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11 Best Advance Wars Re-Boot Camp Beginner Tips

11 Best Advance Wars Re-Boot Camp Beginner Tips

When Advance Wars 1+2: Re-Boot Camp release date was officially revealed, we (im)patiently awaited the return of Nell, Andy, Max, and Sami. Now the game’s finally here, I’m going to tell you the 11 best Advance Wars Re-Boot Camp beginner tips!

I say beginner tips, but this guide will also prove useful to any veteran fans looking for a quick refresh of these 00s classics.

Some of the tips and tricks I’ll cover are mentioned by Nell during the tutorial phrase, but considering we’re about to go to war, it’s easy to forget her wise words – that’s where I come in.

Are you ready to learn the 11 best Advance Wars Re-Boot Camp beginner tips? Of course you are, so let’s take on the battlefield together.

11. Turn Off Animations

11 Best Advance Wars Re-Boot Camp Beginner Tips turn off animations

Look, I know it can be fun to watch the animations whenever you or your enemies attack, but pretty soon it’s going to slow down your experience.

To keep the game fast-paced, as the gaming gods intended, you should go into Options and select where it says “Visual A”, then keep pressing the A button until it says “Visual OFF”.

10. Fast Forward During Enemy Turns

11 Best Advance Wars Re-Boot Camp Beginner Tips fast forward during enemy turns

Speed might not always win a battle in Advance Wars 1+2, but it’ll definitely help keep the action coming, especially if you replay a Mission to improve your ranking.

Whenever you want to power through the enemies’ turn, simply press ZR and it’ll fast forward. This, in combination with the animations turned off, is as streamlined as the action gets!

9. Zoom Out To See The Whole Battlefield

11 Best Advance Wars Re-Boot Camp Beginner Tips zoom out to see the whole battlefield

Sometimes, a good aerial view is what it takes to enact a solid strategy. However, the camera can be quite close to the action, hindering your view.

If that happens, just tilt the right thumbstick down to zoom out, then tilt it up when you want to get a close up angle on the enemy. Seeing the fight from all angles is always a winner in the heat of battle.

8. Visit Hachi’s Shop Regularly

11 Best Advance Wars Re-Boot Camp Beginner Tips visit Hachi's Shop regularly

When you first start Advance Wars Re-Boot Camp, you won’t have access to Hachi’s Shop. However, once it opens for business, it’s worth visiting it regularly to see what extras he has, like those all important CO Power (Commanding Officer Power).

All you need to do is head back to the main menu screen, then scroll down until you see “Hachi’s Shop”. Now you can shop to your heart’s content.

7. Check Enemy Stats

11 Best Advance Wars Re-Boot Camp Beginner Tips check enemy stats

Knowing how tough an enemy is will always lead to success in war, which is why it’s important to check enemy stats whenever you’re unsure of how to proceed.

You can do a basic check by hovering your cursor over an enemy, or take a more in-depth view by pressing ZR on an enemy unit.

6. Use Terrain Advantages

11 Best Advance Wars Re-Boot Camp Beginner Tips use terrain advantages

Terrain can be both helpful and a hindrance. Although it won’t always work in your favour, utilising it when it is will give you the element of surprise.

Mountains, forests, fog – it can all mean the difference between life and death. For example, during a foggy battle, placing Infantry or Mech Units atop a mountain will increase their range of vision.

5. Check Enemy Attack Range

11 Best Advance Wars Re-Boot Camp Beginner Tips check enemy attack range

Up against a Medium Tank? Check its attack range. I know this might seem like the most basic tip ever, but it’s one easily forgotten when you’re not familiar with the enemies.

Besides, even if you’re an Advance Wars 1+2 fanatic, you’re never too experienced to fallback on the basics.

4. Protect Units Capturing Cities

11 Best Advance Wars Re-Boot Camp Beginner Tips protect units capturing cities

If you’ve sent in your Infantry to capture a city, don’t just assume it’s safe – if enemies are close by, they can strike your Units whilst they’re vulnerable.

This is why it’s always wise to ensure any Units capturing cities are protected. Even more so when you’re attempting to capture the enemy’s HQ.

3. Watch Your Enemy’s CO Meter

11 Best Advance Wars Re-Boot Camp Beginner Tips watch your enemy's CO Meter

As useful as CO Power is, your enemy also has such abilities to surprise you with during battle. And if you don’t keep your eye on their meter, you could find yourself bogged down by a sudden blizzard (thanks, Olaf).

If in doubt, open up your in-battle menu using the A button, then select “CO”; you can then see your CO Meter, your enemies’, and what their power involves.

2. Use Your CO Power Wisely

11 Best Advance Wars Re-Boot Camp Beginner Tips use your CO Power wisely

Nell will force you to use her CO Power during Mission 1 whether you want to test it out or not. However, once you’re fully in control, you get to choose when you deploy this weapon.

Each Commanding Officer has their own unique power, with some needing to be deployed at specific times during battle for them to have the optimum effect. Remember that, and you shouldn’t have any problems.

1. Reset Your Turn

11 Best Advance Wars Re-Boot Camp Beginner Tips reset your turn

Made a mistake? No problem, just reset your turn!

Gone are the days when you had to shut up and put up with a poorly thought out decision – now you simply open the in-battle menu, go into Options and select “Reset Turn”. Whenever you choose this option, Nell will check to make sure you’re certain.

Talk about useful tips and tricks! My 11 best Advance Wars Re-Boot Camp beginner tips are going to ensure you’re always the victor.

While you enjoy the sweet, sweet taste of victory, why not check out the 70 best Gameboy Advance Games of 2023? It has classics similar to Advance Wars that’s sure to get you in the mood for more retro fun.

Let us know your thoughts about the new Advance Wars on Facebook!

Emma Flint profile image Emma Flint
Emma has loved video games ever since she first saw Alex Kidd platforming across her TV screen. Since then, the 32 year old has dedicated an obscene number of hours to playing as many games as possibl