If your first thought when you wake up in a morning is about getting back into bed with your favourite retro game, then this list of the best SEGA CD games should certainly grab your attention.
Forget the modern-day world of online multiplayer royales and 4K T.V’s; I want you to come back to a time when cartridge gaming was at its prime, and something incredible called ‘the compact disc’ was making waves in the tech world.
It was a time when kids couldn’t walk past a hedgehog without wondering why it wasn’t blue, trainers were sneakers, and gamers began wondering why the Beatles had been singing about Dr. Robotnik’s nephew and some weird walrus…
… that’s ‘I am the Eggman‘, just for anyone who isn’t as big of a nerd as me.
Despite the mixed reviews and checkered past surrounding this console, the SEGA CD had some cracking games that could have driven the company to even greater heights.
It also had some weird pretty ones too!
1. Sonic CD (1993)

I mean, we all knew that this was going to take the Number 1 spot, right?
Maybe I should have started at Number 1 first and saved you the pain of going past those early FMV titles, but we’re here now, so let’s see this out together.
Sonic fans far and wide still hail Sonic CD as the best game that our little blue friend has ever featured in, and I would tend to agree.
While the speed element is still there and Sonic remains as fast as ever, the way that you can explore each level thoroughly instead of just hurtling from one end of the level to the other is a refreshing change.
Arguably, some people might say that that makes this not a real Sonic game.
Well, those people can shut it, because the RD team like this game the best.

In Sonic CD, players can time travel to past and future versions of the same level. There are different bonus zones to uncover and lots of collectibles to pick up along the way.
This game introduces you to Amy Rose (such an annoying character) and Metal Sonic for the first time, and like the rest of the games, it has a cracking soundtrack.
Defeat Robotnik, collect gems, and save the world. It’s a tried and tested theory and one that will always keep us occupied on rainy days.
I’m just glad that this doesn’t have a person dressed up as a blue hedgehog acting out an FMV scene. That would have been the end of us all!
2. Dark Wizard (1993)

Dark Wizard takes the silver medal in this list! It’s an epic RPG that fans of Fire Emblem will feel right at home with.
As far as tactical games go, this is one of the leading players. Gamers take it in turns to fight enemies on a grid-based battlefield, watching the action from a top-down perspective.
Use weapons and magical abilities as you control one of four characters, levelling up skills and collecting items along the way.

Strangely, the game is set in the world of Cheshire. I’ve spent a lot of time in Cheshire, UK, and it doesn’t exactly scream ‘RPG’ vibes.
Play as a prince, a soldier, a sorceress, or a vampire. That’s a motley crew if ever I heard one!
Each player becomes the rightful rule of good ‘ol Cheshire in each instance, so there’s technically four different ways to play!
It’s fun, it’s mind-bindingly difficult at times, and it’s a must have for people who refuse to believe that Middle Earth isn’t a real place.
3. Earthworm Jim: Special Edition (1995)

This choice might shock a few of you, but if you’ve read my article on the games every Sega Mega Drive owner needs, then you’ll know how much I love Earthworm Jim.
From the cartoon series through to the epic game, Earthworm Jim played a big part in my childhood, and the Special Edition of the classic game was a sure-fire-hit amongst me and my friends.
This new edition contained over 1000 frames of extra animation and had a new and exciting remixed soundtrack. It even had extended levels and a brand new one to explore!

If you haven’t played Earthworm Jim before, then I can best describe it as having a Donkey Kong Country meets Metroid feel to it.
Oh, and with a worm wearing a super-suit as the main character.
You have to rescue Princess Whats-Her-Name from the people who want your super suit back, all while wielding an array of cool weapons with varying degrees of firepower.
This version had alternate endings for the different difficulty modes too. Most of the weird facts that I thought I knew about worms as a kid came from these endings, and it turned out that nearly all of them were made up!
Good job no one fact-checked me back in the day!
4. The Secret Of Monkey Island (1993)

The Secret of Monkey Island, a point-and-click adventure game where exploration is the ultimate key to success.
So much so, in fact, that the developer decided to make it virtually impossible for the main character to be killed, allowing you to immerse yourself in the epic storyline and concentrate on having a ‘jolly good time’.
I used the word ‘jolly’ because I’m thinking about the Jolly Roger pirate ship, a theme that comes up a lot in this Treasure Island-inspired swashbuckling game.

Choosing from one of nine commands (listed in the picture above), you must explore, chat, and ultimately complete a number of quests in order to become a pirate.
Expect ghostly figures, buried treasure, and a man with hooks for hands as you make your way through Mêlée Island in search of fame, love, and fortune.
The plot in this game is fantastic and one that has received the accolade of ‘best game of all time’ from many critics over the years. It even went on to spawn multiple sequels that make up the ‘Monkey Island’ series!
5. Final Fight CD (1993)

Final Fight is one of the titles in our list that a lot of you should already have come across, as it featured on a number of REAL consoles like the SNES back in the day.
Originally meant as a sequel to Street Fighter, this Capcom classic follows the similar ‘beat ’em up’ premise and is great for destressing after writing an article about something dull…like the SEGA CD!
Set in the fictional Metro City, players can control 3 characters through six rounds as they fight their way to glory using combo moves and button-mashing punches to get through to the ‘final fight.

It’s easy to play, has some nice features, and is something that you can pick up and put down without having to worry too much about where you left off.
Of course, it has to have that SEGA CD gore factor, and the morbid continue scene, where your chosen character is strapped to a chair while a stick of dynamite threatens to blow you to smithereens, should keep most fans happy and content.
If you don’t want to buy a SEGA CD add on (and let’s face it, why would you) then you can purchase this game on most modern consoles.
6. Road Avenger (1992)

Now we’re talking! Road Avenger, known as Road Blaster in Japan, is a gnarly revenge-racing title where ‘speed kills’ is the general aim of the game.
Driving around in a souped-up sports car, you play as a vigilante who is hunting down the biker gang responsible for his wife’s death.
He must seek out the gangs female boss and exact his revenge over the course of 9 stages in a Mad-Max inspired world.
Sega sure love their cyberpunk stuff!

Despite all of my moaning about the Sega CD, I really do like this game. The FMV recordings of the animated ‘Need for Speed’-style action really work, and the whole game has that classic arcade title vibe about.
Ok, so the on-screen instructions telling you what to do at every verse end are a little bit annoying and make the game quite simple, but that’s why there’s a hard mode without those prompts.
Plus, the fact that you’re graded on your reaction times makes you want to go back again and again to improve on your score.
It’s like the world’s most insane hazard perception test!
7. Popful Mail (1994)

Popful Mail is a bit of a mixture of all of the above; a platform game with turn-based RPG elements where you can level up characters and build a team as you go.
Oh, and trap people in a hotel (just kidding).
Each character that you can add to your team has a unique ability that can help you on your quest, and you’ll need them all if you want to defeat some of the insane bosses in this game.
The SEGA CD version has bigger character profiles during cutscenes and more detailed Sprites compared to the PC version, but the game is essentially the same.
Players control Mail, a female bounty-hunting elf (sounds cool) who is on the hunt of a chap called Nuts Cracker (give me a break).

There’s also a character called Muttonhead too – maybe this is why the list of best SEGA CD games is so short…
There’s a legend that loosely ties an old world to the modern-day one, and the gameplay is fun and keeps you coming back for more.
It’s considered by many to be the best game on the console, and (classic Retro Dodo fun fact) SEGA planned to make a North American release using characters from the Sonic Franchise titled ‘Sister Sonic’.
8. Star Wars: Rebel Assault (1994)

A game that involves blasting down Tie-Fighters from the cockpit of an X-Wing will always have a place in this list.
The sounds of space battle on any Star Wars game make me so excited, and Star Wars: Rebel Assault is one of my favourite rail shooter games of all time.
At least you’re not called ‘Dogmeat’ in this one!

As a kid, I always wished that I could have been a space pilot fighting in the legendary Galactic War. And as Rookie One, I finally fulfilled that dream.
This is the first CD-Rom game that Lucas Arts ever made, and it even has a few digitised scenes from the original movies in it as well.
The game feels like Lylat Wars in the Star Wars universe. The pre-rendered areas, accompanied by continuous dialogue from your other fighter pilots, really help to draw you into the storyline and take your mind away from the recycling bin schedule and up into space.
Rebel Assault is a must-have title for Star Wars fans, especially for fans of the Rogue Squadron series.
9. Lunar: The Silver Star (1992)

The Lunar series is RPG-gameplay at its finest and one of the must-have titles that you need to try before its ‘Life Over’ time.
The plot was actually created by a fantasy novelist, so this game really feels like you’re following a perfectly-crafted story as you battle your way through the fictitious world of Lunar.
The characters, the graphics, the gameplay, and the turn-based fighting style all account for this game’s unprecedented success.

This title shows off SEGA CDs merits and is proof that this console could have been a best-seller had it had the proper backing.
The use of the CD-ROM allowed for incredible audio interludes, FMV cut scenes, real-audio character narration, and a rich world in which to lose yourself after a hard day at work.
Working together as a team never felt so good – the next time someone recommends a training exercise at the office, suggest a couple of rounds on Lunar to bring the team together.
10. Snatcher (1994)

Snatcher was the SEGA CDs last hurrah, a final attempt to keep the sinking ship afloat.
It was developed by Hideo Kojima, the same mind behind Metal Gear Solid, and set in a world similar to that of Blade Runner and the Fifth Element.
It’s a cyberpunk graphic novel in a computer game – what’s not to love!
This Konami title was released towards the end of the SEGA CDs life, which makes it a bit of an unknown amongst most gamers. It had some pretty brutal scenes and mature content for a video game (way worse than Night Trap) and could be played with a gun controller in true arcade-style.

Players control an amnesiac named Gillian Seed who is on a mission with nothing to lose (mostly because he’s forgotten it all and can’t remember what he’s lost).
He’s hunting down humanoid robots disguised as humans, and you have to guide him through Neo Kobe city to sort things out once and for all.
The overall concept is great, as is the story, but the controls let this game down. It’s mostly ‘choose an action, the character does it’ instead of getting out there and kicking some robot butt.
If you like graphic novels and want to buy one that you can play on this niche computer accessory, then this is the title for you.
11. Eternal Champions – Challenge From The Dark Side (1995)

Ok, so I had a chat with my editor and he told me that I’ve got to see this article through to the end, so here goes.
I’m glad I’m sticking with it, as the next title has one of the best storylines of any fighting game, and some of the goriest finishing moves going.
Eternal Champions was, and still is up there with the likes of Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat, and ‘Challenge From The Dark Side’ sold better than the Street Fighter 2 Genesis port over in the United States.
This game is primarily an upgraded version of the first Eternal Champions game with better kill-shots, less energy used during special moves, and new FMV clips to highlight your opponent’s demise.
What other game can you throw your enemy off a mountain and into the jaws of a shark!

The Eternal Champion now has an arch-nemesis; The Dark Champion! You might have earnt the right to a new life after winning the championship in the last game, but now you have to cope with this new douchebag and the four warriors that he’s hidden somewhere in this new tournament.
Sounds like ass-kicking time to me!
Challenge From The Dark Side has better graphics and an improved sound system compared to the previous game, and all of your favourite playable characters return for the fight.
This game has been dubbed one of the most difficult fighting games of all time – are you up to the challenge?
12. Night Trap (1992)

Boasting over 90-minutes of real FMV, Night Trap is undoubtedly one of the weirdest SEGA CD games for the console.
I’ve put it at Number 11 on our list because it’s kind of in a league of its own. It had a short lease of life, having been cited during a hearing as promoting violence and being offensive to women, along with Mortal Kombat.
It’s hard to believe that Night Trap featured alongside a game where people exploded and had their heads ripped off; I’ve watched the ‘infamous bathroom death scene’ in this game, and it’s nothing compared to battles you might see in The Walking Dead or Game Of Thrones.
How times have changed!

Much in the same way as ‘Double Switch’, the player must ‘trap’ bad guys from sneaking into a house full of teenage girls (sounds pretty seedy already).
You have to move between different video cameras and stop the evil SWAT guys from kidnapping or killing the girls, taking on a little bit of SEGA-style soft-nudity along the way.
The whole SEGA CD thing is starting to annoy me now; it’s the worst thought out console ever made. I think I might just skip straight to Number 1 before I lose the will to live.
13. Double Switch (1993)

Unfortunately, this list has to include more of the console’s FMV games; that’s what SEGA hoped would make them the big bucks, after all.
Where do I start with Double Switch? I’ve put this game at Number 12 because it’s such a random concept and one that, while incredibly bizarre, received positive reviews and should be tried at least once in your lifetime.
Debbie Harry of ‘Blondie’ fame plays an Egyptian-looking hotel owner, and Corey Haim has been trapped in the cellar with a bunch of security cameras. He’s trying to protect Camile Cooper and free himself via directing you to different rooms of the hotel…
… are you with me so far?
image credit: sega
Players must move between a series of cameras to try and ‘trap’ the people around the hotel from committing a crime or bumping someone off before it happens. This is achieved by activating certain symbols when an actor steps onto a switch or walks past an object etc.
The strange part of this game is that the game narrative plays continuously while you’re flitting between security cameras, so you’re bound to miss some of the gameplay as you switch between snippets of action.
It’s an odd concept, but admittedly it’s fun to play and worth adding into your collection.
14. Sewer Shark (1992)

Ok, so we need to get one thing straight about these FMV games – they’re pretty weird.
They obviously didn’t take off very well or we’d all be turning on our Playstations or Nintendos and watching real people on the screen.
FMV games use real actors instead of computer-generated characters. At the time it was probably pretty exciting, but now it feels like a version of Charlie Brooker’s ‘Bandersnatch’ on Netflix – a cool gimmick.
This, by the laws of retro gaming, makes Sewer Shark one of those intriguing, highly collectible purchases that you need to try. It was the first-ever FMV game on a home console, and the actors certainly do a good job of dragging you (albeit kicking and screaming) into the storyline!

The mixture of real-life actors and strange Ratigators (zombie mice mixed with alligators…) is a bit hard to get your head around, but the gameplay itself is pretty cool.
You don’t get a cool name or anything either; you’re Dogmeat, and you have to navigate and blast your way to victory through a series of levels.
The aim of this rail-shooter game is to fight your way from your home base back to Solar City by navigating a series of sewers. Crashing is bad, as is running out of energy, and there are lots of weird critters trying to stop you from reaching your goal.
If you like plot-heavy games and being shouted out, then give Sewer Shark a try.
15. Shining Force CD (1994)

Every gaming list needs a strong RPG title.
Developed by Sonic! Software Planning, this updated remake of the two Shining Force Gaiden games for the Game Gear (check out our list of the top SEGA Game Gear games for portable play too!) is a neat little number to add to your collection.
It also might end up being one of the priciest, however, as you need a back-up game cart to save your files if you have any hope of accessing the third and fourth chapters of the story.
No one said that retro game hoarding was ever going to be easy (or cheap!).

This title is split into two initial chapters or ‘books’, Books 1 & 2 being the first two strategy games on the Genesis and GG, with two 2 extra books that can be unlocked by collecting items while completing the game.
The RPG gameplay is fantastic and a real credit to the console. While the game doesn’t differ greatly from its predecessors, critics enjoyed the updated graphics and soundtrack, as well as the fun tactical battles that initially made this series so popular.
16. Rise Of The Dragon (1992)

It’s set in a cyberpunk-inspired futuristic world, the kind of place where everyone wears spikes on their clothes and flashing lights are considered cool instead of annoying.
The year is 2053, and you play as an ex-cop turned private detective named William ‘Blade’ Hunter. You’re hunting down the Chinese mafia after a lethal drug that they have been distributing mutilates and kills the Mayor’s daughter.
Don’t do drugs, kids!

The game sounds cool, but it has a ‘Carmen Sandiego’ for adults feel about it, a little like Myst.
Rooms are explored by selecting certain areas and objects, with the option of getting closer to the action to take a better look at specific clues.
It is a detective game, after all.
Annoyingly for adults, the Sega CD version was toned down a bit compared to the PC game, though it did still get a high age rating due to mature content and, for some reason, cross-dressing…
… looks like Rise of the Dragon hasn’t aged well!
It also has less colours than the PC version, 64 compared to 256, meaning the whole game has a green, hulk-rage feel to it.
Still, if you can look past the Kermit-themed hue, it’s a nice little title to get your grey cells working.
17. Android Assault: The Revenge Of Bari-Arm

Fans of the Gundam series and films such as Pacific Rim will love Android Assault. It’s a futuristic shoot-em-up game with R-Type-style bad guys and lots of explosive action.
The game is set in the year 2192, so we’re going to assume that everything that’s going on is completely normal.
Players control the Bari-arm, a badass spaceship that can transform into a mecha warrior. It’s basically what every nerdy kid dreams of being, which is why this game was such a ginormous success in my household!

Gamers must pilot the Bari-arm through seven stages, button-mashing the automatic shot button and destroying everything in sight. Hold it down for a supercharge, and unleash the full force of weapons with names like the Chase Cannon and the Thunder Cracker.
Critics slated Android Assault, but I guess I’m just a sucker for robot fighters. It’s probably why I’m still such a fan of Rock-’em-Sock-’em-Robots!
Do you have what it takes to stop the Zias war machines from destroying more space colonies and causing havoc throughout the universe?
It’ll be a bit of a boring game if you don’t!
18. The Amazing Spider-Man VS The Kingpin (1993)

The next hero in our list doesn’t need an introduction. Neither, it would seem, do any of the villains in the game either!
The Amazing Spiderman Vs The Kingpin is an updated version of Spiderman Vs The Kingpin for the Mega Drive. Battle against Hobgoblin, Mysterio, Venom, and Doctor Octopus, as well as all the other regular ugly faces.
And what’s Kingpin got to do with all this? Well, he’s framed Spidey and plans to blow up the city in his name. Not only that, but Venom has captured Mary Jane.
It’s a bad time to be a web crawler!

The Sega CD version of the game includes some voice acting to help push the narrative along. It boasts more levels, more moves, and faster gameplay.
It’s basically Spiderman 2.0!
Collect comic book covers from the Amazing Spiderman series and beat back bad guys on three difficulty levels. There are even alternative endings depending on when whether you stop Kingpin from lowering M.J into a vat of acid or not.
Pretty harrowing stuff!
19. BC Racers (1994)

BC Racers is up next, a prehistoric racing game that used a scantily clad prehistoric lady to draw gamers into what was essentially a glitchy racing game.
Still, if we’re looking for the great Sega CD games (which I believe we are), then BC Racers has to be in there as it’s a great multiplayer title, despite all of its shortcomings.
Based around Chuck Rock, everyone’s favourite prehistoric dude after Bonk, the game sees riders competing to win a super bike, though one made out of wood and stone instead of Carbon-fiber.

Here’s a fun fact to tell your grandkids; BC Racers was made by the guy who went on to create Lara Croft. That’s not a bad progression story, is it!
BC Racers has three gameplay difficulties and utilised two racers per car; one to drive, and one to throw.
Now I’m beginning to see where Nintendo got the idea for Mario Kart: Double Dash from!
Keeping with the ‘rock-n-rollin’ theme of the game, players can control characters such as Sid Viscous, Brick Jagger and Jimi Handtrix.
It’s like playing International Superstar Soccer 98 all over again!
20. Prize Fighter (1993)

Prize Fighter brings the Sega CDs trademark FMV madness to your TV set, dragging you into an over-the-top boxing match with commentators and all.
Like an old movie about one of the boxing greats, all of the cutscenes are in black and white. Whether Sega thought this would be edgy or not is unclear, but it’s a bit annoying to be honest!
In a similar style to PunchOut!, players move through a series of matches beating opponents, hoping for a chance to take home the championship belt. All matches are fought in first person, and you play as a fighter called (get ready for an inventive name) ‘The Kid’.

There are only four opponents to face up against, so it’s not exactly the longest game out there. Still, its fun and as close as you can get to the action without actually stepping into the ring with some big bruiser.
The storyline is quite amusing, with fans and rivals squaring up to ‘The Kid’, as well as over-exuberant actors trying to pay you to throw the next fight.
It’s one of the tamer FMV titles for the console, which makes it bearable… maybe I should be putting it further down the list!
21. Lunar: Eternal Blue (1994)

If you don’t know about the Lunar series by now, then there’s a strong chance that you might have been living in a time capsule or have just come out of cryogenic sleep.
Lunar: Eternal Blue is actually the second game in the series, though it’s actually set a whole century after the events of the first game.
Does that mean that the world is all back to normal and everything’s hunky dory?
No… far from it.
This top-down JRPG sees players controlling a treasure hunter who hangs around with a talking pink cat.

Yeah, it’s as crazy as it sounds, but it’s also spectacular. Work alongside Lucia, a girl with a secret about from the Blue Star. Naturally, our hero gets all wide-eyed over her and agrees to do something incredibly ridiculous…
… in this case, squaring off against a powerful religion that dominates the world… no biggy.
In terms of gameplay, it kind of feels like a cross between Final Fantasy and Chrono Trigger, all driven forward by engaging anime cutscenes that are incredibly immersive.
Seriously, why haven’t you bought a copy yet?
22. Slipheed (1993)

We couldn’t have a list without talking about Slipheed now, could we?
This 2.5D shooter is a real tour de force of the genre, making the most of pre-rendered backdrops and the Sega CD’s super powerful extra 5 Mhz compared to the Genesis…
… ok, that might have been me making a slight dig there, but let’s continue.

You can probably guess the concept for this game before I even explain it to you. Space crime, bad guys attacking planets, and the saviour (i.e you) making a last ditch attempt to save the day.
Hey, if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it!
With 11 stages to play through and some pretty exciting space fights for a game from almost 30 years ago, Slipheed still manages to get my pulse racing. Give it a go and let us know your thoughts!
23. Heart Of The Alien (1994)

Heart of the Alien is one of those games that is great to play but looks a little sparse visually. I know that you should never judge a book by its cover, but you might not be completely overwhelmed by the still below.
Still (see what I did there?), as the Sequel to Another World (or Out Of This World), another Sega Classic, you can expect stellar gameplay from start to finish…
… I should have said interstellar there and made a real joke out of it…

The action in Heart of the Alien continues right from where things ended in the previous game. After landing in the remnants of your alien friend’s village, you get hit and knocked out.
That’s right; you play as said alien friend in this game, otherwise known as ‘Buddy’ (not to be confused with Will Ferrel’s Elf character).
Wielding an energy whip that Simon Belmont would be super jealous of, Buddy must move his way through the game freeing the enslaved citizens of his village.
And the best part is that the original game comes included as part of the overall package. That’s two for the price of one right there!
24. Flashback (1994)

This is a game that I like to call ‘a Sci-Fi geeks paradise’.
Ok, so it might look a little old now, but back in the day critics went crazy for the cinematic features of this game. It’s still the best-selling French video game of all time and features hand-drawn backgrounds.
That’s right; someone originally drew these levels and rotoscoped them, making them 100% unique. Plus, you can’t get more retro than that!

In terms of Gameplay, Flashback has a kind of ‘Prince of Persia’ meets ‘Beyond Oasis’ feel to it. Move through seven beautifully crafted levels while taking advantage of never-ending firepower, the kinds that everyone who’s afraid of dying in games likes.
In terms of a storyline, how does discovering a hidden recorded message after crashing your super-sleek hover bike sound?
What if I also told you that the planet you crashed on is overrun with mutants, and the recorded message was left by you in the future…
Mind… blown!
25. PowerMonger (1994)

War is upon us (I’ve always wanted to write that…). In PowerMonger, players control a warlord with nothing to his name and nothing to lose as he battles his way across the world trying to reclaim territories.
The only problem is that he’s not the only one with the same idea.
If you’ve ever played Populous, then you’ll be able to dive straight into PowerMonger without too much trouble. The game has an early Fire Emblem feel to it and covers everything from trade deals to all out warfare.

Pretty exciting, right?
Your decisions have a direct effect on how you fair through each stage and on the rest of the game as a whole. It might look simple, but this game takes the same kind of genius as it does to win a game of Risk…
… something that has only ever happened once in my entire life…
26. NHL ’94 (1993)

NHL ’94 is a virtual Ice Hockey game with no chance of getting hurt… just the way I like it.
Unless your mate rage quits and throws a controller at your head, then it could feel pretty similar.
EA are the rulers of the sports game world, and this game features all of the real players and teams that made up the NHL season at the time.

It’s also the first time that that ever happened, with 1993 being the year they actually got the licenses to do so.
With real-life moves, epic shots, and the chance to play as every player including the goalie, this is as realistic as you can get without getting your skates on.
Well… not quite.
Fighting has been removed from this version, but there’s no reason why you can’t hold your own scuffles out in the back garden once you’ve finished playing.
27. Sol-Feace (1991)

Sol-Feace, or Sol-Deace if you’re an American gamer, is up next, bringing side-scrolling R-Type shooting to the Sega CD.
There are only 6 levels to play through, but man are they exciting. And, with names like Sirius, Pluto Base, and Almathea, you just know they’re going to be insane without me even delving into detail.
Which is good, because I’m approaching my word count limit…

Like R-Type, players pick up powerups as they move through the game, increasing firepower and obtaining bigger explosives etc.
Though perhaps the best part of this epic shooter is that you can move your guns around the ship to fire from specific angles or ranges.
You’re basically a laser-powered Swiss Army killing machine in space… which is the coolest sentence I’ve ever written.
28. Vay (1993)

Vay takes the 28th spot in this compendium, bringing Tolkien-esque fantasy vibes to Sega’s ill-fated add-on.
Get ready for some of these names…
So, we’re playing as Prince Sandor of Lorath. His parents have been murdered, but his missus, Lady Elin, has also gone missing. Fight the Danek and go up against their alien robots, all while dodging bullets from otherworldly weaponry.
Sounds good, right?

If you haven’t guessed already, this is a JRPG and a stunning example of the genre at that.
Ok, so gameplay-wise it does look like a sparse version of Links Awakening, but cut it some slack. It’s almost 30 years old, for crying out loud!
Of course, as it’s a JRPG, expect Viridian Forest-style random encounters and turn-based battles. Pick a class, collect coins, upgrade your characters, and have a cracking good time while doing it!
29. Keio Flying Squadron (1993)

I know Keio Flying Squadron looks like something that should be appearing on a list of PC 98 games from the front cover, but it’s much more PC than that…
… see what I did there?
Players take Rami, a lass dressed as a bunny on a mission to find a mysterious object, all while riding on the back of a dragon that looks a little bit like flappy bird.

Not so fast though, Remi. The villainous Dr Pon (really, he doesn’t sound scary at all) is trying to thwart you at every turn.
Good job this is a shooting game with plenty of firepower then, eh?
Technically, I guess this is a shooting game for kids. It’s cutesy, colourful, and not offensive to the eyes or brain in the slightest.
And let’s be honest, everyone loves dragons, especially when you get to take them through seven levels of winged mayhem!
30. Ground Zero: Texas (1993)

Ground Zero: Texas kickstarts this list, and man is it a disappointment!
It’s an FMV title, which means it’s gotta’ be in here. But yeah, it’s a bit of a disaster story… in more ways than one.
Aliens are pilfering bodies and beginning their plans for war. Humanoid drones are ransacking your town, and you’re tasked with sending a camera that has guns mounted on it to save the day…
… sigh…

Ok, so you’re about to see a lot of this FMV stuff further through this list. It’s basically real-life actors performing badly on a video game, and this is one of the worst examples of it.
Essentially, you move between different cameras in a sort of interactive alien-invasion version of MYST, before taking part in a shoot-out that feels the same as the last one, and the one before that.
Honestly, if there were more games for this thing, I wouldn’t even be talking about GZT, but you’ve got to know what you’re letting yourself in for, and this acts as a warning buffer for what you’re about to discover below…
(It’s not all this scathing, don’t worry!).