Thank you so much.

What you just did will help us build the brand that we have always dreamed of building, and for that we cannot thank you enough.

The gaming industry is not easy place for an independent publication to survive. Algorithms force content to be crafted a certain way to reach a new audience, Google’s monopoly is becoming a pay-to-win search engine and advertising rates in the gaming media atmosphere is renowned for being incredibly low.

Your pledge will help is stay on track to create the content we want to create, specifically for our audience. It will also help us support gaming journalists that we work with, we can also but time into building our own products for you, alongside building events for you to attend and more importantly it allows to cover topics in our niche to will help put the light on other awesome businesses in the space.

Thank you.

– Brandon Saltalamacchia, Founder of Retro Dodo

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