All The Languages Answers In Pokemon Scarlet & Violet

Another day, another set of classes to attend. This time, we’re taking Languages with Mr. Salvatore. 

If you’ve learnt all the Math answers and all the Biology answers in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet, you’ll understand the format of these classes by now. But in case you’re new to the Academy, allow me to explain:

You’ll take part in six classes of the given subject you’re learning. After three classes you’ll take your Midterm paper, and after all six lessons you’ll take your Final Exam. 

I wouldn’t say it’s hard work, but you do need to pay attention during class. Oh great, now I sound like a teacher! 

While I may be towing the Academy line that education is important, what other teachers won’t do is offer you a look at all the correct answers… which is what I’m about to do. You see, not all heroes wear capes. 

Languages Class Answers In Pokemon Scarlet & Violet

Let’s start with the answers to all of your class questions – you don’t get graded on these, but answering correctly will help in the long run. 

Languages Class Question 1:

“All these words have the same meaning! Can you guess what it is?”

  • Answer: Thank you

Languages Class Question 2:

“Can anyone tell me what these words mean?”

  • Answer: Delicious

Languages Class Question 3:

“Does anyone know what these phrases mean?”

  • Answer: I love you

Languages Class Question 4:

“What emotion do you suppose Pikachu was trying to convey just now?”

  • Answer: Anger

Languages Class Question 5:

“What emotion do you suppose Pikachu was trying to convey just now?”

  • Answer: Sadness

Languages Class Question 6:

“What emotion do you suppose Pikachu was trying to convey just now?”

  • Answer: Happiness

Honestly, the biggest bonus of these classes is getting to see Pikachu. Not sure if that’s what Mr. Salvatore was going for, but hey, we’re all paying attention because of it!

Midterm Languages Exam Questions & Answers

Midterm Exam Question 1:

“Gracias, arigato, merci, and xiexie all share the same meaning. What is it?”

  • Answer A: Thank you

Midterm Exam Question 2:

“Which of the following means ‘Delicious’?”

  • Answer B: Delicieux

Midterm Exam Question 3:

“Which of these phrases doesn’t belong?”

  • Answer D: Time to eat

Midterm Exam Question 4:

“When speaking with a person, what is the first step to smooth communication?”

  • Answer A: Compliment them

Midterm Exam Question 5:

“What is your beloved teacher’s name?”

  • Answer C: Salvatore

You need to get at least three questions correct to pass your Midterm. If you achieve this, you’ll be rewarded with 5 Exp. Candies S (the same as always). 

Final Languages Exam Question & Answers

Final Exam Question 1:

“Which of the following means ‘Delicious’?”

  • Answer B: Delicieux

Final Exam Question 2:

“What do these two foreign phrases mean? ‘Je t’aime! Ich liebe dich!’ ?”

  • Answer B: I love you

Final Exam Question 3:

“Based on what you just heard, what emotion do you think Pikachu was expressing?”

  • Answer B: Anger

Final Exam Question 4:

“Based on what you just heard, what emotion do you think Pikachu was expressing?”

  • Answer A: Happiness

Final Exam Question 5:

“What is your beloved teacher’s name?”

  • Answer D: Salvatore

If you manage to get four or more questions correct, you’ll receive 5 Exp. Candies M. 

Let’s be honest, Mr. Salvatore’s classes and exams are incredibly easy to pass. In fact, I’d go so far as saying they’re the easiest out of all the subjects. 

Despite this, I still enjoyed passing my exams, if for nothing other than to say I’m a smarty pants. I know, I’m such a teacher’s pet.

I’m now going to sit back, relax, and check to see if any new Pokemon Scarlet & Violet mystery gift codes have gone live. What about you?

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