Suckering succotash, it’s time to do a lap around Mars on a rocket-powered carrot as we check out the best Looney Tunes games of all time!
I’m going to go out on a whim here and say that you can’t possibly write about the best Looney Tunes titles unless you watched these cartoons over and over again as a kid.
I lived for these guys, in fact I once spent an hour trying to pull the Bugs Bunny air freshener my Auntie had in her car off so that I could put it in my room, and then told her it ‘fell off super easy’.
What’s up doc, Yosemite Sam’s odd variety of cussing whenever he got ticked off, Roadrunner’s ‘meep meep’ – there are so many iconic sounds, catchphrases, and lines from these characters that bring back memories for me.
And the games… the games just enhanced all of those classic moments and helped to add a whole new dimension to the world of the Looney Tunes, one that fans could step into and control. I’m going to share with you my 10 favourite titles from the wider Looney Tunes series so that you can keep the Looney Tunes magic alive today.
Who knows, you might even get a whole new generation of fans jabbering like Porky Pig or running around like Speedy Gonzales. Well, that’s all folks; check out the best Looney Tunes titles below!
1. Duck Dodgers Starring Daffy Duck (2000)

I think we can all safely agree that Duck Dodgers starring Daffy Duck is the best Looney Tunes game of all time.
You’re deththpicable is still a phrase that still sticks with me from my childhood, and this platformer featuring Daffy’s superhero alter-ego never fails to put a smile on my face.
Maybe I’m just a big fan of ducks – I’ve always really liked Darkwing Duck on the NES and the early DuckTales titles, and Going Quackers with Donald Duck is a classic too.
Gameplay wise, it feels a little like if Spyro and Gex: Enter The Gecko teamed up together. It’s a little old looking these days, but I guess so am I compared to how I looked back in the year 2000 when I was 10 years old…

As you might guess from a parody of ‘Buck Rogers’, it’s a funny ride from the get go. In the same was as the LEGO games, it brought a humour that was well-appreciated on Nintendo’s family-friendly console.
The collecting elements felt very much like that of some of the early PS1 games of which the developers might well have taken some inspiration from.
I for one would be more than happy to see Duck Dodgers joining the ranks of updated titles going through HD remake machine at the minute. If Scrooge McDuck can get it, then I reckon if Daffy keeps a stiff upper beak he could be next in line.
2. Bugs Bunny: Lost in Time (1999)

Rabbits and time travel aren’t known to mix very well, or not that I’ve found out at any rate. Still, the PS1 brought bona fide platforming goodness to the table with Bugs Bunny: Lost in Time.
Bugs always came across as having his wits about him on the cartoon series, but the whole premise of this game is that he can’t even tell the difference between a carrot juicer and a time machine.

How did Elmer Fudd not catch this guy, seriously! I guess Bugs has had that many carrots he can see everything in the dark as though it was midday and just happens to get lucky!
One of the main things I love about Lost in Time is its unashamed simplicity; it’s good fun that doesn’t take a degree in rocket science from Marvin the Martian’s university of hard knocks to tackle.
3. Taz In Escape From Mars (1994)

Speaking of Marvin, he and Taz are up next in our list of the best Looney Tunes games. Taz might be the most unlikely hero of all time because he’s basically an angry animal that thinks never and asks questions just as often.
Still, this is one of the greatest games produced for the SEGA Mega Drive and one of my favourite ever games to kick back with even to this day. Sonic might be the king of the Spin Dash, but Taz will always be my favourite grandaddy of blur (which is probably actually someone related to Damon Albarn in all honesty).
His spin attack means getting pretty close to enemies before pulling it off, but if you don’t want to create tonnes of tension you can always spit rocks or breathe fire too!

The premise of this game is almost as mad as Taz himself. Marvin captures Taz for his Martian Zoo, Taz escapes, and then comes back to stick it to Marvin.
Why does he come back? He’s always been dim, but surely you’ve gotta be as mad as a box of frogs to head back into the lions den once you’ve got off scot free! After a trip to Earth, Marvin the Martian decides he wants our friend the Tasmanian Devil for his new attraction; a Martian Zoo.
4. Taz: Wanted (2002)

You know what, I’m going to keep going with Taz for a little bit longer because he really doesn’t get enough air time anymore. Yes he’s a bit of a wild and simple stress head, but I really like the unique brand of mayhem that he brings to games.
And to be honest, there’s no better way to blow off steam on the GameCube than by stepping in Taz’s shoes and causing absolute carnage. Well… he doesn’t wear shoes, but you know what I mean.

Wind Waker wasn’t the only cel-shaded marvel on the GCN; Taz Wanted maintained the same light-hearted approach that the cartoons took and, because of its graphical choices, has aged pretty well in terms of looks over the years.
It’s a little clunky at times, it has to be said, but I wouldn’t let it bother you. I mean, how many of you have played Skyward Sword with those annying motion controls and still had fun?
Lay the smackdown (or spindown) on Yosemite Sam and show him that if Marvin can’t keep you in a zoo, then there’s no way that rootin-tootin cowboy can either.
5. Looney Tunes: Space Race (2000)

I bet you were wondering when a racing game was going to join this list of the best Looney tunes games, right?
Some of you might have checked out Looney Tunes Space Race on our ultimate list of the speediest Dreamcast racers. It’s just as chaotic as you might expect from Daffy, Taz, and the gang, and to be fair, I’m not really surprised.
Animals on rocket-powered ships is probably as good a mix as a Bunny with a time machine, both of which I would advise against trying out at home, readers.

Pick from one of 9 characters from the Looney Tunes universe as they hurtle around said universe chucking weapons at each other.
And yes, Bugs is driving a rocket-powered carrot there, your eyes are not deceiving you.
The graphics on this Dreamcast racer still hit hard today. Look at the still above and tell me you’re not instantly transported back to mornings in front of Cartoon Network?
There are lots of short cuts to find and traps to avoid as you hurtle through the levels. It’s Mario Kart with Bugs Bunny instead of Mario, but as Mario isn’t on the Dreamcast, I’d say that’s a pretty good thing for SEGA gamers.
6. Bugs Bunny & Taz: Time Busters (2000)

If you had forgotten about Taz the Tasmanian Devil before this article, he’ll definitely be stuck in your head now!
I suppose Bugs and Taz working together might be as unlikely to some people as Mario and Sonic joining forces. Still, the combination really works and makes for some great co-op gameplay.

Oh yes; you read that right! Players can team up and take both Bugs and Taz around together in co-op action, all in gameplay that feels and looks a lot like Bugs Bunny Lost in Time.
Like Bugs’ previous time travelling adventure, players need to make sure they’ve got their collecting trousers with the big pockets on for this game.
There’s tonnes of items to gather while Bugs and/or Taz move through each level, giving something for those 101% completion fans to stick their buck-teeth into.
7. Looney Tunes: Worlds Of Mayhem (2018)

So many of these games have been from on or just before the Millennium that I thought I better search for a modern title to make sure you didn’t think you’d had a blast on that ‘carrot juicer’ Bugs was playing with.
I never thought a turn-based RPG title with the Looney Tunes would work so well until I actually had a go on this game. It turns out that levelling up Sylvester is just as fun as levelling up characters on Gauntlet Dark Legacy, Marvel Alliance, and Super Mario RPG.

So how does this game work?
Well, players can pitch together characters into motley teams as they prepare to take on Marvin’s clones. The battles are bright and colourful, and the language will probably get colourful once your mates steal stuff from you in head-to-head battles.
There is an essence of world building in this game too, but don’t start to imagine it’ll be anything like Minecraft or Sim City. It’s a nice addition to a great mobile game though and keeps things intriguing and fresh for players on their lunch breaks or while commuting.
8. Looney Tunes Racing (2000)

I know what you’re thinking – ‘one kart racer was enough’.
Well, even as the world’s biggest Mario Kart fan who usually poo-poos other kart titles as being copies, I still enjoy getting stuck into Looney Tunes Racing (obviously once I’ve had my fill of Looney Tunes Space Race, of course).
I think this game appeals more if you used to watch all of the Looney Tunes cartoons as a kid, and as we know, that’s something that I more than achieved before the age of 10.
The courses feel like a massive extension of the cartoon, with Acme gates and famous faces from the show appearing at every turn.

Nostalgia; that’s the word that best describes this game and the main feeling it evokes while playing it. Ok, the graphics aren’t ever going to compete with Mario Kart 8 Deluxe and the multiplayer mode might not be as intense.
But if you lived and breathed Looney Tunes and had all of the toys and collectibles like I did back in the day, then it could look like staring into two revolving squares and you’d still love it.
9. Looney Tunes: Sheep Raider (2001)

Sheep Raider is a crime that you could get locked up for in my mum’s village, but this next entry in our list is actually another unlikely gaming combination.
And yeah, that game case is very disturbing…
Can you remember Sam the Sheepdog and Ralph Wolf? Well, Ralph has to steal sheep from underneath Sam’s nose in what can only be described as a stealthy farm game.
And yes, this is Ralph Wolf and not Wile E. Coyote. They look very similar but Ralph has a red nose; it’s the little details that matter!

If you like the puzzles that crop up in the likes of Space Station Silicon Valley then you’ll be all over Sheep Raider.
Trying to sneak past Sam and complete the raid can get pretty hairy at times. And just as you would expect and like every other title that I’ve said this about on this list, it’s a blooming good laugh from start to finish.
Is it the most advanced title of all time? No, but it is one that you should 100% play at least once in your life.
10. Looney Tunes: Marvin Strikes Back! (2000)

I’m going to finish this list of with a great title for the Gameboy Color and one that many people might have passed over the first time around of owning the GBC.
In Europe, we knew this game as Looney Tunes Collector: Martian Alert, and it was the sequel to Looney Tunes Collector: Alert.
As the name suggests, collecting was and very much still is the aim (and name) of the game here, and like when rinsing that Ally Phone in Super Mario Party, you’ll need to collect other characters in order to complete the game.

The gameplay is very much the same as the previous title, but it’s the story that we’re really intrigued by. You see, this time we’re playing from Marvin the Martian’s point of view, and you know how much we enjoy playing as the bad guy from time to time!
The game has an element of trading characters just like Pokemon did too. Ok, it was never going to catch on as much as Pokemon did, but you can’t blame WB Games for trying to get in on the link-cable action.
This handheld quest for revenge is a fun title and one that is super fun to play on the GBC. It has a feel of Taz in Escape from Mars about it and provides another portable gaming option for those fans who just can’t leave the Looney Tunes at the front door when heading out on adventures.