When it comes to the strongest and best fire type Pokémon, there are a few that stand out above the rest.
Fire types are some of the most popular in the series. From the original Pokémon Red to Pokémon Go, everyone loves a fiery Pokémon on their team, this is because they are usually very effective against common Pokémon throughout the game, for example against grass type Pokémon.
Oh, and they’re some of the coolest looking monsters in the whole entire game!
Here are the 10 best fire type Pokémon in terms of strength and a few that I personally think are worthy of special inclusion. Hopefully this helps you craft the best team in Pokémon!
This list goes in no particular order.
1. Charizard

With a massive wingspan and powerful fire breath, Charizard is a force to be reckoned with and is one of the original 151 from when the franchise first begun.
It started becoming popular in the late 90’s due to it having a lot of screen time in the original anime and it was one of the rarest Pokémon cards from the WOTC period.
Charizard is one of the best fire type choices because it’s a dual fire and flying type. This means it is weak to only water, electric, and rock type moves, but is resistant to fire, grass, ice, steel, and bug type moves.
It’s also a dragon, like come on!
2. Typhlosion

A nimble Pokémon with a massive explosion attack, Typhlosion is a top contender for our list. Typhlosion features heavily in the Johto region games, being the final evolution of Cyndaquil.
Typhlosion is a pure fire type which means it’s only weak to water, ground, and rock type moves but, just like Charizard, Typhlosion is resistant to fire, grass, ice, steel, and bug type attacks.
Typhlosion’s best move is definitely Eruption, a fire type move that gets stronger the less HP Typhlosion has remaining.
On the back of Typhlosion you will find a living volcano, signifying just how hot this Pokémon’s flames can really get!
Just like Charizard it was many gamers first choice of starter Pokémon.
3. Blaziken

A Pokémon with incredibly powerful legs, Blaziken can dish out some serious damage. First appearing in Gen 3, Blaziken is the final evolution of Torchic.
Blaziken is a dual fire and fighting type, which means it’s only weak to water, flying, psychic, and fairy type moves but is resistant to fire, dark, steel, and bug type moves.
Blaziken can use the move High Jump Kick, a fighting type move that does massive damage but if it misses, Blaziken takes damage itself, so use it wisely!
Overall, Blaziken is an incredibly powerful and versatile fighter that can hold its own against most Pokémon.
4. Arcanine

a massive Pokémon with immense strength and speed, Arcanine trumps other wolf Pokémon throughout the series.
Arcanine is designed after the Shishi-odoshi, a traditional Japanese garden decoration that uses the power of water to scare away animals, but this time Nintendo has designed it around fire.
Arcanine is a pure fire type which means it’s only weak to water, ground, and rock type moves isn’t fazed by grass, ice, steel, and bug type moves, and is also, unsurprisingly, resistant to its own fire element.
A Pokémon of pure strength, Arcanine is a popular choice for players throughout the series and their appearance in Pokémon Legends: Arceus includes a new form which makes it even more powerful.
I know, I thought it was impossible for this Pokémon to get cooler too!
5. Moltres

A legendary Pokémon with immense power, Moltres is one of the strongest fire types around.
Moltres is notably resistant to a number of different elemental types including fire, grass, steel and bug type moves, and in a welcome surprise, ice. This flaming bird isn’t without its weaknesses though and the dual fire and flying type is understandably weak to water, while electric and rock type moves will also bring the pain.
Moltres has the unique ability to change the weather to either extremely sunny or extremely rainy depending on what it wants, which can be incredibly useful in battle.
Moltres also has the powerful move Sky Attack, a flying type move that does massive damage but leaves Moltres vulnerable for a turn afterwards. Use this move sparingly and only when you know you can take down your opponent in one hit!
Inspired by the mythical Japanese creature known as Karasu Tengu, a birdlike creature with long nose and black feathers, Moltres may not share the same colour palette but is no less formidable.
Again, just like Charizard, it has some really cool Pokémon card illustrations.
6. Entei

Another legendary Pokémon, Entei is incredibly powerful and has a signature move that can devastate opponents. You first come across Entei in the Johto region games.
Entei is a pure fire type, making weak to water, ground, and rock attacks. Much like many of the other Pokémon in this list though, those weaknesses are offset by resistances to a number of elemental attacks, with Entei able to withstand grass, ice, steel, and bug type onslaughts.
Entei has the ability Pressure which means that if Entei is hit with a move that would normally make it faint, the opponent’s PP (power points) goes down by two instead. This can be incredibly useful in battle.
Sacred Fire is Entei’s signature move, a fire type move that has a 50% chance of burning the opponent. This move is incredibly powerful and can easily turn the tide of a battle.
Designed after the Japanese mythical creature known as the Kirin, which is a dragon-like creature, Entei appears with fur instead of scales.
This makes Entei one of the most unique Pokémon around! Plus there’s nothing more special than when you first come across Entei in Pokémon Gold & Silver.
7. Flareon

With a high body temperature and fire attacks that packs a punch, Flareon is a top fire type Pokémon and one of the best ‘eeveelutions’ of the lot.
Flareon has the ability Flash Fire which means that if Flareon is hit with a fire type move, its speed increases by one stage and it becomes immune to fire type moves completely.
This can be incredibly useful in battle as it allows Flareon to take down other fire types with relative ease, which confuses the trainer you are battling.
Flareon’s strongest fire type move is Flamethrower, a powerful attack that has a 10% chance of burning the opponent. This move is incredibly useful and can easily take down most Pokémon if it connects.
8. Magcargo

A unique Pokémon that can generate intense heat, Magcargo is definitely one of the strongest fire types around and is designed after a snail.
Magcargo has the ability Flame Body which means that if Magcargo is hit with a contact move, there is a 30% chance that the opponent will become burned.
Magcargo’s strongest fire type move is Overheat, a powerful attack that does massive damage but lowers Magcargo’s Special Attack stat by two stages afterwards. Use this move sparingly and only when you know you can take down your opponent in one hit!
Magcargo is effective against, bug, ice, and steel type Pokémon but is weak to water, ground, and rock type moves.
9. Ninetales

Nintetales is a powerful fox Pokémon that can easily take down most foes with its fire based moves. It’s also one of the best fire types around in terms of looks!
Using the Flash Fire ability grants Ninetales a single stage speed increase after receiving a hit with a fire type move. Flash Fire also grants Ninteales immunity to fire type moves completely.
Ninetales’s strongest fire type move is Flamethrower, that, just like Flareon, holds a 10% chance of burning the opponent.
Ninetales is designed after the Japanese mythical creature known as the Kitsune, which is a fox with nine tails.
10. Groudon

Groudon is a massive dinosaur-like creature that can easily take down most foes with its fire type moves. It’s also one of the best fire types around if you’re looking for that Jurassic Park vibe!
Groudon has the ability Drought which means that if Groudon is on the battlefield, the sun will always be out which powers up fire type moves and stops water type moves from being used.
This can be incredibly useful in battle as it allows Groudon to take down water type Pokémon quickly, which goes against everything you were taught at Pokémon training!
Groudon’s strongest fire type move is Solar Beam, a powerful attack that does massive damage but takes two turns to charge up. Use this move sparingly and only when you know you can potentially withstand a hit while charging.
Groudon is effective against, bug, steel, grass, and ice type Pokémon but is weak to water, ground, and rock type moves.
It was originally found in the Hoenn region and is now one of the most popular fire types around!
11. Ho-Oh

Ho-Oh is one of the most iconic and recognisable fire type Pokémon of the series because not only does it take after a flaming Peacock, but because it was the first ever legendary to be seen in the anime series, even if it didn’t make its debut until Gen 2.
Remarkably resilient, the Regenerator ability allows Ho-Oh to return to battle with half of its HP restored following a knock out. In addition to reviving itself, Ho-Oh can also can learn the move Recover, which allows it to heal itself in battle.
This can be incredibly useful as it allows Ho-Oh to take down even the strongest of foes and is perfect for those who want to train their Ho-Oh to be a tank.
Ho-Oh’s strongest fire type move is Sacred Fire, a powerful attack that has a 50% chance of burning the opponent. While effective against, bug, steel, grass, and ice type Pokémon, Ho-Oh is weak to water, ground, and rock type moves.
Ho-Oh is a massive bird Pokémon that commands respect and awe from all those who see it. If you’re looking for a fire type that will make your opponents cower in fear, then Ho-oh is the perfect choice!
Its lore is also incredibly interesting, apparently reincarnating itself every time it dies and only revealing itself to those with a pure heart.
12. Houndoom

Houndoom is the perfect fire type for those who are looking for a Pokémon that is not only incredibly powerful, but also incredibly feared by its opponents.
Houndoom’s ability Flash Fire causes its speed to increase one stage when attacked with a fire move. Naturally, Houndoom is impervious to fire type moves completely.
This can be incredibly useful as it allows Houndoom to take down even the strongest of foes and is perfect for those who want to develop their Houndoom as a tank.
Another wielder of the Flamethrower move, Houndoom’s most potent attack has a 10% chance of burning their opponent.
Bug, steel, grass, and ice type Pokémon don’t stand a chance against Houndoom’s fiery ferocity but this Pokémon pooch is a pushover when hit with water, ground, and rock type moves.
Houndoom’s design takes inspiration from demonic dogs and make it one of the most fearsome looking Pokémon out there. If you’re looking for a Pokémon that will make your opponents cower in fear, then Houndoom is the perfect choice!