Like you, we love a custom GBA. It’s probably our main weakness, the one thing that makes us want to part with our cash on a daily basis. We’re suckers for custom shells and mods that make life a heck of a lot easier (no more worm lights, am I right?). Well, my daily search for things I don’t own but would like to has brought me to a Gundam-inspired GBA SP that, let’s face it, should probably be in a museum.
Just take a look at this shell; inspired by the Mobile Suit Gundam Wing series and epic collection of games, it’s a fully modded Game Boy Advance SP that looks like it has certainly been in a war between the Space Colonies, which is pretty fitting considering I used to play Space Invaders on my original Game Boy so much as a kid! Shared by Outside_Metal_8694 on Reddit, it’s a beautiful piece of modding that all fans of the Anime will be chomping at the bit to get hold of!

Designed using the colour scheme of RX-78, it really does look like it was purpose-made from pieces of the Gundam found after a long battle. Even the removable ports to expose the wires on the side add to the robotic feel of this epic handheld. I love the attention to detail in the branding on the back and bottom, the colour combination used in the power switch, the red pads to keep the console from touching your table – it all feels super premium, and those shoulder buttons look like they could withstand some serious mashing!

The brilliance continues when you get to the actual play buttons and screen too, with the D-pad, A, and B buttons coloured the same way as RX-78’s chest, and the grills and buttons in the style of his hands and joints. I love the idea of wires appearing to run through the main body and down the edge as though this handheld was some sort of ‘Gundam in training’.
Sadly, there’s no information as to where this modded handheld is available and if it’s only a one-off. It truly is phenomenal and certainly a lot more impressive than the official all-red Gundam Limited Edition SP available on eBay which looks very bland in comparison. If only Nintendo had been this bold with their version, I might be playing SD Gundam Force on it right now!