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Marvel & Arcade1Up Unite For New X-Men ’97 Arcade Cabinet

Marvel & Arcade1Up Unite For New X-Men ’97 Arcade Cabinet

Arcade1Up has announced a collaboration with Marvel to release a new arcade cabinet inspired by the upcoming X-Men ’97 TV show.

Officially titled ‘Arcade1Up’s Marvel vs. Capcom 2 X-Men ‘97 Art Edition Deluxe Arcade Machine’, the cabinet arrives next month to coincide with the release of the highly anticipated X-Men ’97 series on Disney+.

Arcade1Up partnered with Disney to reveal the new cabinet today at an exclusive, invite-only influencer event at the EPCOT theme park in Walt Disney World Resort, Florida.

X-Men '97 Arcade Cabinet side panels
image credit: arcade1up

This latest arcade cabinet from Arcade1Up includes side panel artwork featuring the cast of X-Men ’97 including Cyclops, Jubilee, Beast, Gambit, Magneto, Jean Grey, Storm, and everybody’s favourite adamantium claw-wielding badass Wolverine.

Wolverine also adorns the front of the cabinet below the 3D faux molded coin doors, with an X-Men ’97 logo gracing the front of the light-up marquee.

That marquee is home to two speakers to provide dynamic sounds from above the integrated 17″ BOE colour monitor.


X-Men '97 Arcade Cabinet games
image credit: arcade1up

Arcade1Up’s Marvel vs. Capcom 2 X-Men ‘97 Art Edition Deluxe Arcade Machine packs eight Capcom-developed X-Men titles into one formidable cabinet.

The eight games included with the new cabinet are:

  • Marvel vs Capcom 2
  • Marvel vs Capcom 1
  • Marvel Super Heroes vs Street Fighter X
  • X-Men vs Street Fighter
  • Marvel Super Heroes X
  • X-Men Children of the ATOM X
  • X-Men Mutant Apocalypse
  • Marvel Superheroes in War of the Gems

X-Men Mutant Apocalypse and Marvel Vs Capcom 2 both featured highly on our list of the best X-Men games of all time and the rest of the pre-installed games should cater to fans of the mutant superheroes and Capcom brawlers too.

Take It Online, Bub!

X-Men '97 Arcade Cabinet illuminated marquee
image credit: arcade1up

Perhaps the most intriguing aspect of the new X-Men ’97 arcade cabinet is the online multiplayer features.

Players will be able to team up, or indeed, go head-to-head, with other mutant brawlers from around the globe and even compete for high scores in new online leaderboards.

All of this online functionality is made easier with the inclusion of built-in Wi-Fi inside the Arcade1Up’s Marvel vs. Capcom 2 X-Men ‘97 Art Edition Deluxe Arcade Machine.

While previous devices from Arcade1Up such as the 4-in-1 Time Crisis cabinet and the Atari 50 machine have featured online leaderboards, the online multiplayer component sets the X-Men ’97 unit apart.

X-Men ’97 Arcade1Up Cabinet Specifications

X-Men '97 Arcade Cabinet dimensions
image credit: arcade1up
  • Dimensions: 19.6″ W x 23.5″ D x 61.5″ H.
  • Weight: 67.94lbs.
  • Supplied AC Adaptor.
  • Adjustable Volume.
  • Anti Tip Over Strap.
  • Side Panel Plug Covers for screw holes.
  • Deck protector.
  • 17″ BOE Colour Monitor.
  • Side panel displays featuring X-Men ’97 artwork.
  • Light up marquee.
  • 2-player control deck.
  • 3D faux coin doors.
  • Built-in Wi-fi.
  • 8 installed games.

We’re huge Marvel Vs Capcom fans at Retro Dodo so we can’t wait to get our hands on this new cabinet.

The Arcade1Up’s Marvel vs. Capcom 2 X-Men ‘97 Art Edition Deluxe Arcade Machine will initially be available from Arcade1Up’s website with pre-orders available now.

X-Men ’97 will premiere on Disney+ next month when the first, ten-episode season launches on the 20th March 2024. X-Men ’97 picks up from the end of the original X-Men: The Animated Series, which fittingly, concluded in 1997. A second season of X-Men ’97 is already in development at Disney.

X-Men '97 Arcade Cabinet
image credit: arcade1up
Theo Litston profile image Theo Litston
Theo first fell in love with gaming when he sped through Green Hill Zone in Sonic the Hedgehog back in 1991. Theo has previously written for Digital Foundry and enjoyed producing comedic Let’s Plays o