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Ranking Every Casio Loopy Game For Sticker Aficionados

Ranking Every Casio Loopy Game For Sticker Aficionados

Make way for our ranking of the every Casio Loopy games, ten titles that will blow your mind and change your life forever… if you like stickers, and you’re a girl, that is.

Yes, the Casio Loopy is a console designed for girls. I know, it’s old fashioned and totally unnecessary, but Casio thought that a console solely marketed at girls was necessary back in 1995, so they made one that was uber expensive that parents would have to keep spending money on long after the initial purchase.

The Casio Loopy is a console that plays games and prints stickers of said games. That’s basically all it does, with the exception of Numbers 2 and 3 in the title below.

With contrast settings on the back and super expensive thermal paper never far from your parent’s shopping list, gamers could create their own images to stick everywhere or share with their friends…

… no wonder it was an absolute disaster.

Get ready for the best sticker printing design games… I mean the best Casio Loopy games you never knew or cared about!

1. Anime Land (1995)

Anime Land game case cover art
image credit: casio

I want to talk about Anime Land first in this list of the best Casio Loopy games of all time because it’s one of the best examples of what this console was made to do.

And that is print stickers!

This is like a cross between Mario Paint and Dragon Ball Z Anime Designer, one of the best Apple Bandai Pippin games of all time. Gamers essentially use clip-art images to make Anime characters, add text, and create backgrounds.

Anime Land Casio Loopy Game Case
image credit: casio

And you know what; it’s pretty good!

The scope for what you can create is pretty cool, and the sticker printing isn’t half bad either. Kids love stickers, so I can see this still being a gimmicky hit with young kids today.

Print out stickers of people, flowers, sweets, and animals; the world is your small, adhesive oyster!

2. I Want A Room In Loopy Town! (1995)

image credit: casio

I Want A Room In Loopy Town came from the mind as the same guy who wrote some of the original Final Fantasy games.

Just let that sink in a second… a Final Fantasy writer creating games for this sticker-based monstrosity!

Kenji Terada worked on this Animal Crossing-esque game in the 90s, and as far as I know it was met with positive reviews. It certainly kickstarted the idea for Animal Crossing, a title that would drop 5 years later.

I Want A Room In Loopy Town gameplay
image credit: casio

Bake bread with a jolly butcher, design a room, and move around a virtual town.

All with a woman with forks for arms and a tennis-playing frog, by the look of the image above!

If you love Animal Crossing and want to go back to get a feel for where the game evolved from (niche I know), then this is a title you need in your collection…

… if you decide to buy this weird console, that is…

3. Bow-Wow Puppy Love Story (1995)

Bow-Wow Puppy Love Story
image credit: casio

Bow-wow Puppy Love Story is one of those games that starts off boring and ramps up into the kind of bizarre trip that only those on halluconagenics could think up.

Everything starts off pretty normal; a little girl who wants to train a puppy. That’s the tedious premise; training a dog to sit and learning information that could actually prove pretty useful for a real life dog in certain situations.

Then, things get odd…

Bow-Wow Puppy Love Story gameplay
image credit: casio

The dog jumps into a bush and finds a talking clock and a living doll that once belonged to the main character. They have to defeat evil vegetables and save a fantasy world…

… tell me again why this console was a disaster?

The clock sacrifices itself in a mine field, the dog has a Bilbo vs Gollum riddle style showdown, and there’s a bear that sits on a flying duck. Plus, you can’t print any stickers until the game is completed.

This sounds more like pain than pleasure to me!

4. PC Collection (1996)

Casio Loopy PC Collection
image credit: casio

PC Collection is a title that is even more like Mario Paint than Anime Land.

It’s actually Mario Paint 2.0. It has a paint function, a music maker, and a mini game that could never beat the Fly Swatter, but there’s also a word processor, address book with label printer, and of course, sticker printing.

PC Collection Casio Loopy gameplay
image credit: casio

The word processor is absolutely insane. A little hamster in a ball moves words around, and the curser looks like a paint splat and moves about as gracefully as one.

This game does have more scope to create more unique designs and to be more imaginative. If you have patience, then you could really make some interesting stuff with it.

It’s also one for younger kids who are easily entertained. It’s nothing like a PC that I’ve ever seen, but it’s a laugh if you can get hold of a copy.

5. Dream Change: Kokin-chan’s Fashion Party (1995)

image credit: casio

Dream Change: Kokin-chan’s Fashion Party is, like so many other games on this console, all about printing stickers of a character in different clothes.

Not only can you take a character inspired on yourself (or a completely made up person) to photoshoots, but you can print off stickers of them in multiple locations.

Dream Change Casio Loopy gameplay
image credit: casio

Fly from Tokyo to Buckingham Palace and back in the blink of an eye, dress up like a pirate by the canal, and don insane costumes while snapping a pic outside famous landmarks.

Again, the sticker printing works well and the results are impressive to say that the console stopped production well over 20 years ago at the time of writing.

That’s literally all there is to say about this one, so let’s move on.

6. Little Romance (1996)

Little Romance game case cover art
image credit: casio

Little Romance is yet another sticker printing game (I think we all know the gimmick by now), but it has some special differences in the form of an actual storytelling plot line…

… and one that doesn’t feature a talking clock that sacrifices itself…

The music is pretty funky too, so it makes for cool retro background vibes if nothing else!

Little Romance Casio Loopy gameplay
image credit: casio

This game is a dating sim that lets players edit scenes and make characters for an original comic book story.

Once created, each scene can be printed out into an actual comic to show to friends, impress potential crushes, or keep on your wall to enjoy forever more.

The cutscenes on the game are just like watching an early Anime TV show. The whole thing feels like I’ve just stumbled across the original Pokemon series for the first time, and as this console goes, it’s not a bad game.

7. HARI HARI Seal Paradise

Hari Hari Seal Paradise game case cover art
image credit: casio

HARI HARI Seal Paradise allows players to delve into an immersive first-person-shooting title where a keyboard playing penguin must destroy humankind.

Nah I’m kidding; it’s another cute sticker game for girls to print images with.

As seal means sticker, the game is technically called ‘sticker paradise’. I guess you could have figured out everything about this game from the title…

Hari Hari Seal Paradise gameplay Casio Loopy
image credit: casio

Rather than drawing images, Hari Hari is all about using different stamps to make stickers to share with friends and family.

Stickers can be customised for birthdays, festivals, and special occasions, so it’s actually a neat way of adding a special touch to a card or present.

But yeah, zero storyline and more sticker printing…

… I’m beginning to see a heavy theme in this list of the only and somehow best Casio Loopy games.

8. Chakra-kun’s Charm Paradise (1997)

Chakra-kun's Charm Paradise
image credit: casio

Chakra-kun’s Charm Paradise features a magical cat in a game that has story elements…

… none of which I can make out or understand as they’re all in Japanese.

What I do know is that there are various games and puzzles to complete, along with designing pictures to print off.

Oh… so it’s like all the other games then?

Chakra-kun's Charm Palace Casio Loopy gameplay
image credit: casio

I’ll say this for Chakra-kun’s Charm Paradise; the little cats are all pretty cute.

There are young cats, old cats, all with different outfits and personalities (I’m really scraping the bottom of the barrel here trying to think of more things to say…).

Of course, the sticker printing element is fun too if you want lots of stickers of cats. You could probably ask the magical cat to tell you your fortune too…

… ‘You will be bored within 35 seconds of playing this game’…

9. Lupiton’s Wonder Palette (1995)

Lupiton's Wonder Palette
image credit: casio

The most unique thing about Lupiton’s Wonder Palette is the title loading screen.

Demon’s and a cherub fly out of a box after a little prehistoric dude opens it up. They then decorate the land with paint and words.

If they had access to a sticker printer, then they’d probably print it out too…

Lupitons Wonder palette
image credit: casio

This is another picture making game where players can design their own pictures and sub in stamps or pre-rendered images.

There’s also an option to adapt existing pictures that the game’s designers have made.

Ever wanted to see a cherub sitting on a bike? No, neither have I…

10. Caricature Artist (1995)

Caricature Artist game case cover art
image credit: casio

Caricature Artist does what it says on the tin. It’s a drawing game with bright, vibrant characters and one that provides budding artists with a chance to try out their skills.

Or, you can make people look funny and have a good old laugh while doing it.

Caricature Artist Casio Loopy gameplay
image credit: casio

There really is nothing else to this game apart from making Mii style avatars in front of cool backgrounds.

Having said that, there’s lots of scope to get creative with your designs thanks to the many different backgrounds and stylistic features.

Like Mii Maker, you can change everything about a persons face and make them look as realistic or weird as possible… and then print it out on a sticker.

If I see another sticker ever again, it’ll be far too soon!

Sebastian Santabarbara profile image Sebastian Santabarbara
Sebastian is fuelled by a lifelong passion for Zelda, Banjo Kazooie, Donkey Kong, and all things retro. He uses his misspent youth with retro consoles to create content for readers around the world.