Rugrats Adventures In Gameland Dropping On Consoles This August

It’s not often that games are written from the ground up with first the NES in mind and then in HD for modern consoles, but that’s exactly what’s happened with Rugrats Adventures in Gameland. Everyone’s favourite babies are back with two modes for both 8-bit play and glorious HD graphics. And while the difference is […]
Rugrats: Adventures In Gameland NES Cartridge Available Soon From Limited Run Games

Retro gaming fans around the world have felt a buzz of nostalgia floating through the air, and that usually means one thing and one thing only – a Limited Run Games announcement. For many of the Retro Dodo team, myself included, the Rugrats were a pivotal point of our childhoods, so having Rugrats: Adventures In […]
NEW Rugrats Game Coming to PC, Consoles, and NES

An incredible new retro-themed Rugrats video game has just been announced from TheMixGames and Wallride Games – Rugrats Adventures in Gameland. And what makes this particular announcement exciting, besides the fact that it is a brand new Rugrats video game in 2023… Is that the experience is inspired by many of the classic video games […]