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Strongest Bear Pokemon (By Strength)

Best Bear Pokemon

Let’s go down to the woods today and get a big surprise as we check out the best Bear Pokemon of 2023!

Bears can be cute and cuddly creatures, but also massive, intimidating and fearsome beasts too.

Naturally, when it comes to Pokemon that look like or are based on Bears, both bases are covered. Though there’s surprisingly few of them in the 920-plus Pokemon that can currently be found in the Pokedex, and we’ve looked at plenty of them.

Check out our best Bug Type Pokemon and best Dragon Type Pokemon lists as just two recent examples!

Though there’s not many, we were able to take a look at the stats of all of the Bear Pokemon in existence and whittled the list down to the ten strongest.

Which ones are they though?

Let’s find out!

10. Teddiursa


With its species being noted as ‘Little Bear Pokemon’, Teddiursa was never going to trouble the top spots of the best Bear Pokemon list.

However, it’s just about strong enough to nudge its way into tenth position!

Teddiursa first appeared way back in second generation games Pokemon Gold and Pokemon Silver on the Game Boy Color

If you want to feel really old, check out when the second generation Pokemon games were released on our Pokemon games in order list!

Teddiursa isn’t the most impressive Pokemon in terms of its stats, with average Attack and HP, but all other categories being fairly underwhelming.

However, Teddiursa certainly has cuteness on its side – just look at how cuddly it is.

Not only that, but keep reading this list to see just what a beast Teddiursa can evolve into!

9. Pancham

Pancham - Best Bear Pokemon

Another cute little critter, Pancham is clearly trying to be a badass. Pancham has a leaf sticking out of its mouth, which it uses to try and intimidate enemies.

It’s actually adorable, rather than intimidating!

Introduced in Pokemon X and Pokemon Y (the sixth generation of games), Pancham – like Teddiursa – is not going to set the world on fire with its strength.

However, Pancham does have reasonable Attack, HP and Defense stats.

Pancham’s biggest selling point – again, like Teddiursa – is what it can evolve into. Which you’ll see if you continue reading the best Bear Pokemon list!

8. Snorlax


Is Snorlax a bear? Well, Snorlax is a big, round, furry creature who likes to take lots of naps. On that criteria alone, we say yes!

Snorlax first appeared as a big, lazy obstacle in the very first Pokemon games, Pokemon Red and Pokemon Blue.

Though Snorlax wouldn’t immediately come to mind when you think of the strongest Pokemon, not only is its Attack stat above average, but all those naps have given Snorlax some seriously impressive HP!

Snorlax’s Sp. Def isn’t too shabby either, with the major problem being slow Speed, which really does let it down. Still, Snorlax may be slow, but it is built like a tank, making it a great contender for the best Bear Pokemon list!

7. Kubfu

Kubfu - Best Bear Pokemon

A Legendary, Fighting type Pokemon, Kubfu is a recent addition to the Pokedex, having only surfaced for the first time in generation eight titles Pokemon Sword and Pokemon Shield.

Though another Pokemon whose stats aren’t hugely impressive, Kubfu does have a good Attack stat and reasonable, if not outstanding, Speed.

Kubfu is another Bear Pokemon whose evolution (or perhaps, evolutions plural – given the unusual nature of how it evolves) is definitely one to watch – as you’ll see when you go further down this list!

6. Ursaluna


Ursaluna is a Normal and Ground type Pokemon that evolves from Ursaring, which itself originates from our number ten entry, Teddiursa.

Despite Teddiursa and Ursaring having quite the heritage when it comes to Pokemon Ursaluna wasn’t actually introduced until very recently, in Pokemon Legends: Arceus.

It was worth the wait though. Despite disappointing Sp. Atk and Speed, Ursaluna has superb HP and way above average Attack too, with a Defense stat that’s not too bad either.

So, it might not quite make it to the top five of the best Bear Pokemon list, but it’d fit neatly into the final slot of a Pokemon party!

5. Bewear

Bewear - Best Bear Pokemon

Known as the ‘Strong Arm Pokemon’, Bewear is pretty cute. Don’t let those looks fool you, however, because this is one tough Pokemon!

A Normal and Fighting type Pokemon, Bewear is a relatively new Pokemon. I only popped up for the first time in the generation seven games, Pokemon Sun and Pokemon Moon.

This deceptively cute beast of a bear, which evolves from the even cuter Stufful once it reaches level 27, has superb HP and Attack.

This Pokemon more than earns its place on the best Bear Pokemon list. Just watch out for Bewear’s hugs, which can be unintentionally forceful!

4. Beartic


Now this is a truly fearsome looking creature!

Beartic is a polar bear-esque, unsurprisingly Ice type Pokemon. It first emerged in generation five games Pokemon Black and Pokemon White.

You’ll get a Beartic if you train a Cubchoo (who wasn’t strong enough to make it to the top ten!) to level 37, and it’s definitely worth the effort!

Attack and HP are a Beartic’s strongest stats, but it’s not bad when it comes to its Defense or Sp. Def either. Only a slightly disappointing Sp. Atk and Speed let it down.

That Attack stat is what puts it firmly in the top half of the best Bear Pokemon list though. Plus, its speedy growth rate is also a winning attribute!

3. Pangoro

Pangoro - Best Bear Pokemon

This Fighting and Dark type Pokemon is the evolved form of the cuddly little Pancham.

Though Pancham’s desire to look intimidating fails because it’s so adorable, the same can’t be said for the fearsome-looking Pangoro!

Also, Pangoro’s stats are a significant jump over its basic form. Its Attack in particular marks it out as being a particularly deadly Pokemon, but it’s backed up by above average HP too, so it can definitely take some beating.

It’s a shame the rest of its stats aren’t so impressive. It’s Speed lets it down the most, as is the case with a good few Bears on this list.

Still, that high Attack and excellent HP are enough to put it in the top three of the best Bear Pokemon!

2. Ursaring


Second generation Pokemon Ursaring is an evolved Teddiursa, which transforms when reaching level 30. Incidentally, you can see where Ursaring originated from on our list of the best Game Boy Color Pokemon games too.

What it lacks in Speed, it makes up for with great HP, high Attack and consistent stats for Defense, Sp. Atk and Sp. Def.

It evolves into Ursaluna using a process best described as convoluted. Players use a Peat Block under a full moon while playing Pokemon Legends: Arceus.

Still, in our opinion, Ursaring is a much more consistent Pokemon when it comes to its stats.

That’s what puts it firmly in the top two choices for best Bear Pokemon!

1. Urshifu

Urshifu - Best Bear Pokemon

Urshifu (which can be found in Pokemon Sword and Pokemon Shield) doesn’t look that much like a bear in all honesty. But it does evolve from Kubfu, which is undoubtedly a feisty little cub (it’s right there in Kubfu’s name too!).

As you can also see from the image above, Urshifu has two forms: Single Strike Style and Rapid Strike Style.

Which one it evolves into depends on where you evolve it. You see, evolving a Kubfu involves taking on (and beating) one of the Towers of Two Fists.

If you choose the Tower of Darkness and win, you’ll get Single Strike Style Urshifu. Take on and beat the Tower of Water, however,  and you’ll instead be in receipt of the Rapid Strike Style Urshifu.

Single Strike Style Urshifu is a Fighting and Dark type Pokemon, whereas Rapid Strike Style Urshifu is a Fighting and Water type.

Which one you opt for is really down to personal preference on which Pokemon types you’re after. Their stats are identical, but their moves are very different!

Either way, Urshifu is a superb choice of Pokemon; it has great Attack, above average speed, along with high HP and even Defense. Its Sp. Atk and Sp. Def aren’t the best, but with it being so strong in all other areas, that can be forgiven.

All of which is what makes Urshifu, in either form, our choice for the very top of the best Bear Pokemon list!

Jason Brown profile image Jason Brown
Jason - who lives in the UK - has had a lifelong interest in video games, which all started when he discovered Space Invaders in the early 80s. The first game he ever completed was Wonder Boy in Monst