: tiger bronnikov

Tiger Bronnikov’s Game Boy port of Duck Hunt is their second release on itch after their debut title, ALLEY(WOW), launched just thirteen days ago.

Both titles are part of Bronnikov’s ‘Primitive Arcade Collection’ and brought to life using GBDK and the C programming language.

Stylistically speaking, both DUCK HUNT GB and ALLEY(WOW) feature cute and charismatic character designs that are evocative of Nintendo’s releases in the 1980s.

The original NES version of Duck Hunt is one of the most iconic titles for Nintendo’s first home console and was a runaway success, becoming one of the best selling NES games of all time.

With Bronnikov’s Game Boy version of Duck Hunt arrive less than a fortnight after their previous release, it appears that the Primitive Arcade Collection could grow rapidly over the coming months and I’m excited to see what this homebrew developer cooks up next.

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