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The Best Marvel Games On PSP For Comic Book Fans

The Best Marvel Games On PSP For Comic Book Fans

Dust off that PSP and and squeeze back into your spandex as we check out the best Marvel Games on PSP!

For many years now, the Retro Dodo team has been playing Marvel games on all the different platforms. And if you’re a regular reader, then you’ll know all about how much we love all things handheld gaming, with one of our favourite machines being the PSP.

Sony’s portable powerhouse had some incredible titles that we could take out of the house and on the road with us and sitting firmly in the back catalogue are 10 of the best Marvel games that a superhero fan could ever ask for.

From an ‘imperfect’ adventure through to possibly the world’s most ultimate alliance, we’ve listed our 10 favourite Marvel games for the console.

Which characters made the cut, and which title won outright?

Let’s find out!

1. Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 (2009)

Best Marvel Games On PSP Of All Time - Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2
image credit: marvel

We’ve made it to the top spot, we’ve punched our way through villains and criminals galore, and it’s now time to reveal that Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 it the best Marvel game on PSP!

If you loved the RPG exploits of the first Ultimate Alliance game, then this game has even more exciting endings and a pivotal moment that not only changes how you move forward through the game, but how certain characters react to you.

Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 gameplay
image credit: marvel

At one point in the story, you are faced with a decision as to whether, as a superhero, you are for sharing your identity or keeping it a secret. It’s a choice that is dividing the superhero community, and depending on which side you join will depend on which heroes will fight with or against you.

Basically whatever you decide, you’re going to annoy somebody!

Players can put any 4 characters in a team together, but you get points if all the characters are from the same series. It’s a bit boring though, so I usually forfeit that bonus and stick Deadpool and Spidey together with Cable and the Human Torch!

2. Ghost Rider (2007)

Best Marvel Games On PSP Of All Time - Ghost Rider
image credit: marvel

Ghost Rider sees players stepping into Jonny Blaze’s shoes and saddle as they head out on a mission to defeat escaped demons.

Yeah, it’s one heck of a cool game and one that’s very reminiscent of God of War: Chains of Olympus, bar the fact that Kratos doesn’t ride around on something called ‘The Hellcycle’.

But I bet he wishes he did!

Ghost Rider gameplay
image credit: marvel

One of the things I love about this game is that you get to play the whole adventure again as Blade of Vampire Hunting fame. With an alternative moveset, it just gives the game a whole different feel and players an excuse to dive back into the action once more.

While we’re on moves, Ghost Rider’s main move revolves around the dual Hellfire chains, much like the Blades of Chaos that Kratos wields.

Whether riding or on foot, this game is a dark and gritty story that fans of the film will certainly love.

3. Spider-Man: Web Of Shadows (2008)

Best Marvel Games On PSP Of All Time - Spider Man Web Of Shadows
image credit: marvel

We’re down to the final 3, which means it’s time for Spider-Man: Web Of Shadows to step into the ring. While Spider-Man 2 was the best movie adaptation film, this game serves as one of the best Spidey titles because of its original storyline.

That’s right, it’s not based on a movie at all and features the most unlikely duo – Spider-Man & Luke Cage!

Luke Cage is actually helping Peter Parker control symbiotic powers. I’m not sure where or when Luke became an expert on the matter, but I guess that’s beside the point.

Plus he could crush a spider with one look, so I wouldn’t annoy him by asking!

Spider-Man: Web Of Shadows gameplay
image credit: marvel

That symbiote must be pretty damn strong too as Spidey doesn’t fall to his death from the top of buildings anymore. That’s something that’s going to be in your favour when you consider how fast you can move through the city while swinging around.

There’s a morality element to this game too – you can choose to help people or to let havoc ensue, going down a good or evil path.

Will you let Peter become seduced by the power of the symbiote, or will you see the light and continue slinging webs instead of tendrils.

Honestly, that could be the weirdest sentence I have ever written.

4. X-Men Origins: Wolverine (2009)

Best Marvel Games On PSP Of All Time - X-Men Origins Wolverine
image credit: marvel

X-Men Origins: Wolverine takes the 4th spot in our best Marvel games on PSP, another game like the title in the Number 2 slot that feels a lot like Kratos’ outings in the God of War series.

There’s nothing too complex about this game; if you’ve seen the film, then the game basically follows the same path, with tonnes of button-mash attacking gameplay making the bulk of the action.

X-Men Origins: Wolverine gameplay
image credit: marvel

Grab, punch, slash, and batter your way through each of the levels, levelling up and getting new upgrades and abilities as you progress.

Watch the rage meter reach boiling point and unleash insane attacks, slicing and dicing enemies into oblivion.

The graphics aren’t amazing, but you don’t buy this game because it looks nice. It’s all about Wolverines brutal and swift delivery of death, all while sitting on the bus or relaxing in a park with your PSP!

5. Marvel: Ultimate Alliance (2006)

Best Marvel Games On PSP Of All Time - Marvel ultimate alliance
image credit: marvel

If you’re looking for a Marvel PSP game with a bit of an RPG vibe, then Marvel: Ultimate Alliance provides the answer!

And look at that front cover; Spidey is definitely everyone’s favourite Marvel hero!

One of the reasons that we love the Marvel Vs Capcom games is that we get to see more characters than just The Avengers teaming up together, and in this game, players really do get to build their very own Ultimate Alliance.

Marvel: Ultimate Alliance gameplay
image credit: marvel

Spider-Man and Wolverine teaming up together; this is what it’s all about.

We love the fact that there are lots of different multiple endings in this game too depending on who you pick to play as. How you play has a direct effect too, so make sure you think twice about your actions before carrying them out!

6. Marvel Super Hero Squad (2009)

Best Marvel Games On PSP Of All Time - Marvel Super Hero Squad
image credit: marvel

Marvel Super Hero Squad takes the 6th spot in this list of the best Marvel games on PSP!

You’ll be able to tell from the cover that this is a bit more of a cartoony game than the likes of Spider-Man 2 and Iron Man 2, but that’s not a bad thing.

We all know from the likes of The Wind Waker that cartoony-style games age much better!

Marvel Super Hero Squad gameplay
image credit: marvel

This game has two main modes for players to test their mettle in. The main Adventure Mode has 6 character-driven levels based on Thor, Wolverine, Hulk, Silver Surfer, Falcon, and Iron Man.

There are a total of 20 playable characters in this game, and the main premise of this mode is to defeat enemies while following specific instructions that change from level to level.

Then there’s the Battle Mode in which players pick a character and just enter a mad skirmish to win points in what’s essentially the Marvel equivalent of a Royal Rumble!

7. Iron Man 2 (2010)

Best Marvel Games On PSP Of All Time - Iron Man 2
image credit: marvel

Let’s keep going with the film adaptations and bring Iron Man 2 into the fray.

Unlike Spider-Man 2, the plot here is a little bit loose in terms of sticking to the main story elements. One thing it does share in common, however, is that like Spider-Man 2, this is the Iron Man game that got the formula just right.

Combat is much smoother, and the flight controls are much more enjoyable. Plus, players can use Iron Man’s suit variations from the 2nd to 6th models, giving the hardcore fans something to get excited about.

Iron Man 2 gameplay
image credit: marvel

As the cover kind of gives away, players can play as both Iron Man and War Machine. Iron Man is much more agile and uses the repulsions from his hands and unibeam, where as War Machine is all power, utilising serious weaponry that could overpower the entire US army.

It also features the voices of Samuel L. Jackson and Don Cheadle to whip the Marvel fans into a frenzy.

8. Spider-Man 2 (2005)

Best Marvel Games On PSP Of All Time - Spider-Man 2
image credit: marvel

After many previous efforts, Spider-Man 2 finally nailed the crime busting open-feel game that we’d been looking for.

Don’t get me wrong – the PS1 Spider-Man game was unreal, but this was one of the best titles for getting the look, feel, and general vibe of a superhero in a computer game spot on.

The whole thing feels more free and generally more vast, and while it’s not as open-world as modern titles like Hogwarts Legacy, it was pretty revolutionary for back in 2004.

Spider-Man 2 gameplay
image credit: marvel

If you’ve seen the film the game is based on, then there won’t be many surprises in store for you. It mainly follows the events of the movie with a few extras to mix things up a little thrown in for good measure.

Side missions are where the devs have used their artistic license the most here, giving players plenty to be getting on with and adding longevity to the game.

As I said above, it might not be ‘open world’ compared to todays standards, but graphically and in terms of an enjoyable gaming experience, it still stands tall with some of Marvel’s best titles on any platform.

9. X-Men Legends 2: Rise Of Apocalypse (2005)

X-Men Legends 2: Rise Of Apocalypse (2005)

X-Men Legends 2: Rise Of Apocalypse is up next, a game that, while solely based on the X-Men franchise, feels and plays like the Ultimate Alliance games that you’ll be coming across further down this list.

The gameplay mechanic is the same, with players taking four characters out into each of the levels, creating teams from the heroes and villains of the X-Men universe.

Each mutant has his or her own abilities too, so you’ll need to utilise every member of your team if you want to progress!

X-Men Legends 2: Rise Of Apocalypse gameplay
image credit: marvel

It’s easy to forget how many amazing characters there are on the X-Men roster. Obviously we all know Deadpool, Wolverine, Magneto, and Professor X, but with Iceman, Colossus, Bishop, and Dark Pheonix bringing the smackdown, it’s bound to be an action-packed party.

The ‘Game Plus’ mode gives players the chance to play through the game a second time with all of the stats that they have acquired from the first play through which is always pretty fun.

Plus, with the ‘Danger Room’ giving access to all of the previous missions, it’s certainly a game that you won’t have any trouble replaying.

10. Marvel Nemesis: Rise Of The Imperfects (2005)

Marvel Nemesis: Rise Of The Imperfects (2005)

Marvel Nemesis: Rise of the Imperfects kickstarts our list of the best Marvel games on PSP, a game that adds to the Marvel Universe by providing a bunch of new faces for both the heroes and villains of old to team up against.

I can’t see any problems arising there, can you?

Instead of being a side on fighter like Mortal Kombat or Tekken, it feels more like a boss fight in a game like Spyro or Jak & Daxter, with players being able to run around their opponents and use the environment around them to their advantage.

Marvel Nemesis: Rise Of The Imperfects gameplay
image credit: marvel

Play as classic characters such as Captain America, Venom, Daredevil, The Human Torch, and more, all while mashing the heck out of your PSP buttons.

The game didn’t get massive licks back in the day (which is weird considering how big Venom’s tongue is), but it’s certainly one of the best titles to while away long journeys with.

Sebastian Santabarbara profile image Sebastian Santabarbara
Sebastian is fuelled by a lifelong passion for Zelda, Banjo Kazooie, Donkey Kong, and all things retro. He uses his misspent youth with retro consoles to create content for readers around the world.