Prepare yourself for an epic list of the best Power Rangers games of all time…
Power Rangers are a franchise that you may be unfamiliar with if you were not alive in the 90s, and it would be easy to be unaware of the amount of video games that have been created for the series.
We previously explored the Power Rangers universe in our list of All Power Rangers Movies In Order and they even made an appearance in our list of the Ultimate 90s Toys, but we don’t feel like we are quite through with the rangers..
There’s about thirty total games out there if you count some of the unofficial ones, which we will get into a bit on this list.
It feels necessary to do a deep dive into the extensive history of video games that have been released in the last 28ish years!
Without further ado, here are are the best Power Rangers games of all time!
15. Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (Sega CD) (1994)

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers for the Sega-CD is a pretty unique game on this list, as it takes advantage of live action video content.
Game play is presented as quick-time events where you must press the correct button at the correct time.
It is a lot like watching the TV show (cause you pretty much are), except now you are the one controlling the action.

The game features content from the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers TV series as well as the Japanese television series Kyōryū Sentai Zyuranger.
Game play is not that difficult, it’s more of a challenge to keep your eye on the buttons they want you to press than watching the action on screen… but this is such a unique game that we absolutely had to include it on our list of the best Power Rangers games.
14. Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Mega Battle (2017)

I’ll just be real with you.. the main reason Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Mega Battle scored lower on our list of best Power Rangers game is 100% because I don’t like the visual style of it.
If they had gone with a really good pixel art style, like some games we will see later in this list, I would likely have put this one much higher on the list.
But as is.. it’s just not my taste.
Still, to give credit where credit is due, “Mega Battle” features some of the best content, has the most to do, and has some good dialogue moments.
Oh and the boss battles are pretty rad too.
This is clearly a really polished game and if you are a fan of the Power Rangers, it would be a game you absolutely have to play.
13. Power Rangers: Wild Force (2002)

Where most games on this list will be of a similar fighting or beat em up style (two genres we love), the 2002 Game Boy Advance title “Power Rangers Wild Force” gives us something totally different: an isometric adventure.
There’s some awesome cutscenes and dialogue moments, and they even throw you into some 2d fights as giant robots.

The environments are incredibly diverse.. from cruise ships to dense jungles to temple ruins.
This game kinda has it all, wrapped in a super classic arcade style presentation.
The combat is simple, the sound effects are super retro, and everything about it just feels classic.
Power Rangers Wild Force is an awesome game for retro fans, and we highly recommend it for anybody that is a fan of the Power Rangers.
12. Power Rangers: Legacy Wars (2017)

It’s not often that a mobile game catches our attention, but Power Rangers: Legacy Wars is an exception to that rule.
What makes “Legacy Wars” worthy of a spot on our list of the best Power Rangers games is just how diverse the content is.
The game is a classic 2.5d fighting game, but present some awesome options for character upgrades.
The environments are beautiful (they rival most of the games on this list, actually), and the possibilities are enormous…
“Legacy Wars” features over 60 playable characters spanning twenty-five years of Power Ranger history.
And the makers of Power Rangers: Legacy Wars have kept the updates coming, adding new characters and movesets, giving plenty of reasons to keep coming back.
If mobile games are your jam, this is absolutely a title worth looking into.
11. Saban’s Power Rangers Samurai (2011)

Saban’s Power Rangers Samurai takes the 11th spot on our list of the best Power Rangers games of all time!
Yes, the Samurai rangers rocked the Wii and DS back in the day, and even though their weapons weren’t amazing (why did the Pink Ranger just get a fan?), the game itself was fun to play and packed full of action.
The Samurai MegaZord looked amazing too; I bet Jin Sakai would have loved to get inside this thing and kick some Mongol butt!

Players must harness the elements and wield incredible skills as they fight evil through each of the game’s 10 main levels.
There are tonnes of secrets for players to find as they move through the game too, all while collecting powerful Zords.
Honestly, this game takes me back to watching the original TV series all over again and gives me that same sense of nerdy nostalgia that I get when watching Jason and Kimberly beating down Putty Patrollers on Netflix!
10. Power Rangers Zeo: Battle Racers (1996)

I think it’s safe to say that we were all huge Power Rangers fans growing up, and Power Rangers Zeo: Battle Racer gave us even more Morphin’ action, this time beating opponents on the race track rather than on the battlefield.
Pick your favourite Ranger and get over the line first – that’s all you need to worry about here!
Ok, so it’s not Mario Kart, but it’s still a nifty game that should be in your Power Rangers collection.

Your favourite Ranger might not be the bet racer for the job however; like Mario Kart Deluxe, each Ranger has stats for acceleration, grip, and speed.
And there are weapons to take into account too; fire blasters to stop other racers in their tracks!
And if you fancy racing with a little more menace than the Rangers boast, then you can always play asKing Mondo and Cog Soldier, the latter coming with unlimited blasters per level!
9. Power Rangers Ninja Storm (2003)

Power Rangers Ninja Storm takes the 9th spot in our list of the best Power Rangers games of all time!
This is a side-scrolling action title and shouldn’t be confused with the min-game orientated Power Rangers PC game of the same name.
Play as Wind Rangers, Thunder Rangers, or the Green Samurai Ranger as you pull off Special Attacks, following a linear route of defeating enemies and then jumping into a MegaZord to finish off a final enemy on each level.

Ninja Storm didn’t get that much of a great response back in the day, but I’m still a huge fan. It’s a solid GBA game that has a bit of an old Neo Geo run-n-gun title feel to it.
The bosses provide a nice challenge the first time you play the game through, and any chance to get inside the MegaZord is one that we’re going to grab with both hands!
8. Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Fighting Edition (1995)

If you were a fan of the 2d fighting in “Legacy Wars” and the mini-battles in “Wild Force”, then we have a treat for you.
As the name suggests, Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Fighting Edition is probably the coolest 2d fighting game in the Power Rangers franchise.
It’s just one of those perfect arcade fighting games that will keep you coming back time and time again.
The graphic style is exactly what you hope for from the SNES era, and the game play is smooth and fun.
With our research of the Best 2D Fighting Games Of All Time and the 10 Best Anime Fighting Games, we know a thing or two about good fighting games. While this game didn’t make it on those lists, we would like to give it an honorable mention.
7. Chroma Squad (2015)

This one might not technically count as a true Power Rangers game title, but if you take a look at the cover image… there’s no doubt who that’s supposed to be.
And more on that coming soon…
Chroma Squad is a tactical role-playing game influenced by Japanese classics like Super Sentai and Power Rangers.
But in this game, you play as stunt actors who have teamed up to start their own production company. And your task is to guide them as they create their own television series.

The game plays out quite well, and is a heck of a lot of fun. Everything about the story is just silly and a good laugh.
Graphics and sound are all top notch, and most elements within the game are customizable and upgradable. You are literally building your own custom team in glorious pixel art form.
We might need to go back and expand our list of the 15 Best Pixel Art Games to include Chroma Squad!
Unsurprisingly, the game got some attention from Saban Brands, who owns the Power Rangers franchise.
But the makers of Chroma Squad were able to reach an agreement with Saban, and the game includes the tagline “Inspired by Saban’s Power Rangers”.
Which makes it somewhat of an official title for the Power Rangers franchise!
We are kind of glad that Chroma Squad was so successful that it got the attention of Saban, leading to it becoming an officially licensed title…
So now we can comfortably include it on this list of the best Power Rangers games of all time!
6. Power Rangers S.P.D (2005)

Power Rangers S.P.D got a bit of a bad rap back in the day, but this side-scrolling fighting title has always been a go-to game when we reach for our GBAs here at Retro Dodo Towers.
Each of the Rangers has different abilities to use from walking through enemies to creating duplicates in order to confuse enemies.

The thing I love the mot about this game is the variety of gameplay styles on offer. A well as enemy-slashing gameplay using some epic weapons, gamers can take part in races and MegaZord battles with blown-up enemies too!
Ok, so the backgrounds could be a little more exciting, but don’t forget that this game came out in 2005 for the GBA; they were never going to be as exciting as the title in 2nd place!
Still, the gameplay more than makes up for the lack of background action, and this is undoubtedly one of the best Power Rangers games you need to play before Lord Zedd finally takes over the world!
5. Power Rangers: Beats of Power (2014)

If the controversy of Chroma Squad had the anarchist in you excited, then may we present Power Rangers Beats of Power.
“Beats of Power” is a freeware fan-made arcade fighting game for the PC.
The game is not licensed or supported by Saban Brands, Natsume , Banpresto or Bandai.
The creators of “Beats of Power”, Merso X, said that they envisioned the Power Rangers getting their own “Turtles in Time” style arcade beat em up. And knowing that, you can see those clear influences.
Power Rangers: Beats of Power features full four player co-op play, and has absolutely perfect graphics and play mechanics of the classics that it was inspired by.
It feels dangerous to say so, but Power Rangers: Beats of Power is easily one of the best Power Ranger games of all time… even if it’s not official.
4. Power Rangers: Super Legends (2007)

Power Rangers: Super Legends takes the 4th spot on our list of the best Power Rangers games of all time!
Lord Zedd is back causing problems for the Power Rangers once again, and this time he’s trying to mess around with time in a bid to make sure the Rangers never existed.
I never had Lord Zedd as a fan of the Grandmother Paradox, but apparently he is!

Yes, it’s your job to travel across time getting Power Rangers from across the ages to fight for your cause.
Breaking into a different dimension takes a lot of power, and the Omega Ranger is the one who’s been given the job. And I hope he’s been doing his research as there are 15 seasons of Power Rangers to pick from as he moves through time.
There’s an obvious reason why this game has ranked so highly in our list – it’s a bonafide Power Rangers fanfest. It’s like seeing every cousin you forgot you had at a party at the same time, except those cousins all have cool helmets and fight crime!
3. Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (1994)

So let’s just get right into some of the main source material that inspired the “Beats of Power” fan game…
The 1994 Mighty Morphin Power Rangers video game (SNES), was an awesome classic beat em up style arcade game.
To clarify a bit, five video games released in 1994 connected to the first series of the television series.
There were games released for the SNES, Game Boy, Sega Genesis, Game Gear (appeared on the list of the Best Sega Game Gear Games), and Sega CD (the game mentioned earlier on this list).
The content of those games vary quite a bit, so this particular entry on our list would be targeted at the SNES game, which was a side scrolling beat em up.
Absolutely everything we love about early 90s games (something we find ourselves saying a lot on this list), just absolute arcade perfection with great pixel art and great sound design.
It is crazy that this is the very first Power Rangers video game, and they got it so right.
It is also important to emphasize that they developed five entirely unique games simultaneously!
The SNES game was a beat em up, the Game Boy game was a simpler beat em up, the Genesis game was a fighter, the Game Gear game was a simplified version of the Genesis game, and the Sega CD was a live video quick time event game.
Five games, five developers, five separate releases in 1994. Clearly the Power Rangers hype was strong in 94!
2. Power Rangers: Battle for the Grid (2019)

This is one of those times when creating our “best” lists where we must choose between what is one of the best modern entries in a franchise and one of the strongest retro offerings we have seen.
In this case, we went with our hearts and chose retro.
So for our number two spot on the list of the best Power Rangers games… a modern 2d fighting game… Power Rangers: Battle for the Grid.
As the most recent Power Rangers video game, with ports on the Switch, Xbox One, PS4 and PC…
Power Rangers: Battle for the Grid sees our rangers return to one-on-one 2d fighting.

The combat is freakin’ awesome, tons of variety in the attacks, powerups, effects, and dynamic 3d environments.
You can call on teammates and Megazords for battle assists, and the roster features over 25 characters from the history of the Power Rangers universe.
They even threw in a few Street Fighter characters just to make it interesting.
They have kept things spicy with a few awesome DLC packages since the release, and with cross-play, you can battle with people online no matter what console they are on.
This is one of the most polished and exciting games to come to the world of Power Rangers, and was tough to give anything an edge over it on this list of best Power Rangers games.
But there was one game that hits closer to home for us as lovers of retro games:
1. Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie (1995)

We have seen quite a lot of beat em up style arcade games on the list, and the Power Rangers game franchise has surely given the Ninja Turtles a run for their money.
This entry on our list of the best Power Rangers games of all time is pretty much the combination of everything mentioned earlier on the list, making it the definitive Power Rangers game.
Silky smooth animations, incredible pixel art, groovy music, crunchy sound effects… this game has it all.
There’s some super sick power ups, sweet boss battles, and a wide variety of stages that offer the usual beat em up, as well as platforming, arcade shooting, downhill sliding, obstacle dodging, and a finale you must experience.

Seeing everything that MMPR:TM has to offer, we can see why someone like the makers of “Beats of Power” would play it and think “I wish there were more of this!”
We feel exactly the same. It’s a shame we only have a one hour game experience here.
But we can tell you that Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie is an absolute blast from start to finish, and easily the best Power Rangers game of all time.