The school year at the Academy is almost over, but before we head off to enjoy a well deserved break, there’s still a few classes to pass.
In today’s lesson, I’ll tell you all the answers to Home Economics with Mr. Saguaro.
Just because you’ve learnt all the Math answers in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet doesn’t mean you’ll pass Home Ec; you’ll know the curriculum format, but not the correct answers.
For some of you, you might not be bothered about passing your exams, and that’s okay! If you’d rather play hooky in search of new Pokemon, you’ll want to read how to get Slither Wing instead.
But for those of you who are dedicated to passing every exam, please stick around.
Home Economics Class Answers In Pokemon Scarlet & Violet
Before you enter this thinking most of the questions will be about cooking (which is, traditionally, the main focus of Home Ec), Mr. Saguaro focuses on all aspects of household management.
Home Ec Class Question 1:

“Tell me – what must you keep in mind to receive even more helpful Meal Powers?”
- Answer: My choice of fillings and condiments
Home Ec Class Question 2:

“What should you search for when in a perilous situation with no way to heal your Pokemon?”
- Answer: Items on the ground
Home Ec Class Question 3:

“What happens to a Pokemon when it loses all of its PP?”
- Answer: It can’t use moves
Home Ec Class Question 4:

“What should this young man do to increase the effectiveness of his Meal Powers?”
- Answer: He should make food with other people
Home Ec Class Question 5:

“What should you do if a Pokemon is dirty?”
- Answer: Clean it up
Home Ec Class Question 6:

“There is one more thing you all like to decorate, which – I must say – I find quite charming.”
- Answer: Our Rotom Phones?
Some of these Q&As felt useful, others felt like fluff to pad out the Academy experience. But nevermind, at least we all got the answers right.
Onwards to the Midterm Exam!
Midterm Home Ec Exam Questions & Answers
Midterm Exam Question 1:

“Which is not an effect of a picnic meal?”
- Answer C: Increasing Speed
Midterm Exam Question 2:

“Which of the following affects the kind of Meal Powers received from a particular meal?”
- Answer A: Fillings and condiments
Midterm Exam Question 3:

“Which of these Berries can restore a Pokemon’s HP?”
- Answer C: Oran Berry
Midterm Exam Question 4:

“Leandro wanted his Pokemon to decide on its own when to use its item in battle, so he gave it an Oran Berry. This will work as he hopes.
- Answer A: True
Midterm Exam Question 5:

“If a move runs out of PP, it can no longer be used. If a Pokemon runs out of PP for all its moves, it can only sit there in frustration.”
- Answer B: False
I suspect most, if not all, of you will get five out of five on this exam. However, don’t worry if you don’t – you only need three out of five correct answers to pass.
If you pass your Midterm, you’ll be given 5 Exp. Candies S.
Final Home Ec Exam Questions & Answers
Final Exam Question 1:

“Which of the following Meal Powers makes it easier to come across Shiny Pokemon?”
- Answer A: Sparkling Power
Final Exam Question 2:

“Which of the following is NOT an effect of Egg Power?”
- Answer B: It helps hatch strong Pokemon
Final Exam Question 3:

“What is a simple yet important tactic for increasing the effectiveness of Meal Powers?”
- Answer C: Make food with others
Final Exam Question 4:

“What is the correct action to take when your adorable Pokemon becomes dirty?”
- Answer A: Pokemon Wash
Final Exam Question 5:

“This question is about Academy rules. Should you change your uniform tops and bottoms to properly match each season?”
- Answer B: It doesn’t matter
Once the exam is over, head to the reception desk in the Entrance Hall to receive your score; you need four out of five answers to pass. Should you be fortunate enough to ace your Finals, you’ll be given 5 Exp. Candies M.
Home Ec is now over. As sad as that may be, at least you passed! And you can always revisit classes if you want to.
But I reckon it would be more fun to read up on the latest Pokemon Scarlet & Violet mystery gift codes, to help you get some exclusive rewards.