$400k Worth Of Stolen Playdate Handhelds Have Been Found In The Weirdest Place

Images of boxes of playdates dumped on a street

As I sit here writing this article, the rain lashing against my windows, I feel a bit like Sherlock Holmes might have done while trying to piece together the mysteries in his latest case. Unlike Sherlock, however, the mystery of the stolen Playdates is very real and not a figment of Arthur Conan Doyle’s imagination, […]

What Is The Future of Handhelds?

If you have followed the emulation handheld scene for the past few years, then you have probably had some of the same contrasting feelings that I have had: excitement & boredom, satisfaction & disillusion, fear of missing out & buyers remorse. I find myself swaying between feeling happy & content with what I have and […]

DIY PlayDate Camera Is One Of The Coolest Peripherals Yet

Playdate Camera

We recently had the pleasure of talking with a clever modder who has spent the past few months developing a working camera attachment for the Playdate handheld. We originally saw this project on Twitter, and after talking with its creator we knew to expect to see more details at the Tiny Yellow Machine Playdate Community […]

Platforming Classic Celeste Has Been Ported To The Playdate

Celeste Playdate

An independent developer by the name of hteumeuleu has (unofficially) ported the popular platforming game Celeste for the Playdate handheld. Surely you know Celeste as one of the best Pico-8 games and one of the most rare Nintendo Switch games (the physical edition at least). It quickly became a platforming classic since its original Pico-8 […]

Skew Is A New Wild 3D Game For The Playdate

Skew Playdate

Skew is an addictive new endless 3d runner game that you can play on the Playdate using the handcrank. And that is as wild as it sounds. The levels in the game are generated at random in real time. And the objective is to simply survive and get the highest score possible. Sounds simple enough. […]

Ranking The Best Playdate Games Ever Developed

best playdate games

It’s closing in on one year since the Playdate was released, a unique handheld made by a small team of incredibly talented developers and product makers. Since then a wide number of games have been developed from a wide number of gamers, hobbyists and newcomers. While it’s still hard to get hard of a Playdate […]

Playdate Update Includes New Online Store And Price Increase

Playdate Update

Panic, the makers of the Playdate handheld console (yeah, the one with the crank), held an interesting update presentation today. This presentation covered a wide range of Playdate topics, but had a big focus on new games. Which is obviously the most exciting news that any Playdate owner can look forward to. Well, if you […]

Playdate Review – One Of The Most Unique Handhelds… Ever


I never thought the day would come where I would be reviewing a handheld device that features a crank. That’s right, this handheld here is called the Playdate and it’s unique selling point is the fact that you use a crank to play the games installed on the device. As mentioned in my unboxing, it […]