Capcom Confirms More Resident Evil Remakes Are On The Way

Capcom have confirmed that more Resident Evil Remakes will be entering production at a PlayStation partner awards event in Japan. Originally attended and translated by IGN Japan, the PlayStation partner awards gave Resident Evil 4 Remake Director Yasuhiro Anpo an opportunity to discuss the future of the franchise. When asked if Capcom were planning to […]

GameFlavor to Release a Resident Evil Flavored Soft Drink

GameFlavor Resident Evil

Yes, you read that title correctly; GameFlavor and Capcom have teamed up to deliver a new Resident Evil First Aid Drink. This limited edition collector’s set is in celebration of the 25th anniversary of the Resident Evil franchise. Needless to say, we are all wondering the same thing: what does Resident Evil taste like, exactly? […]

12 Best Capcom Games of All Time

best capcom games

Time to practice those hadoukens and even get some monster hunting done – as we check out the best Capcom games of all time! We recently put the call out on Twitter to find out what everyone’s favourite Capcom game was. Unsurprisingly – considering Capcom’s long history of excellent games – there was quite an […]

15 Scariest PS4 Horror Games Ever Made

Dare you turn on your Sony console as we check out the best PS4 horror games? We here at Retro Dodo can’t be held responsible for giving you nightmares – maybe it’s best to keep the light on, just in case… Video games have come a long way in the last few decades; though initially […]