A crafty Tears Of The Kingdom player has built an incredible recreation of the iconic Metal Slug tank thanks to the power of UItrahand. For the unfamiliar, Ultrahand is a power granted to series protagonist Link in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, allowing the heroic Hylian to forge their own vehicles and contraptions, with the only limits being the player’s imagination and a, mostly grounded, physics system.
It’s been almost a year since Nintendo launched the critically-acclaimed sequel to The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, giving players plenty of time to design, build, and in this case perfect, their Ultrahand creations.
This TotK version of the tank from Metal Slug comes from saiotoko002, who shared their ingenious weapon of war with the world via a post on Twitter. You can see the original post and witness the tanks’ devasting force in the embedded Tweet below.
What makes watching saiotoko002 decimating their enemies with their Metal Slug tank even more enjoyable, is how the creator has replaced the TotK soundtrack with sound effects from the original Metal Slug, and even overlayed the classic ‘Mission Start’ and ‘Mission Complete’ text over the action.
Tanks Of The Kingdom

Saiotoko002′ Tears of the Kingdom war machine appears to mimic the design of the SV-001, the tank better known as ‘Metal Slug’ that first appeared in Konami’s beloved run-and-gun franchise back in 1996. Not only does the Metal Slug look the part, but its arsenal, which includes an auto-cannon and a Zonai beam emitter, will certainly strike fear into any nearby bokoblins standing in Link’s way.
Ultrahand creations like this Metal Slug tank make my own Tears of the Kingdom constructs appear even more embarrassing by comparison. I’ll leave the construction of fully working, battle-ready tanks to the experts and concentrate on reuniting pairs of stray Koroks instead.