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All Pink Pokemon [The Complete List]

All Pink Pokemon [The Complete List]

Pokemon come in all sorts of colours, shapes, and sizes. If you’re anything like me, the way your ‘mon look impact your team decisions – I don’t care if it’s shallow, I want an attractive looking party! If that rings true for you, it’s time to cover all pink Pokemon [full list].

Turns out there’s a lot of pink Pokemon – 66 in total – meaning this is going to be a long guide. But considering some of the most formidable ‘mon are pink (I’m looking at you, Miltank), you’ll definitely want to take a look at every entry.

It’s also worth noting that some Pokemon on this list are more pink than others; for the sake of clarity, I’ve only included ‘mon with visible pink in their design. Some guides include the likes of Dratini in their lists, but as far as I’m concerned it’s blue.

If you want to see Dratini and others in a list, I’d suggest checking out Retro Dodo’s 15 best cute Pokemon of 2023. But I digress – we’ve talked enough, it’s now time to enjoy the wonderful world of pink Pokemon!


This Water Type isn’t just pink, it also has a subtle heart shape to further enhance its cuteness. Alomomola first appeared in Gen V, and is classed as a Caring Pokemon.


First introduced in Gen VI, Aromatisse is a fluffy looking Fairy Type ‘mon. Classified as a Fragrance Pokemon, Aromatisse will emit an unpleasant odour during battle.


If its pink and cream form doesn’t draw you in, its piercing blue eyes will – Audino is ridiculously adorable! We first came across Audino in Gen V, and it’s labelled as a Hearing Pokemon.


Gen VII gave us Bewear, a pink and black furred creature that’s a Normal and Fighting Type. Classed as a Strong Arm Pokemon, Bewear packs a punch!


Arguably one of the classics, Blissey is a Gen II Happiness Pokemon. A Normal Type, its plump, round body and cheerful face hides some potent moves.


Looking like a creature from Yellow Submarine, Bruxish is a Gen VII Gnash Teeth Pokemon. A Water/Psychic Type, it’ll use its strong teeth to chew up even the toughest foes.


A Gen I Pokemon, Chansey is an OG. Known as an Egg Pokemon, Chansey is a Normal Type that has a high HP despite its limited Attack and Defence Stats.


This Grass Type has such a sweet smile, with a body shaped like a cherry. Is it any wonder, then, that this Gen IV ‘mon is described as a Cherry Pokemon?

Cherrim (Sunshine Form)

The evolution of Cherubi, Cherrim has two forms: Overcast and Sunshine, that change depending on the weather. It’s the Sunshine Form of this Gen IV ‘mon that is delicately pink (and yellow).


We first met Clefable in Gen I, when it was introduced as Normal Type. But when Gen VI came around, Clefable became a Fairy Type instead.


Clefairy is the evolution that comes before Clefable, and is also a Fairy Type Pokemon. Apart from Pokemon Diamond and Pearl, these Fairy Pokemon are classed as rare.


The prevolution of Clefairy, Cleffa is a small, round Fairy Type classified as a Star Shape Pokemon. Like its evolutions, it was once Normal Type back in its Gen II days.


Corsola is another Gen II ‘mon, similar in shape to coral we find in the sea. Consequently, it’s a Water/Rock Type, though its Galarian Form is Ghost.

Deerling (Spring Form)

A Normal/Grass Type, Deerling has a form for each season; as such, you’ll find several without a speck of pink on them. To get a pink version of this Gen V Season Pokemon, you need its Spring Form.


A Jewel Pokemon, Diancie is a Fairy/Rock Type, first discovered in Gen VI. Although it has a Mega Evolution, it doesn’t have an evolutionary line like other ‘mon.


Enamorus is a Love-Hate Pokemon, first discovered in Gen VII. A Fairy/Flying Type, it’s also a Legendary Pokemon that’s only ever female.


Another Gen I fave here, this time it’s the Grass and Fairy Type Exeggcute. Described as an Egg Pokemon, they’re known to attack in swarms if disturbed.


Ever since we first met Flaaffy in Gen II, we’ve been a fan – it’s fluffy, pink, and quite a strong Electric Type. Classed as a Wool Pokemon, it can learn devastating moves, like Thunder.


Let’s face it, Flamigo is simply a Flamingo with the ‘n’ missing. Still, it’s a positively pink ‘mon from Gen IX, and is a Flying/Fighting Type.


Fomantis is a Grass Type from Gen VII, and while it has plenty of green bits on its body, it’s undoubtedly a pink Pokemon. Described as a Sickle Grass Pokemon, it has an average set of Stats.


Gorebyss is a Gen III South Sea Pokemon and, as you’d expect given its species, it’s a Water Type. It’s described as a “beautiful” ‘mon, though I’ll leave that up to you…!


Categorised as a Playhouse Pokemon, Happiny is the prevolution of Chansey, first introduced in Gen IV. It’s a Normal Type, considered to be an uncommon/rare find.


This Gen VII Psychic Type is pretty darn cute, with its soothing abilities helping class it as a Calm Pokemon.


The final evolution of Hatenna, this Silent Pokemon is both Psychic and Fairy Type. What is more, it’s a female only Pokemon, meaning you won’t find a male version of it at all.


Hattrem is the second evolution of Hatenna, and is only a Psychic Type like its previous form. It’s labelled as a Serene Pokemon, though is said to be easily irritated.


A Gen II Pokemon, Hoppin is a Grass/Flying Type that has some feline qualities, most notably its ears. It’s a Cottonweed Pokemon, said to be so light it can be blown away.


Most baby ‘mon are adorable, and Igglybuff is no exception. Discovered in Gen II, it’s a Normal/Fairy Type, and is the prevolution of fan favourite Jigglypuff.


Not all pink Pokemon are attractive, as Impidimp proves. Still, this unusual looking Dark/Fairy Type can prove dangerous in battle, and is known as a Wily Pokemon.

Iron Valiant

First seen in Gen IX, Iron Valiant is a Fairy and Fighting Type Paradox Pokemon. Whoa, that was a mouthful! This ‘mon is only available in Pokemon Violet.

Although some of you may say “where’s the pink?”, its weapons and armour shines a bright pink, so let us off, yeah?


Undoubtedly, when fans think of pink Pokemon they think of Jigglypuff. First seen in Gen I, this Normal Type ‘mon eventually became a Normal/Fairy Type in Gen VI, and is classed as a Balloon Pokemon.


The evolution of Lickitung, Lickilicky is a Normal Type ‘mon first found in Gen IV. Labelled as a Licking Pokemon (how fitting), it uses its tongue to injure its foes.


Another Gen I OG, Lickitung is a Normal Type that needs no introduction. Its Stats are fairly average, but it can learn some great moves, like Power Whip and Rollout.


Lurantis is the evolution of Fomantis, and is infinitely more pink! This Bloom Sickle Pokemon is also a Grass Type, and is said to have a pleasant aroma.


Shaped like a love heart, Luvdisc is a Gen III Water Type Pokemon with no evolutionary line. Predominantly female, it’s said to live in shallow, tropical waters.


There’s some debate over whether this is a pink Pokemon, but given the fact that this Emotion Pokemon’s face is pink, I think it counts. A Legendary Gen IV Psychic Type, it’s one of three Sinnoh Lake Guardians.


Everyone loves Mew, not least of all for its pale pink colouring. First seen in Gen I, Mew is a Psychic Type, and way cuter than its Mewtwo counterpart.


Milotic is a Water Type from Gen III, categorised as a Tender Pokemon. Evolved from Feebas, it’s an extremely majestic looking ‘mon that lives in only the deepest waters.


Anyone else remember getting their butt kicked repeatedly in Pokemon Silver & Gold because of Miltank? This Normal Type Gen II ‘mon is not to be trifled with, and is classed as a Milk Cow Pokemon.

Mime Jr.

So much cuter than Mr. Mime, Mime Jr. is a Gen IV Mime Pokemon. It’s a Fairy/Psychic Type that has a 50/50 chance of being male or female.


Morgrem is the evolution of Impidimp, and is just as unattractive. However, while this Dark/Fairy Type might not look great, this Gen VII Devious Pokemon is unique in that it’s a male only ‘mon.

Mr. Mime

Honestly, I find Mr. Mime creepy, but he’s a pink ‘mon nonetheless and thus makes our list. A Gen I Pokemon, Mr. Mime is a Normal/Fairy Type, though its Galarian Form is Ice/Psychic.


This isn’t a most adorable Pokemon list because, if it was, Munna would surely win. First found in Gen V, this pig-like creature is described as a Dream Eater Pokemon, and is a Psychic Type.


Musharna is the evolution of Munna, and while not as sweet looking, it’s still pretty cutesy. Known as a Drowsing Pokemon, it sleeps away during the day, only coming out at night.


Porygon is an angular ‘mon from Gen I and, surprisingly, is Normal Type. Classed as a Virtual Pokemon, Porygon is genderless.

Scream Tail

We have another Paradox Pokemon on the list, this time Pokemon Scarlet’s Scream Tail. A Fairy/Psychic Type, it has a much more sinister appearance than Jigglypuff, but is no less attractive.


Skitty is a Gen III Kitten Pokemon that’s Normal Type. It can be both male and female, though you’re more likely to encounter females.


Who doesn’t love that derpy face? Slowbro is a Water/Psychic Type, with a Galarian Form of Poison/Psychic. We first met them in Gen I, and we’ve loved them ever since.


Just like Slowbro, Slowking is a Water/Psychic Type with a unique Galarian Form. Despite its wide eyed, glazed over appearance, Slowking is said to be extremely intelligent.


The first on its evolutionary line, Slowpoke is a Water/Psychic Type that everyone loves. It’s classed as a Dopey Pokemon, which is fitting given its laid back, lazy approach.


Smoochum is the prevolution of Jynx, and is an Ice/Psychic Type ‘mon. Labelled as a Kiss Pokemon, its lips are always pursed ready to give you a smooch.


This aggressive looking Fairy Pokemon used to be Normal Type when we first met it back in Gen II. Although its Type has changed, its playful demeanour hasn’t.


The previous evolution of Aromatisse, Spritzee is a Perfume Pokemon. This Fairy Type ‘mon was introduced in Gen VI, and can be both male or female.


Stufful may look like a teddy bear, but this Normal/Fighting Type doesn’t like being touched, hence it being categorised as a Flailing Pokemon.


Every Eevee evolution is charming, but this Fairy Type is arguably the most enchanting of them all. Discovered in Gen VI, Sylveon is an Intertwining Pokemon that’s predominately male.

Tapu Lele

A Land Spirit Pokemon that’s part of Gen VII’s Guardian Deities, Tapu Lele, is a Psychic/Fairy Type. Despite its sweet features, it’s said to be “guilelessly cruel”.


Wielding a hammer, Tinkatink is a Gen IX ‘mon that is Fairy/Steel Type. Although it’s small, it’s a mighty Pokemon, classified as a Metalsmith.


Tinkaton is a Hammer Pokemon, and for good reason – just look at the size of that hammer! Only ever female, this ‘mon can use the Gigaton Hammer move to devastating effect.


The final evolution of Tinkatink, Tinkatuff is also a Fairy/Steel Type Hammer Pokemon. They’re said to be “feisty and cruel”, living in packs across Paldea.


We’ve not had many Gen III ‘mon on this list, but Whismur is attempting to change that. A Normal Type Whisper Pokemon, Whismur is one of three evolutions. Although I think it looks more lilac than pink, its Pokedex colour is said to be pink and so I have to admit defeat.


It’s fitting that we should end our list with the Gen I Wigglytuff. This Fairy/Normal Type is the final evolution of Igglybuff, also categorised as a Balloon Pokemon.

We did it – we covered all pink Pokemon [full list]! If you’re looking to devour more Pokemon listicles from us, I suggest you read Jason’s 10 best horse Pokemon of 2023.

Should you want to catch some of these pink ‘mon, you can get started by learning how to get Scream Tail in Pokemon Scarlet. Until we meet again, happy Pokemon searching!

Emma Flint profile image Emma Flint
Emma has loved video games ever since she first saw Alex Kidd platforming across her TV screen. Since then, the 32 year old has dedicated an obscene number of hours to playing as many games as possibl