If you’re looking to find the perfect fighter in Soul Calibur 6 and to discover which battle style works best for you, then check out this list of all Soul Calibur 6 characters and get to know the competitors!
There are 29 faces to discover in this game, some of which you’ll have played with before in the past and a few faces and not necessarily in the Soul Calibur canon!
The thing I love the most about these games is that all of the characters have such a deep backstory. From a possessed pirate with otherworldly powers to fighters blessed by the gods and others based on divine presences, there’s a whole heap of back lore to immerse yourself in.
And every character brings a different weapon and moveset to the party too. You’ll discover my favourite characters throughout this list, and it’ll be pretty obvious that I like fighting from the other side of the screen and staying in the safe zone out of my opponents reach!
But enough about me; it’s time for you to find your perfect fighter and to discover all the Soul Calilbur 6 characters available to fight with!
Table of Contents
1. Amy

- Difficulty – Intermediate
- Type – Speed
- Availability – DLC/Season Pass
Fans of Raphael will enjoy Amy’s rapier swishing through the air as she dashes into combat, looking for the smallest opening win which to strike.
Amy utilises speed and is best at getting up close and personal with attackers, making short work of them with moves that essentially leave the enemy helpless to counter.
2. Astaroth

- Difficulty – Intermediate
- Type – Power
- Availability – Base Character
It won’t be a surprise to anyone to know that Astaroth is a power type character, even if you’ve never played Soul Calibur before. I mean, just look at the size of him!
The character design for the gigantic fighters like Astaroth and Nightmare is second to none, and Astaroth’s massive axe isn’t a weapon I’d like to be going up against.
One huge swing and your health bar is going to be looking a lot less full!
Astaroth isn’t quick, but he can cover large stretches of ground using revenge attacks, and his axe is useful for pulling opponents closer for throws.
3. Azwel

- Difficulty – Intermediate
- Type – Technique
- Availability – Base Character
Azwell serves as one of the main villains in SoulCalibur 6, and one of the best things about him is that he can conjure up weapons out of thin air.
Using a special item referred to as the Palindrome, he can make an axe, a shield, or a spear appear in the palms of his hands. That makes it a perfect choice for players that like to keep their attacks varied and keep the other player guessing.
The one drawback is that you have to think on your feet a little more with Azwell; there’s no hitting from afar and hoping for the best like with Kilik!
4. Cassandra

- Difficulty – Beginner
- Type – Power
- Availability – DLC 6/Season Pass
I can remember Cassandra from Soul Calibur II on the GameCube, and she takes no prisoners. Using both her sword and shield to attack (including taking a leaf out of captain America’s book and throwing the shield at enemies), she causes maximum chaos on the battlefield.
Cassandra can even power up her sword for a short amount of time too, and although she’s classed as a power type, she’s pretty nimble too!
5. Cervantes

- Difficulty – Beginner
- Type – Power
- Availability – Base Character
Cervantes has had it rough. A pirate corrupted by the Soul Edge, killed, brought back to life by Nightmare, before returning to his tirade of killing and consuming souls.
So he’s a bit of an evil dude, but this supernatural fighter brings the Soul Edge to the battle and has two swords as opposed to a sword and shield.
Wield a longsword, a short sword, and even a gun as you use attacks of daring strength and kicks that will knock your opponents into next week.
6. Geralt Of Rivia

- Difficulty – Beginner
- Type – Standard
- Availability – Base Character
I can still remember playing as Link back in Soul Calibur II (which you can check in our list of the best fighting games) and thinking that it couldn’t get any better than that. Then Darth Vader arrived two games later, and now Geralt of Rivia is joining the party!
Like Cervantes, Geralt brings two swords to the party, though this time they’re both longswords, And keeping true to Geralt’s attack style in The Witcher series, he has a Silver Sword too.
The Silver Sword becomes more powerful every time one of your enemies uses a soul charge, and as you can see from the picture above, Geralt can pull some Magic out of the bag in order to turn the tide of a battle.
7. Grøh

- Difficulty – Beginner
- Type – Standard
- Availability – Base Character
From characters with two swords to a character with a double-edged one, Grøh is up next in our All Soul Calibur 6 characters list.
And even though the weapon is double-edged, you can split it into two to change things up and use a new stance when your opponent gets used to how you’re fighting.
Grøh is a bit of an enigma – he looks as though he should be evil but protects players throughout the cinematic scenes of the story.
8. Haohmaru

- Difficulty – Beginner
- Type – Power
- Availability – DLC9 / Season Pass 2
Twinned with a powerful swiping blow to slice opponents clean down the middle when they have an opening and the superb Rage Explosion ability, Haohmaru knows no fear.
In fact, Haohmaru might well be known to fans of Samurai Shodown (which really should be each and everyone of you). And believe me when I say that this guy has some serious power behind him!
9. Hilde

- Difficulty – Intermediate
- Type – Technique
- Availability – DLC 7/Season Pass 2
Hilde is up next in our all Soul Calibur 6 characters list!
The sword and spear combo of Hilde could be the one that works best for you if you like to tease your opponents with both long and short range attacks. When used right, you can create havoc from pretty much anywhere on the battlefield.
Regalia techniques are Hilde’s secret weapon, supercharged hits that will unleash special attacks and hopefully tip the bout in your favour!
10. Hwang

- Difficulty – Advanced
- Type – Unknown
- Availability – DLC 13/Season Pass 2
Hwang doesn’t have as much readily-obtainable information about him for fans like us to delve into, but what we do know is that he’s quite a complicated character to get to grips with
For starters, Hwang’s health bar comes into play in a huge way in this game. If you stretch his life force too far by pulling off bigger moves and don’t let him recuperate, then you’ll start the next round with less health in the bank.
This makes Hwang a character that you really need to think about while playing with, not one that you can just log on and have a bit of mindless button-mashing with!
11. Inferno

- Difficulty – Intermediate
- Type – Power
- Availability – Base Character (Must Be Unlocked)
Inferno looks like raw power, and that’s essentially because it is.
It’s the incarnate form of the Soul Edge, meaning it’s 100% evil and not to be trifled with. It moves faster than the speed of sound, has revenge abilities to pull out like Astaroth, and pulls out the two-handed Soul Edge sword… which is essentially himself.
12. Ivy

- Difficulty – Intermediate
- Type – Technique
- Availability – Base Character
Ivy’s whip-like snake sword is perfect for using at long range, with certain attacks that only work at specific distances. Ivy essentially likes to attack from the other side of the screen rather than get caught up in the nitty gritty of battle, and who could blame her.
Ivy is a Soul Calibur stalwart that, if used correctly, can leave your opponent spluttering with confusion after you, quite literally ‘whip out’ devastating blows.
13. Kilik

- Difficulty – Beginner
- Type – Standard
- Availability – Base Character
Kilik is the perfect character to use when you want to just avoid direct attacks and keep your opponents at bay. Honestly, I have enraged so many friends by just by button mashing a long-range attack with this guy.
Kilik’s origins (in his design at least) come from the Monkey King, and that Bo Staff is a formidable weapon that, as I’ve proven time and time again, is hard to get a move in against once it starts swinging and stabbing!
14. Maxi

Like Kilik, Maxi has some slick moves he can use with his nunchuks. You can just pull out move after move in incredible string combos, jumping and dodging attacks to get your opponents health down in minutes.
Change stances in SC6 too to keep your enemies on their toes… toes that you will break with your mighty nunchucks as you rain down pain!
15. Mitsurugi

- Difficulty – Beginner
- Type – Standard
- Availability – Base Character
Haohmaru isn’t the only Samurai in this game; Mitsurugi also takes to the field with his Katana in hand.
One of the best bits about Mitsurugi is that he has multiple different defensive stances that can be employed while fighting, which also confuses your mates when you’re playing against them. Plus they have cool names like Relic and Mist!
16. Nightmare

- Difficulty – Intermediate
- Type – Power
- Availability – Base Character
Just look how amazing Nightmare is. He was always my go-to character when things got tough on Soul Calibur 2, and nothing has really changed since! That sword is ginormous, but Nightmare swings it as though it was Amy’s rapier!
The sword in question possesses hosts in order to create the character Nightmare. At first, the sword possessed Siegfried in the first two games, but then Nightmare went on to become its own entity and possessed multiple people, acting as Soul Edge incarnate and one of Inferno’s vessels.
17. Raphael

- Difficulty – Intermediate
- Type – Speed
- Availability – Base Character
If the Three Musketeers were ever looking for a new member, then the next fighter in our all Soul Calibur 6 characters list would be right up there as a strong contender.
Raphael is a duelist of the highest calibre (not calibur, this time). If you leave yourself open for a second, then he’ll jump in super fast and pull off more moves in the blink of an eye than you could possibly comprehend!
He’s basically Zorro!
18. Seong Mi-na

- Difficulty – Intermediate
- Type – Power
- Availability – Base Character
If you’re a fan of Kilik’s Bo Staff, then Seong Mi-Na’s guandao staff will definitely work for you. She can swing and attack from far away, leaving it hard for opponents to get anywhere near her.
You can attack from up close, but honestly, learn all the long-distance moves to gradually take down your enemies health (infuriating them at the same time if they’re human players) and play a safer game where you don’t put yourself in as much risk.
19. Setsuka

- Difficulty – Advanced
- Type – Speed
- Availability – DLC 11/Season Pass 2
Now, here’s a cool fighter in our list of all Soul Calibur 6 characters to get to to grips with, especially if you’re a fan of assassin games. Setsuka deals blows that are so fast you won’t see them until it’s too late. Counter hits and powerful attacks make short work of enemies, and the fluid movements of the assassin are a force to be reckoned with!
20. Siegfried

- Difficulty – Beginner
- Type – Power
- Availability – Base Character
If Siegfried looks familiar, then that’s because he is the human form of Nightmare from the first two games. He’s still swinging his huge double-handed sword and can use multiple stances to mix things up mid battle.
Siegfried isn’t evil in the slightest, though his moves are still as gnarly as Nightmares. Huge hits, maximum damage, and breaking through defences is the name of the game here!
21. Sophitia

- Difficulty – Beginner
- Type – Standard
- Availability – Base Character
Sophitia fights with both a sword and shield, so players who are used to playing games like Tears of the Kingdom who block and parry will feel right at home here.
Use Angel Step to cover distances quickly (yeah, she’s been blessed by the gods), and both repel and strike with ease using nimble moves twinned with a brutal sword!
22. Taki

- Difficulty – Intermediate
- Type – Speed
- Availability – Base Character
It’s time for another Ninja to enter our all Soul Calibur characters list. Taki’s speed is astounding, and you’ll be amazed by the number of hits you can get in before your opponent has even figured out what buttons to press to try and escape.
Taki wields two short swords, swerving and ducking as she dispatches her enemies. Her backstory says that she was an outcast in her own Ninja clan because she took things too far, so you know she’s not afraid to cause havoc and get blood on her hands.
23. Talim

- Difficulty – Intermediate
- Type – Speed
- Availability – Base Character
Unlike characters like Ivy and Kilik, Talim needs to get up close and personal to get her hits. She’s super fast and can easily destroy enemies that leave their guard down for a second, but against characters like Nightmare and Astaroth, it leaves you open for an absolute beatdown.
Talim is the Last Priestess of the Winds, meaning that she can take a leaf out of Link’s book in the Wind Waker and summon wind to aid her. Her Tonfa fighting style is most like Maxi’s, and she’s a normal, jolly character that isn’t too dark or deep!
24. Tira

- Difficulty – Advanced
- Type – Technique
- Availability DLC/Season Pass
If you’re looking this list of all Soul Calibur 6 characters and trying to find the advanced fighters that take a little more concentration to use, then give the mysterious Tira a try. Switch between personalities rather than stances, flicking from Jolly to Gloomy with two very different ways to play.
Tira is a little like Loki, a practical joker that revels in chaos. She enjoys seeing other people suffering, and she fights with a bladed hoop which is very hard to get to grips with.
If you can master Tira, then any of the other characters will be a breeze to use.
25. Voldo

- Difficulty – Advanced
- Type – Technique
- Availability – Base Character
Voldo is another advanced fighter, and he’s definitely got a mind of his own when trying to control him. It’s hard to pinpoint what he’s going to do at any given time because he’s just so weird!
This character is a contortionist, to expect moves to come from any angle and even when Voldo is looking the other way. His Wolverine-style blades are incredibly dangerous, and the rest of his bondage gear will probably hurt if you get on the wrong side of it too!
26. Xianghua

- Difficulty – Beginner
- Type – Speed
- Availability – Base Character
Like Amy and Raphael, Xianghua moves super fast, almost with a fluid motion like water. She uses an unpredictable stance (though nowhere near as confusing as Voldo’s) and has a pretty cool backstory that makes her yet another Soul Calibur stalwart.
Xiaghua wielded the Soul Edge in the original SC tale, but she used it to help people by saving the world, not devouring souls like Cervantes.
So, if you like fighting with the good guys, then she’s definitely up there with the best of them!
27. YoRHa No. 2 Type B

- Difficulty – Intermediate
- Type – Standard
- Availability – DLC2: 2B/Season Pass
I think out of al the fighters on this list, YoRHa No. 2 Type B is the one whose name doesn’t really roll off the tongue that easily.
One of the coolest things about this character, however, is that she has a pod that can chime in and attack from afar when needed, meaning you can do both long and short-range attacks and create a battle plan that leaves no room for your opponent to strike back!
28. Yoshimitsu

- Difficulty – Advanced
- Type – Technique
- Availability – Base Character
Yoshimitsu is definitely up there with Voldo on the overall weirdness scale. If you’re a fan of the Tekken series, then you’ll no doubt remember him from those days, and he’s definitely got a lot weirder and more demonic as the years have passed.
And yes, Yoshimitsu will commit seppuku to stab an opponent and himself at the same time – he’s crazy!
27. Zasalamel

- Difficulty – Beginner
- Type – Offense
- Availability – Base Character
Feeling a little like a cross between Thanos and the Grim Reaper, Zasalamel takes the 29th and final spot in our list of all Soul Calibur 6 characters!
With magic, curses, and that ginormous scythe to use through matches, Zasalamel is an offensive behemoth that can definitely match Astaroth’s aggression. He’s easy to use and one for the button mashers amongst you, making him a firm fan favourite despite him being a relatively new face to the series.